
Have you ever had the experience of herding cattle in your rural hometown when you were a child# Did you let herd cattle when you were a child? What fun things do you do when you herd cattle? The most exciting thing I remember is digging voles.

author:A little melancholy, a little dullness

Have you ever herded cattle in your rural hometown when you were a child# Did you let herd cattle when you were a child? What fun things do you do when you herd cattle? The most exciting thing I remember is digging voles.

Every year after harvesting the rice, my brother would go to the field with his friends in the village to herd cattle, when I was young, every time my brother herded cattle, he would take me with me, and on the way there he would let me ride on the back of the cattle.

When they went to the field, the brothers fixed the ox rope in one place, and they began to look for the rat hole, but where there were thin grains of rice at the door of the cave, there would definitely be rats. So the rats were smoked out by means of smoke holes.

Clever rats, whose homes have at least two or more holes, so the strategy of the buddies is to burn straw in one of the holes and smoke it, and the others to guard the remaining holes with nets. I'm just picking straw.

The vole meat tasted delicious, and now it seems that I can still recall that delicacy. Every time a vole is caught, it will be directly processed and then roasted in the field to eat, there is no material, it is directly roasted and eaten by firewood, really eating a fragrant.

Of course, in addition to digging voles, there are also peanuts, soybeans, climbing mountains to find wild fruits to eat, and so on.

Although my life was very hard when I was a child, I think about it now. #自律生活养成记 #

Have you ever had the experience of herding cattle in your rural hometown when you were a child# Did you let herd cattle when you were a child? What fun things do you do when you herd cattle? The most exciting thing I remember is digging voles.
Have you ever had the experience of herding cattle in your rural hometown when you were a child# Did you let herd cattle when you were a child? What fun things do you do when you herd cattle? The most exciting thing I remember is digging voles.
Have you ever had the experience of herding cattle in your rural hometown when you were a child# Did you let herd cattle when you were a child? What fun things do you do when you herd cattle? The most exciting thing I remember is digging voles.

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