
The entire TCM treatment process of advanced primary liver cancer 12.23 Yao Moumou, male, 67 years old and 1 month ago, low back pain, did not pay attention, 5 days before ct showed diffuse liver cancer, within 1 day

author:Stupid Bird's medical case Dr. Zhu

The entire TCM treatment process of advanced primary liver cancer


Yao Moumou, male, 67 years old

1 month ago there was low back pain, did not pay attention, 5 days ago CT examination suggested diffuse liver cancer, 5 times in 1 day black stool, thin, so referral

Our hospital, long history of heavy drinking;

Tatsumi: dizziness, tiredness, occasional chest tightness, dry mouth, bitter mouth, waist acidity, poor sleep, normal, black stool, thin texture;

Tongue veins: light tongue, thin and white moss, fine pulses, weak re-pressing;

TCM Analysis:

1. The tongue is light, the moss is thin and white, the pulse is weak, combined with the blood in the stool, and the spleen deficiency is considered;

2. Pulse floating, indicating that the blood is not contained, the number of pulses is fine, indicating yin deficiency;

3. Insufficient qi and blood, brain loss, heart loss, so dizziness, tiredness, chest tightness can be seen;

4. Insufficient qi and blood, loss of waist and intestines, and internal invasion of moisture, so waist acid can be seen;

5, the heart is lost, the heart is uneasy, so it can be seen that the sleep is poor;

Treatment: Replenish qi and strengthen the spleen, warm blood intake, cool blood and camp

Prescription: Loess soup plus or minus

The prescription is as follows: skullcap, raw ground yellow, sautéed white, black smooth tablets, ejiao, licorice, white and white, crane grass, astragalus

Dang Ginseng, Angelica, Sand Kernel

According to the language: the patient has clear blood in the stool, the spleen deficiency is clear, and the yin deficiency blood has hypothermia, so the choice of loess soup plus or minus, because there is no heart

Soil, so add white and crane grass convergence to stop bleeding, because the spleen is clear, qi and blood homology, so add astragalus ginseng angelica to replenish qi and blood,

Because the stool is thin, it is added to the spleen to take blood in the warm of sand kernels;


Tatsumi: dry mouth slightly bitter, stool for several days unsolved, waist soreness;

Tongue as shown in the figure, the pulse is floaty and slippery, but the gravitational force is weak;

The prescription is as follows: skullcap, raw ground yellow, sautéed white, black smooth tablets, citrus aurantium, licorice, white and white, hemp seed, astragalus

Poria poria, angelica, psoralen, eucommia

On the basis of the original formula, go to ejiao and add citrus fruits, and at the same time go to crane grass and add hemp seeds, and go to sand kernels to add psoralen and eucommia to supplement liver and kidney strength



Tatsumi: loose stools, bloating, nacha;

Tongue vein: tongue as shown in the figure, pulse floating; successive blood transfusion of 3 units, hemoglobin is currently 62g/L;

Treatment: Healthy spleen and dampness, rational qi and swelling

Prescription: Seven flavors of white art powder combined with Magnolia ginger half summer licorice ginseng soup plus or minus

The prescription is as follows: Magnolia, Ginger, Ginger Banxia, Dang Ginseng, Burning Licorice, Herbs, Woody, Kudzu, Poria, Stir-fried White

Eucommia, Psoralen, Six Divine Comedies, Tangerine Peel

According to the language: According to the tongue image, consider the spleen deficiency and wet connotation, choose Magnolia ginger half summer licorice ginseng soup, its stool is thin, choose the seven flavor white technique

Scatter, Nacha, add the Six Divine Comedies, waist pain, add eucommia combined with psoralen;

His condition improved and he was discharged from the hospital


Tatsumi: Bloating, less stool, poor appetite

Tongue vein: Tongue as shown in the picture, the pulse is untested

The prescriptions are as follows: Wood Fragrant, Sand Kernel, Tangerine Peel, Ginger Banxia, Ginseng, Poria Sativa, Raw White Art, Burning Licorice, Eucommia, Cistanche

Divine Comedy, Cohosh, Chai Hu, Oyster, Malt, White Flower Snake Tongue Grass

According to the language: on the basis of spleen deficiency, bloating occurs, choose the six gentlemen of fragrant sand to add or subtract, add eucommia cistanche to supplement the liver and kidneys, and the Divine Comedy malt is eliminated

Eat stomach, liver cancer basic, add oyster soft and firm loose knots and white flower snake tongue grass detoxification anti-tumor, stool volume is small, add chai hu

Cohosh to lift;


The waist is not painful, the left foot is occasionally painful, and the cow's knee is increased


Go malt with stretch grass


Go to the white flower snake tongue grass to add self-defense


Pain in the lower extremities

The prescription is as follows: Guizhi, White Peony, Ephedra, Raw White, Zhimu, Windproof, Attached Tablets, Licorice Root, Eucommia, Mulberry Parasitism

Beef knee, solitary, angelica, sichuan root, hot astragalus

According to the language: Patients with advanced tumors have lower limb pain, consider bone metastasis, and from the perspective of the main bone of the kidney, add Eucommia Mulberry

Raw beef knee and other drugs to supplement the liver and kidneys and strengthen the bones, and within the inches of righteous qi, evil cannot be dried, and the patient's righteous qi is insufficient on the basis of cold and wet evil

Invasion, so add guizhi peony medicine zhimu soup plus or minus, while angelica blood soup tonic qi and blood deficiency;


Left lower extremity, still painful

The prescription is as follows: Welling Immortal, Papaya, Chicken Blood Vine, Oxboote, Eucommia, Laurel Branch, White Peony, Ephedra, Raw White Technique, Attached Tablets,

Astragalus, Licorice, Solitary, Poria, Big Blood Vine

During the period, it was still painful, and the symptoms improved after the addition of centipedes and whole scorpions


He was admitted to the hospital again for blackening

Tongue as shown in the picture, pulse floating and weak (considering that the blood is not angry)

The prescription is as follows: tangerine peel, ginseng, poria, white art, licorice, angelica, astragalus, peppermint, raw ground yellow,

White peony, skullcap, crane grass, white and corrugated paper

According to the language: starting from the spleen and stomach as the source of qi and blood biochemistry, it is necessary to choose to add and subtract different functions, and the blood does not contain qi, and add angelica tonic blood soup

Consider blood deficiency and internal heat, choose raw yellow and white peony combined with angelica blood nourishment and camp, skullcap combined with mint clear heat out, white and joint immortal

Crane grass astringent hemostasis, corrugated paper to protect the gastric mucosa;

Automatic discharge after 3 days


Tatsumi: Nacha, stool relies on lactulose, sleep is poor at night, and occasionally dry mouth is bitter

The prescription is as follows: licorice, poria, raw white art, tangerine peel, ginger half summer, dang ginseng, hot astragalus, eucommia, mulberry parasitism, ox knee

Crane grass, chicken blood vine, skullcap, turtle shell, chicken inner gold

According to the language: gastrointestinal bleeding history, combined with tongue image, consider spleen deficiency, combined with Nacha, so choose six gentlemen Tong plus astragalus, and liver and kidney

Deficiency, lower limb pain, add eucommia parasitic cowsop chicken blood vine, prevent re-bleeding, add crane grass; because of occasional dry mouth

Bitter, combined with the tongue image, consider the deficiency leading to less yang heating, supplement the deficiency while adding skullcap to avoid heat exacerbation, and liver cancer basis, plus

Turtle nails are combined with chicken gold to eliminate tumors, and chicken gold is used to digest stomach


Folk secret recipe

Money grass, white-flowered snake tongue grass, half-branched lotus, tongcao, rose flower, iron leaf leaf, jujube

WeChat follow-up, after taking several times did not take again


I am weak and unable to take care of myself

The entire TCM treatment process of advanced primary liver cancer 12.23 Yao Moumou, male, 67 years old and 1 month ago, low back pain, did not pay attention, 5 days before ct showed diffuse liver cancer, within 1 day
The entire TCM treatment process of advanced primary liver cancer 12.23 Yao Moumou, male, 67 years old and 1 month ago, low back pain, did not pay attention, 5 days before ct showed diffuse liver cancer, within 1 day
The entire TCM treatment process of advanced primary liver cancer 12.23 Yao Moumou, male, 67 years old and 1 month ago, low back pain, did not pay attention, 5 days before ct showed diffuse liver cancer, within 1 day

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