
#Headline Home Time##Did you eat the right vegetables##Nutritious vegetables#Make the body smoother and healthier. And sweet potato leaves are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can help

author:Working lambs

#Headline Home Time##Are you eating the right vegetables# #Nutritious vegetables#

Make the body smoother and healthier. Moreover, sweet potato leaves are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can help promote digestion and nutrient absorption, and also help remove harmful substances from the body. In addition, the method of steaming preserves the nutrients of sweet potato leaves without destroying the nutrients they contain. This delicious steamed sweet potato leaf dish can be used as a low-calorie dish for dinner, making it perfect for those who want to lose weight. And the price is only 3 yuan per handful, which is very affordable.

The specific steps to steam sweet potato leaves are as follows:

1. Soak fresh sweet potato leaves in water for 30 minutes and wash thoroughly.

2. Peel the garlic, mash it into a puree, add an appropriate amount of water, salt and sesame oil, mix well and set aside.

3. Put the sweet potato leaves into a large pot, add an appropriate amount of flour and corn flour, and thoroughly moisten the flour.

4. Put the powdered sweet potato leaves into the steamer and steam for about 8 minutes.

Sweet potato leaves are rich in beneficial substances such as chlorophyll, which have good detoxification and health care effects. The simple and easy way to steam sweet potato leaves not only tastes delicious but also maximizes nutrient retention, making it a good choice for people who want to lose weight and stay healthy. The price is also very close to the people, only 3 yuan per handful.

#Headline Home Time##Did you eat the right vegetables##Nutritious vegetables#Make the body smoother and healthier. And sweet potato leaves are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can help
#Headline Home Time##Did you eat the right vegetables##Nutritious vegetables#Make the body smoother and healthier. And sweet potato leaves are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can help
#Headline Home Time##Did you eat the right vegetables##Nutritious vegetables#Make the body smoother and healthier. And sweet potato leaves are also rich in dietary fiber and vitamins, which can help

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