
9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

author:Haruyama Medical Officer

Spring is the season of revival of all things, and it is the season of vitality.

For male friends, if they consume too much qi and blood at this time, they need to make up for it, which is also a good preparation for summer, autumn and winter.

9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

When it comes to blood tonics, Angelica is a blood tonic medicine that can promote circulation and keep blood flowing. But in nature, angelica is warm and dry, and it is easy to catch fire when used in spring.

Therefore, Chunshan prefers to use chicken blood vine, listening to the name, everyone will find that it is related to blood, and there will be red juice flowing out after cutting it off, so we think that it can replenish blood since ancient times;

9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

In addition, rattan medicine is good at walking, can enter the muscles and bones, through the veins, in its cross-section we will also find a lot of small duct holes, can circulate qi and blood;

Compared with Angelica, the nature of chicken blood vine is mild, and it is rich in juice, more moisturizing, not easy to get angry, and can replenish energy, so in the function of male friends with both qi and blood loss, I often reuse chicken blood vine to help harden.

9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

Speaking of this patient, who is also a fan of mine, he is 42 years old, and he was emaciated and yellowish at first sight.


Yang is not lifted, weak and powerless

Lightheadedness, memory loss

God is tired, sleepless and dreamy

Poor appetite, bloating and loose stools

The tongue is pale and pale, and the veins are thin

9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

Syndrome differentiation: qi and blood deficiency syndrome

Prescription: Chicken blood vine, Astragalus, Atractylodes, Yuanzhi, Jujube Kernel, Epimedium Herb, Psoralen, Panax Ginseng, Muxiang

In this recipe, I reuse the chicken blood vine to replenish blood and invigorate blood, relax muscles and activate the nerves, walk without injury, and replenish without stagnation;

Astragalus membranaceus nourishes blood and nourishes qi and yang, ginseng nourishes qi and blood, nourishes the heart and calms the nerves, atractylodes atractylodes helps ginseng nourish spleen, and wood incense regulates qi and awakens spleen.

9 flavor medicine to strengthen the tendons, reuse the chicken blood vine, go to help the way, nourish the blood and help the biggest

Yuanzhi and sour jujube kernels are used to calm the heart and calm the nerves; finally, epimedium and psoralen are used to replenish the kidney and aphrodisiac, enrich the Yuanyang, and the Yuanyang foot is warmed by the spleen and yang.

After 1 course of treatment, the symptoms improved, the complexion was ruddy, firm and powerful;

2 courses of treatment, already like steel, successful and tough.

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