
Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

author:Zhuang Xiaoyu 123
Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

Wong Kar-wai said: When I was young, I always wanted to know what was on the other side of the desert, and when I walked over, I found that there was actually nothing, except the desert or the desert. We always want to know what is on the good side of human nature, and when we watch the Brazilian movie "Central Station", we find that there is nothing but goodness or goodness.

Jia Pingwa's "Ancient Furnace" said: People have three natures, one is nature, the second is disposition, and the third is habits. Nature is pure good and evil, nature is pure evil and no good, habits can be good and evil.

Sometimes goodness is obscured by dust, and we don't wipe it, but we think that there is no goodness, and we are full of malice towards life and the world. At the fork in the road of life, seeing a different scenery on another road, you will find that a new, loving and hopeful life path is in front of you, as long as you are willing to walk past it.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

<h1> One</h1>

The story of "Central Station" is simple and full of emotions.

At Rio de Janeiro's Central Station, Dora, a retired teacher, reads letters and writes letters in the station lobby to make ends meet. The person who pinned her hopes on her was the most hopeless, and she did not mail these letters out, but only tore them up and threw them away or shelved them, reading letters with her friend Irene for fun.

A 9-year-old boy named Joshua and his mother Anna approachEdora to help write a letter to her father, whom they had never met. The first day I felt that the writing was not good, and the next day I ran over to correct the content I wrote. On the street, Anna died in an accident.

Dora intends to sell Joshua, and at the advice of her friend Irene, she risks to rescue the child and decides to accompany him to find a father he has never met before.

The story unfolds slowly, and they begin a journey to re-understand life. From the beginning of two people hostile to each other, no trust, and then in the process of finding a father, building trust, slowly snuggling, warming each other's transformation.

The film is adapted from the novel Broken April by Albanian writer Ismail Cadel. Director Walter is a leading figure in contemporary Brazilian cinema and has been voted "the world's 40 best directors". His works mostly focus on the ordinary people at the bottom, and reality and film are integrated, which makes people touch.

The heroine Dora plays Fairland Montago, a National Treasure actor in Brazil, and she is also known as Brazil's "Sister Mei", such an evaluation, acting skills can be imagined.

From a grain of sand to see a world, in a limited space, deduce unlimited emotions, seamless connection, perfection.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

<h1> Two</h1>

The crowds rolled like waves, and the rumbling of the railway made people feel dizzy. People who came and went, hurriedly paced, their numb expressions like woodcuts. Maybe they're tired of living like this, maybe they've adapted. The unique way of getting on the train from the window whistles in, sending a signal: for the most basic survival.

What a state of being it is, it is difficult to solve the problem of food and clothing, let alone reading and literacy.

Dora has become a "god" being, people have pinned their hopes on her, and she has become a bridge between people to exchange emotions. But what kind of a woman is the real woman? Numb, impersonal.

Why does she have such a state of life?

In the book "The Psychological Motivation of the Original Family To Influence a Person's Life", it is written that a person's early experience will affect or determine a person's life state. Family motivation is the decisive factor in what a person will become.

"Rejection by parents leads to self-rejection, and self-rejection can cause harm, and they may make their lives miserable."

Putting Dora into this character setting, you can see through the movie that she has an indifferent attitude towards human life and death.

What's behind the "bad" behavior? It is the desires and needs of individuals.

In reality, what she saw was: the police drove away the wanderers at the station at night, and the attitude of picking people up was bad; the chaotic living conditions of people grabbing positions; catching thieves at the station, catching up with thieves, not listening to the defense, shooting and killing them directly; reselling children was very easy, and there were many channels.

She remembered: her father abandoned her and her mother, the drunkard-like father who drove the train, beating people, ruthless, disgusting.

Once in a chance encounter with her father on the street, she asked excitedly, "Do you remember me?" "Remember, my great beauty." Apparently the father in front of him did not know his own daughter.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

What kind of pain does this hurt? Only she knew it.

Some people say: Many times, but by chance to make a choice, the choice itself may not be so important, more important is how you go after making a choice.

When she met Joshua, at first she always had a vicious face and said to Joshua over and over again: You are my nemesis, baggage, how can I meet a child like you, I am really unlucky.

And what is her actual action?

Risking his life to save Joshua, who he has sold; let a friend sell his valuable home appliances and take a small amount of money to help Joshua, who has no blood relation, find his father; people who have never married or have children in their lives, open their hearts on the road and express their love to truck drivers; when they drop the only watch of value, give everything they have to help their children.

In her consciousness, she longs for change, longs for her father's love, longs for someone to warm her, and longs for a happy and reunited family life.

In the depths of her soul, "goodness" never really left her, just did not have the courage to face the heart.

On the way, someone once asked her: What is your relationship with this child, and why did you take him to find his father?

She said: I promised this child that I would keep my promise.

Dora, how should she take her life path? Changing the imprint of a young child is no easier or harder than peeling off a layer of skin, and you need to reinvent yourself as a whole new person.

During the journey, she wiped away the dust that had clouded her heart, saw the love in her heart, and completed this road of self-redemption, and Dora had a hard time walking.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

<h1> Three</h1>

Throughout the film, there is a strong sense of religion, people praying for blessings can be seen everywhere, and the decorations in the home are also the images of the Virgin and the Son. The names of Joshua, his brothers, and Papa Jesus are taken from the Bible. Jesus is the Son of God, and God loves the world.

The man known as the "father" never showed his face, but he was the root that Joshua was looking for.

"What have we buried in life? Is it to bury our greed, lust, anger, self-centeredness, pride, prejudice, ignorance, laziness, or to god's will, respect for man, humility, industriousness, understanding, self-control? Are we burying our sins, or are we buried by these lusts and prejudices and cannot extricate ourselves? ”

The Bible says, "No one in your life will be able to stand before you." How I am with Moses, I will be with you as I am, and I will not leave you nor forsake you.

Joshua remembers that Dad was a very capable person, who would make a lot of beautiful furniture, chairs, tables, etc., had admiration for Dad, loved Dad, and longed to see him.

Dora hit Joshua again and again and said, "Your father must be an alcoholic, like my father, useless, and such a father has something to remember, you still have to look for." The implication is: Is this child of yours not lightly ill, and has done his own sins?

Joshua had resentment in his eyes, and his tone was also pinpointed at Mai Mang.

The biggest obstacle between the two men was the difference in their sense of identification with their father. A silent contest between a 9-year-old and a half-hundred-year-old.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

Under God's mercy, can they open their hearts and establish channels of communication?


At the beginning of the film, everyone who asks Dora to write is angry, tearful face, and the content of the writing is full of sadness:

"No matter how you treat me, how you hurt me, beat me and scold me, I still love you."

"I believed in you so much, but you lied to me and took the keys to my apartment, why did you do this?"

"I said you were idle and idle all day, but your son still wanted to see you."

Dora was also indifferent, and after writing a letter, she shouted: Next.

There is no emotion, just a writing machine.

As they went through the journey life together, from the initial fighting spirit to the friendliness, when Dora chased Joshua and fainted in the crowd of prayers, seemingly led by the gods, they began to reconcile.

I am about to reach my destination, and I still lack some money to buy tickets. Joshua told Dora that those who took pictures of the gods still wanted to write blessings and letters, and we could help them.

Everyone came to Dora with a smile on their faces, full of happiness:

"You know what? I am the happiest man in the world."

"My business has been much better lately than before, I'm busy every day and miss you a lot.".

"Honey, I miss you, after that separation, I think of you every day and feel so happy."

The same is the letter, but full of affection.

Back at the hotel in the evening, Joshua wants to throw the letter in the trash, but Dora stops her, and she wants to send it to the happy people.

On a trip, she discovered the meaning of life, and her numb heart began to warm, believing in love and the goodness of human nature. Life is hard, but it's worth it.

Central Station: Exploring the Lows of Morality and Revealing the Path of Self-Awakening and Redemption of the Highest Good of Human Nature 12 3 4

<h1> Four</h1>

At the end of the film, Joshua does not meet his father, but meets two brothers who love him.

Joshua asked Dora, "Will he never come back?" But I wanted to wait for him. ”

"Yes, he'll be back." Dora told him firmly.

In the misty early morning before dawn, Dora put on the dress that Joshua bought for her for 5 yuan and put on lipstick, which Joshua said was beautiful.

She left in the most beautiful form and restarted a period of life.

"Joshua, I'm gone. Your father is indeed as good as you say he is. I remember when my dad used to drive the train, he would let a little girl like me pull the whistle all the way. When you're old enough to get into a big truck, don't forget that I was the first person to get you to hold the wheel. You live with your brothers is the best choice, and I can't give it to you. In fact, I miss my father very much, and I miss everything that used to be. In the bumpy coach, Dora was in tears and finished writing the letter.

Japanese novelist Miura Aster said: What is lost cannot be fully returned, even if everything that is obtained has become a memory in an instant, happiness will be reborn, she will change her appearance and quietly come to the people who are looking for her.

Dora's happiness has come to her, and she wants to find and return to everything that was once beautiful in her memory. Accept the imperfect self in reality, accept the father who has always resented, and find a place where the soul rests, a peaceful life.

Shi Tiesheng wrote in "Me and the Temple of Earth": Man's hometown is not just a specific land, but a vast mood, not limited by space and time; once this mood is aroused, you have returned to your hometown.

No matter where you are in the world, everyone is looking for the quietest voice in their hearts, calling for humanity, and the journey of reconciliation with themselves is a journey full of wisdom.

"Central Station" is worth watching, maybe life is difficult, but you will eventually find that lost self.

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