
#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

Tomato tofu are very healthy ingredients, tofu is rich in high-quality protein, low calories, is a very good fat-reducing food, with tomato sour and sweet, be sure to try yo!

By Xiaoxinjia 【Douguo Food Official Certified Master】


1 tomato

Tofu 250 g

1 chives

Cooking oil to taste

Salt to taste

Oyster sauce to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

1. Prepare the corresponding ingredients

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

2, tofu has been cut into small pieces for backup, cut tofu with mofei knife chopsticks cutting board disinfection machine comes with the green cutting board, 3 knives + 3 plates, cutting boards and knives according to raw and cooked fruits and vegetables classification, with color and pattern to distinguish, the most satisfactory is the disinfection function, deep UV + high temperature drying, vegetable board mold breeding bacteria will no longer occur, is a product that can be used with confidence

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

3: Wash and cut the tomatoes into small pieces and set aside

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

4: Cut the chives into sections and set aside

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

5: Heat the oil in a hot pan, put the oil into the tofu cubes, do not stir

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

6, put an appropriate amount of water in the tofu, you can not pass the tofu a little, cover the lid and simmer

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

7, tomato pour on the tofu, be sure not to flip the lid

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

8: Add an appropriate amount of fuel consumption and salt

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

9: Add the chives

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

10: Mix well

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

11. Finished product drawing

#Boost college entrance examination nutritious meal #tomato fried tofu

12. Finished product drawing


Precautions 1. Put in the right amount of water to make the tofu more fluffy 2. Dry the water and put the seasoning and then mix, the tofu is complete and not broken, very delicious ~

<h2>Nutritional benefits of tomatoes</h2>

1. Slowing down the color of stains and delaying aging: lycopene is not only an important natural food colorant in today's industry, but more importantly, it is a strong antioxidant. Supplement lycopene, fight aging, strengthen the immune system, reduce the occurrence of diseases. Lycopene can also reduce the degeneration of the macula of the eye and reduce the pigmentation of the pigmentation. Therefore, tomatoes have the reputation of "longevity fruit".

2. Anti-cancer: Studies have shown that lycopene can effectively prevent prostate cancer, digestive tract cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, bladder cancer, uterine cancer, skin cancer, etc.

3. Can lower lipids and blood pressure: lower blood pressure often occurs in patients with bleeding gums or subcutaneous bleeding, eating tomatoes can help improve symptoms.

4. Prevent the occurrence of blood clots: Patients suffering from coronary heart disease and stroke drink tomato juice in moderation every day is beneficial to the recovery of the disease.

5. Stomach digestion: it helps digestion, moisturizes the intestines and laxative effect, and can prevent constipation.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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