
Food recommendation: Longan sweet roasted white, old vegetable kidney flower, rice pepper yam fresh abalone production method

author:Candlelight rafting
Food recommendation: Longan sweet roasted white, old vegetable kidney flower, rice pepper yam fresh abalone production method

Longan is sweet and white


400 grams of pork fat.


75 grams of washed sand (red bean paste), 200 grams of glutinous rice.


80 grams of brown sugar, 25 grams of rock sugar, 50 grams of white sugar, 65 grams of lard.


1. Boil the pork in boiling water for about 20 minutes, remove it, spread the sugar color of the rock sugar on the pork rind while it is hot, cool and cut into 7 cm long, 2 cm wide and 3 mm thick slices.

2. Put the wok on medium heat, add brown sugar and stir-fry, add washed sand and turned lard, stir-fry over low heat to make sand washing filling.

3. Wrap the pork slices in the washed sand filling, wrap them into a cylindrical shape, and place the skin-side side down in a slightly shallow bowl.

4. After washing the glutinous rice, soak it in water for 30 minutes, wrap it in net gauze, steam it in the basket, put the brown sugar and lard into the glutinous rice and mix well, put it in the bowl where the pork roll was just put in, steam it over high heat to soften, put it upside down in the disc after it comes out of the basket, and pour the juice made of sugar and water on it.


1. When boiling brown sugar, the water should not be too much, otherwise it will not be easy to boil into a viscous shape.

2. Don't fry too dry when stir-frying the sand, it is delicious when there is a certain amount of moisture.

3. You can put a cherry on the surface of the wrapped meat, which is more like longan in shape, and also enhances the flavor of the dish.

4. The production skills of sand washing are: after boiling the red beans, rinsing and peeling them, they can be fried with brown sugar and lard. It is a commonly used filling in the production of various Chinese pastries and Western breads.

Food recommendation: Longan sweet roasted white, old vegetable kidney flower, rice pepper yam fresh abalone production method

Old vegetable kidney flower

Raw material:

300 grams of pork loin, 100 grams of bamboo shoots, 100 grams of garlic, and 30 grams of white onions.


110 grams of waist juice, 12 grams of marinade "Wami sauce, 20 grams of Sprite, 12 grams of Huadiao wine, 0.2 grams of white pepper powder".

Sowaist juice:

260 grams of wakami-siu sauce, 100 grams of steamed fish soy sauce, 32 grams of mellow soup, 8 grams of concentrated brine sauce, 120 grams of chicken essence, 750 grams of northern laba vinegar, 100 grams of white sugar, 4 grams of white pepper powder, 12 grams of Sichuan pepper oil, 3 grams of rattan pepper oil;


20 grams of coriander.


1. The main ingredient is marinated for 3 minutes, the oil is quickly passed at high temperature, the winter bamboo shoots are blanched, and the garlic is fried until fragrant;

2. Stir-fry the fragrant ingredients in the pot, add the waist juice, the main and auxiliary ingredients and stir-fry, then thicken the pocket, sprinkle the coriander and stir-fry slightly.

Food recommendation: Longan sweet roasted white, old vegetable kidney flower, rice pepper yam fresh abalone production method

Rice pepper yam fresh abalone


15 heads of Dalian live abalone, 1 yam, millet pepper, garlic, pepper oil, sugar, spicy fresh sauce, roast sauce, Donggu Yipin fresh, Maggi fresh, oyster sauce, hoisin sauce, cooking wine, chicken rice soy sauce.


1. Kill the abalone, wash it, soak it in boiling water, Maggi fresh soy sauce and cooking wine for 2 minutes, remove it and drain it for later use.

2. Peel the yam and dig it into balls, add boiling water and chicken rice soy sauce to the pot and cook, remove the oil, and fry until the skin is crispy.

3. Put oil in a hot pan, add millet pepper and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in yam and abalone and stir well, add the above seasonings (remove the chicken rice soy sauce), stir-fry evenly, and put it on a plate.

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