
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

author:Yangzhou girl

Spring is coming, and there is one delicacy that cannot be eaten without eating, that is, asparagus. It is said that you must eat seasonal vegetables to eat vegetables, and the asparagus in the spring should be a well-deserved seasonal dish. Today went to the supermarket to buy vegetables, found that the price of asparagus is also a lot cheaper, can not withstand the temptation, quickly bought two bundles back. The tender stem part of asparagus has good nutritional value, is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, and is a very good low-sugar and low-fat healthy vegetable. At the same time, the spring asparagus is particularly crisp and tender, with a unique aroma, so suitable for a variety of cooking methods, the simplest way is to burn in white, of course, you can use fried rice, fried noodles, stir-fried vegetables to eat. Bacon asparagus roll is a method that our family prefers, this method not only retains the fragrance of asparagus, but also mixes the salty aroma of bacon, after the entrance can give you a very special taste, although it takes a little effort, but the taste and appearance of the appearance will definitely not disappoint. Let's try two asparagus bacon rolls – an oven version and a pan frying version.

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste


A packet of bacon (250 g), a bundle of asparagus (400 g), salt, ground black pepper, sun-dried Italian vanilla (PARSLEY), red pepper, mozzarella cheese (MOZZARELLA)

【Operation steps】

1 Buy the asparagus to remove the old roots and wash them;

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

2 Bring water to a boil in a pot, add a small amount of salt and oil, then add the washed asparagus and blanch for half a minute, remove it and immediately put it in cold boiling water;

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

3 Cut each asparagus into three pieces, the too thick part can be cut in two, and each strip of bacon can be divided into two;

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

4 Mozzarella cheese can be cut into thin strips;

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

5 Put a strip of bacon on the board, then put on the asparagus cut into three pieces, put another cheese, roll the bacon from the inside out, roll it as tightly as possible, prevent it from spreading out, and discharge it in the baking dish with the mouth facing down;

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

6 Sprinkle the surface of the bacon with a little red pepper garnish, salt and black pepper to taste and bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 15 minutes.

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

7 After baking, sprinkle the last year's dried Italian vanilla on the bacon roll and you can eat it.

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

Another way to eat it, the rolled bacon asparagus roll is fried directly in the pan without adding a drop of oil, and the caramelized crispy bacon roll is also very delicious.

Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste
Taste of Spring - Bacon asparagus roll, nutritious good taste

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