
The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

author:Versatile Kitchen

Hello everyone, this is the white side small kitchen workshop, sweet potato scrambled eggs I know many people have not eaten, today I will share with you a sweet potato leaf scrambled eggs, according to this method made of sweet potato leaf scrambled eggs, eat once I want to eat the second time, let's take a look at how I do it.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

First, let's prepare a handful of sweet potato leaves, and then prepare two or three eggs.

This sweet potato leaf was bought last Saturday, so some of the leaves have already appeared blackened, so we pinch off the bad ones inside.

Sweet potato leaves are very nutritious, it is also a vine that grows outside sweet potatoes, many friends like to eat, but the general practice is to directly stir-fry or stir-fry sweet potato leaves, and we add three eggs to it, it is more nutritious and delicious.

But what about this practice, many people do not know yet, or even have not seen.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Picked sweet potato leaves, we put it into the basin, add an appropriate amount of water, then add salt, and then add a spoonful of edible baking soda, if there is no baking soda, we can also add edible soda ash, and then clean the sweet potato leaves one by one.

Sweet potato leaves are very dirty, so we must carefully clean them one by one when cleaning, especially its roots, and the leaves especially breed some eggs and bacteria and soil.

After cleaning the patience one by one, we fished out the sweet potato vine, we can see that the water is very dirty now, after throwing out the dirty water, change a lot of water, and wash the sweet potato leaves several times.

Even if it is not only sweet potato leaves, like other vegetables with leaves in daily life, such as our hollow vegetables, bitter chrysanthemums, lettuce, oil wheat, etc., must be carefully cleaned one by one.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Wash the sweet potato leaves and cut off the old roots with a kitchen knife, although the old roots are nutritious, but the taste is not good, so it is recommended that you cut them off.

Don't cut the sweet potato root, let's cut it a little finer, cut it into small pieces, cut it like you usually cut green onions, but don't chop it too much, a little grainy, so that it tastes more fragrant.

Cut the sweet potato leaves slightly thicker.

Sweet potato leaves are very rich, rich in vitamins and other nutrients, especially in the hot summer, eating more sweet potato leaves is very good for the body, so you can make more sweet potato leaves for your family to eat.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Cut into such finely chopped, we put it on a plate and then put it on a plate for later use.

Then find a beautiful bowl, beat three male eggs into it, and then add a little pepper to remove fishy, there are lemons at home can also be no pepper, dripping two or three drops of lemon juice can also achieve the effect of removing fishy, and eating can also give people a very clear feeling.

Then use chopsticks, use our left hand to break the egg, beat evenly, must be completely beaten evenly, so that the egg will be smoother, fluffy and delicious.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Stir until you can't see the pepper inside, like this.

Then pour the egg liquid into the sweet potato, stir with chopsticks, stir so that the sweet potato and egg are fully mixed together.

Stir into this beautiful look, then set aside first, then prepare some ingredients, a few cloves of garlic with the skin and pat it.

When making today's sweet potato egg, we can prepare a little more garlic, it tastes more fragrant, and eating more garlic in summer is also very good for the body.

Many friends peel garlic when peeling is very annoying, so we even pat the garlic with skin sauce flat, so that it is very easy to peel again.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

But this method is only suitable for when we need minced garlic, for example, if we need garlic slices, then we still need to peel them one by one.

After peeling it all, we chop it into minced garlic, the more chopped the better, so that the aroma of garlic can be fully brought out.

Recently, there are also many new garlic on the market, you can try to buy this new garlic, the new garlic has a stronger garlic aroma, tastes better, and the juice is more abundant, chop into this minced garlic, and then put it in a bowl.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

A piece of peeled ginger, first cut the ginger into this thin thick slice, and then change the knife and cut it into fine strips. Cut a little thinner, a little thinner.

Then chop into minced garlic, as the saying goes, eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, I don't know if you have heard this sentence, so when we cook in summer, try to add a little ginger to each dish, put it on a plate and then prepare three millet peppers, remove the pepper root, and then cut into such pepper rings.

Intraday income. Next, prepare a small black bowl, add a little light soy sauce to the bowl, the amount of light soy sauce does not need to be too much, a spoonful of oyster sauce, a spoonful of salt, a spoonful of MSG, half a bowl of water, stir well, let all the seasonings fully mixed in the water.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

When stirring is almost the same, let's add a small spoonful of cornstarch to it like this, continue to stir constantly, and stir the cornstarch inside fully in the water until there is no dry starch.

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Stir it like this, let's set it aside first.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Next, heat the oil, pour a little more cooking oil into the pot after it is hot, and then lift the pot with one hand to moisten the inner wall of the entire pot, which can prevent the phenomenon of sticking to the pan in the process of stir-frying in the later stage.

Usually when stir-frying, we must remember that this step is very important, when the hot oil in the pot begins to smoke, pour the sweet potato leaf eggs that have just been stirred in, and turn on a big fire at this time.

The egg is fried and set, and then gently pushed with a spoon, do not fry Oh, first let it one side set, we turn the other side, this process to maintain a high fire, the fire can make the fried egg color more golden, more crispy.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

You can also bring out the aroma of sweet potato leaves, until the sweet potato leaves and eggs are fried on both sides until golden brown, and then we use a spatula to beat it up, beat it into small pieces, and fry it like this.

Now put it on a plate without washing the pan.

Then pour an appropriate amount of oil into the pot, heat the oil and pour the ingredients into the fried fragrant, that is, the minced ginger, garlic, and millet pepper we just cut, and stir-fry the ingredients until fragrant.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

The food made later will be more delicious, and then the scrambled eggs and sweet potato leaves will be poured in.

The bowl that had just been seasoned was also poured in.

Stir-fry over high heat to allow the egg sweet potato leaves to fully absorb the juice, and the process of stir-frying is also a process of collecting soup.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Until the soup inside the pan thickens, our egg sweet potato leaves are ready.

Sweet potato leaves and eggs are fried in this way and spicy and delicious, very delicious and cooked.

Especially in the summer, when the appetite is not good, make a plate, a meal to eat three more bowls, the whole family especially likes, each egg and sweet potato leaf is covered with sauce, not only very nutritious, but also very delicious.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Friends who like to eat sweet potato leaves don't just stir-fry anymore, feel like trying today's method.

The method of scrambled eggs with sweet potato leaves and countrymen, nutritious and delicious, the method is super simple, and it takes 3 minutes to learn

Well, we'll stop here for today's sharing, thank you for watching us see you tomorrow, bye.

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