
1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium

author:Gemini Reproductive Medicine

1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant?

Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of women, and insufficient estrogen in women's bodies will affect the normal metabolism of the endometrium, resulting in menstrual disorders in women.

At the same time, if there is insufficient estrogen in the woman's body, it will reduce ovarian function and insufficient follicle growth, so it will also lead to difficulty in pregnancy.

2. How to supplement estrogen daily?

Dietary aspects:

l Soy products.

Since soybean products contain a substance called soy isoflavones, as a class of secondary metabolites produced during the growth of soybeans, it is biologically active and similar to the biological function and structure of human estrogen.

Foods rich in selenium and zinc.

Mackerel, kelp, sesame, etc. are rich in selenium and zinc, and women with low estrogen can eat some of these foods appropriately.

Foods rich in vitamin D.

Vitamin D and hormones have a certain relationship, moderate consumption of egg yolks, lean meat, cod liver oil and other foods containing vitamin D can play a role in regulating hormone balance.

l Nuts.

Nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can improve anxiety symptoms and relieve physical and mental stress, and the pituitary gland, which controls hormone secretion, is very sensitive to stressful states, so eating some nuts in moderation can also help regulate estrogen secretion.

l Pumpkin.

Pumpkin is rich in vitamin E, which acts on the pituitary gland and ovaries and has the effect of controlling estrogen secretion. At the same time, vitamin E can effectively remove reactive oxygen species from the human body, improve skin problems and prevent high blood pressure.

Aspects of life:

Sleep is guaranteed

People who often stay up late are often prone to imbalance or even insufficient hormone secretion, which in turn leads to other diseases. Go to bed as early as possible so that the body is in the best repair condition. Put some lavender next to your pillow and stay relaxed 1 hour before bedtime.

l Spiritual conditioning

When in a state of tension, ovulation function will be affected to a certain extent. If you can't ovulate normally, you can't produce enough progesterone during the follicle period, and without progesterone, you can't control estrogen within a certain range, and estrogen side effects will occur. Stress can also increase cortisol levels, which can cause the endocrine to be out of balance accordingly. Therefore, we must pay attention to relaxing and relaxing, reducing psychological pressure, and overcoming bad emotions such as anxiety and tension.

Appropriate exercise

Exercise can reduce stress, improve sleep habits, and help regulate the body's hormone production. Studies have confirmed that exercise does regulate and improve estrogen secretion levels. The biggest benefit of exercise is to increase the contractility of the heart, storage function, and blood vessel elasticity. Walking for at least half an hour a day will have unexpected effects.

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1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium
1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium
1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium
1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium
1. Low estrogen can cause women to have difficulty getting pregnant? Yes. Estrogen plays a role in promoting the metabolism of the endometrium of the female uterus, and the lack of estrogen in the female body will affect the endometrium

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