
Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

author:Wei Ke, director of traditional Chinese medicine

Sweet potato leaves, also known as sweet potato leaves, it is an "incognito" longevity dish, although inconspicuous, but its medicinal value is extremely rich, can protect the eyes and laxative, stabilize blood pressure, especially suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to eat, can escort the health of middle-aged and elderly people. Below, I will introduce you to its wonderful use.

Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

The first one can replenish the spleen and qi

If the spleen is insufficient, the spleen is easy to produce moisture, and the moisture affects the digestive function of the spleen and stomach, and the appetite will become poor, often bloating, and easy diarrhea; If the temper is insufficient, the body lacks the push of qi, and it is easy to feel tired, lack of strength, and do not like to speak.

The complexion is pale or yellowish, and the tongue is pale and mossy. In this case, we can eat some sweet potato leaves every day to strengthen the spleen and qi.

Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

The second is that it can nourish the liver and eyes

If the liver blood is insufficient and cannot be the leader of the glory, it will have decreased vision, dry eyes, frequent dizziness, and pale face; Liver blood is insufficient, not enough to nourish the muscles and veins, will often numb hands and feet, easy leg and foot cramps, hands and nails white; The tongue is light. In this case, we can eat sweet potato leaves to nourish the liver and eyes.

Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

Third, it can moisturize and laxative

With age, gastrointestinal peristalsis slows down, easy to constipation, sweet potato leaves can promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, accelerate bowel movements, and then play a role in preventing constipation.

The fourth can level the liver and control blood pressure

Liver Yang disturbance, there will be an increase in blood pressure, usually particularly unstable, always irritable; The main eye of the liver, hepatic yang hyperactivity will make the eyes uncomfortable, and the eyes will be swollen and painful.

Hepatic yang hyperactivity will also affect the blood supply to the brain, which will cause dizziness and headache. This kind of sweet potato leaves can be eaten to calm the liver and stabilize blood pressure.

Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

Fifth, it can boost immunity

If the lungs are insufficient and lack of nourishment, immunity will be weakened. Insufficient lung yin, affecting the respiratory effect, will dry cough less phlegm, cough up sputum with blood, dry mouth, sore throat.

Insufficient lung yin will produce hypothermia, and there will be bursts of fever on the body, and fever in the hands and feet; Red tongue and less jin. In this case, sweet potato leaves can be eaten to nourish the lungs and enhance immunity.

Sweet potato leaves are a great elixir! Strengthen the spleen and nourish the liver, but also lower blood pressure, middle-aged and elderly people should eat often

Solemnly declare: the above content is only used for popular science, please seek medical attention in time if you are unwell.

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