
How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

author:Go forward and dream small

Sweet potato leaves have the effect of promoting milk secretion, promoting metabolism, enhancing immunity, beauty and beauty, delaying aging, improving constipation, preventing anemia, preventing cerebrovascular diseases, strengthening vision, removing fire and detoxification, etc., with high nutritional value and popular among people.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

When choosing sweet potato leaves, don't just pick the leaves, it is best to pick the sweet potato vine head with the leaves and stems, so the sweet potato leaves in other people are actually sweet potato heads in my place. Now this is the sweet potato harvest season, yesterday I went to the countryside with my friends to pick a lot of sweet potato leaves, and I couldn't finish eating them for a while and I was afraid of spoiling, so I saved them. Next, I will share with you my saving method.

The first step is to wash the fresh sweet potato leaves, wash them as many times as possible, and add salt if possible, wash them more cleanly.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

In the second step, blanch the cleaned sweet potato leaves in boiling water, taking care that this step is not too long.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

In the third step, drain the blanched sweet potato leaves and let cool.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

Step 4: Put the drained sweet potato leaves in a food bag and wrap them.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

In the fifth step, put the wrapped sweet potato leaves in the refrigerator and freeze them.

How are sweet potato leaves preserved?

The frozen sweet potato leaves can be stored for a long time, and when you want to eat it, take it out and thaw and stir-fry, it is still delicious.


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