
In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

author:Farmer's bald uncle

In our rural areas, there is one plant that is often overlooked, and it is the miscanthus. This plant is inconspicuous in our daily lives and is often burned as firewood, however, its value is much more than that. Mangchen, also known as the nemesis of the centipede, is covered in treasures all over her body.

In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

The name may be unfamiliar to many people, but in rural areas, it is a well-known source of firewood and fertilizer. Its leaves are slender and feather-like, and they are evergreen all year round. Despite its modest appearance, it has many unexpected uses.

In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

First of all, miscanthus is a high-quality firewood. In our rural areas, people often cut the mango and dry it to use as fuel. It is high in calories, burns long-lasting and smoke-free, making it ideal for heating and cooking in rural homes in winter. Moreover, it is a sustainable energy source due to its fast growth rate and strong regenerative ability.

In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

However, the value of Mangchen is much more than that. It is also a natural predator of centipedes. In rural areas, centipedes are often a headache. But the appearance of Mangqi has solved this problem. Its smell and fine hairs on its leaves keep centipedes from approaching, so it is known as the nemesis of centipedes. Farmers often plant miscanthus around their houses to prevent centipede invasions.

In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

In addition to this, there are other uses for manglia. It can be used as a fertilizer to provide abundant nutrients to farmland and promote the growth of crops. Its rhizome can be used as medicine, which has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and relieving pain. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is widely used in the treatment of various diseases.

In the countryside, it is often burned as firewood, also known as the centipede nemesis, and the whole body is a treasure, do you know?

However, with the acceleration of urbanization, the number of this plant in rural areas is gradually decreasing. People began to use modern energy and medicines, and the demand for mango also decreased. But we should be aware that as a precious natural resource, mango has an irreplaceable role in our lives.

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