
The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Education is a form of introspection.

On the way to the fulfillment of one's own life, the child and his education are a bridge.

Education is a way of introspection, exhorting your children outward and yourself inward.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

The essence of education is a self-cultivation

The child is a sensitive receiver who is reflecting your voice and information.

A good parent should put the focus of education from educating children to educating themselves.

When you educate yourself well, the child is just a reflection of you, he will naturally become better.

What all things need is not his education, but self-learning and self-education.

The problems you see in your child are projections of your own problems.

For a family, you are the root of the tree and the child is the flower.

If there is a problem with the flower, most of the roots are also problematic.

Parents often "see" the child's problems, in fact, their own problems "blossom" in the child.

The child is your projection screen.

Essentially, there are no problematic children, only problematic parents.

Parent means "mind" and child represents "heart".

When there is a problem with the existence of life, it is the "mind" that is wrong.

Without your perspective, judgment, and opinion, will there be a problem child in your eyes?

Who made a problematic child?

It's you.

It is you who create problem concepts and then project them on the child; it is you who are blinded and see a piece of immaculate jade as an ugly stone.

If you are a fearful parent, you must have a problematic child.

The greater your fear, the more problems you see as a child.

Fear leads to control.

The more frightened you are, the more inclined you are to grasp something and make yourself feel safe.

The master is the mind, and children are usually free hearts, they flow like water and are difficult to control.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Image source: Panorama Vision

This makes you want to grasp, the more you want to control, the more you want to control, the more you can't grasp, the more you can't control, the more you can't control.

The more fears you have, the more you ask for children, and therefore the more problems you see as children.

A child is a problematic child, is that really the case?

Without your fears, without your repression or judgment, would he really be difficult to educate?

Only when you become a completely fearless parent can children grow naturally.

People expect their children to grow up to be wise and capable.

How can he manifest his "greatest" wisdom and ability? That is to let him grow up according to nature.

It is not easy to put a pony to grow freely on the vast grassland.

What a fearless heart the owner of the pony needs!

He would worry about the ponies encountering such dangers on the road, of one kind or another of problems.

You don't dare to give up on your child, you don't have that much courage.

In the free form of a child, we can see how big a parent's fearless heart really is.

In front of a young child, we always play God unconsciously.

We know what is best for him, and we know what path is best for him.

From a long-term perspective of his life, do you really know what children are best?

To control your child with your "knowing," to make him walk the way you have paved, to impose on him what you think is good or right, is to hold him hostage, and you are holding his life free.

Invisibly, how many stupid things have we done to our children in the name of love or kindness to him?

How you treat yourself, you treat others.

You punish the child the way you punish yourself, you rebuke him the way you blame yourself.

When you were a parent with many problems, how could you raise a child who was different from you?

The more you manage, the more he will be you; the more you manage, the more he will become the part you don't want him to be:

Become the image of yourself that you hate in your heart.

Only the less you care about him, the less he will become less and less like you, and more and more develop new parts of your life that you don't have.

Are you sure what path is the best path your child should take in life? Are you God?

If you really are God, do it like God and let the children grow on their own.

Look, tigers, lions, ants, bees, which one is not growing on their own, God does not control their life path.

Demanding, expecting, and being responsible does not mean love.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Image source: Panorama Vision

We measure whether we love or how deeply we love a person, and often look at whether we have requirements and expectations for him, or whether we are responsible enough for him.

The more we demand, the higher we expect, the more responsible we are of a person, the more we love that person, and conversely, we do not love him, or we do not love him deeply.

Is this true?

This is actually a mistake.

Demands, expectations, or so-called responsibilities are just another incarnation of fear, another name.

Because we have fears ourselves, when we demand and expect from another individual, we can make us feel deeper and more connected to each other, and make ourselves feel safe.

Education is to make up for a sense of security, and the more a person emphasizes education, the greater the insecurity behind it.

Education seems to be a kind of control, which is based on illusions of the future and fear.

The more fearful a person is, the more he needs to be educated and educated.

Fearful parents unconsciously regard their children as "hostages" to their sense of self-security.

You have to be good and good, otherwise I'm not safe; you have to be capable, otherwise how can I be at ease...

Lo and behold, parents are turning their children into threats to their inner safety.

When a child is a "hostage" in the family, do you guess that child can receive a really benign education?

The child becomes a wave on the river of fear within the family, and he certainly cannot obtain the core that is really needed in life.

He can feel fear when you're afraid, even if he's small; he can feel it when you're relaxed or confident.

The child is a sensitive receiver who is reflecting your voice and information.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Image source: Panorama Vision

A good parent should put the focus of education from educating children to educating themselves.

When you educate yourself well, the child is just a reflection of the good you, he will naturally become better.

To reflect on yourself and examine your own inner fears is the beginning of education.

Education is, in a sense, a treatment of human fear and stupidity.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

What true love is

We often say that a mother's love for her child is complete, 100 percent, really?

When a person still has fear in his heart, his love for another person cannot be 100% 100%.

What is true love?

It's not that you can give him your life, or that you can satisfy everything he wants.

True love has nothing to do with it, true love is a kind of inaction.

It has no demands, it has no shadow of fear in it, it does not hide any attempt to control.

It is like the sun giving light and heat to all things.

You don't expect him, you don't ask him to be different from who he is, you don't try to reform or correct him.

True love is completely unconditional.

You love him no matter what, you love him no matter what, and your love has nothing to do with him.

This is true love, which is like nature's attitude towards all things, giving you but not demanding of you, not expecting anything.

If this is called the standard of true love, then rethink whether your love is true love or not.

The essence of all relationships is your relationship with yourself.

In contemporary early childhood education, we put a lot of emphasis on parent-child relationship, does it really exist?

In fact, in the whole existence of life, there is no relationship between you and others.

The essence of all relationships is a projection of your relationship with yourself.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Image source: Panorama Vision

So, strictly speaking, just as there are no other relationships, there is no parent-child relationship.

For for a specific you, there is no outer child, only an inner child.

Your attitude toward your inner child is your relationship with your outer child.

If your relationship with your child is messy, how to deal with your relationship with him?

Just deal with your relationship with your beliefs.

Please go deep within yourself and understand what you really think, which is the fundamental point of resolving relationships.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Educating children is introspection

When we dig deeper into life's problems, we will find:

When you're done, the whole world's problem is over.

If I find the world to be problematic, it must be that I still have a problem.

When I cannot accept the world one hundred percent, it means that my mind has not yet achieved its own perfection.

Seeing the world as perfect is only a result of witnessing one's own inner perfection.

If I have anxiety, worry, or demand in the issue of children, it must mean that I still have fear, narrow opinion, self-righteousness, and ignorance in my heart.

The nature of parenting education, this article really explains thoroughly

Image source: Panorama Vision

For one reason or another, as long as I am still in pain, anxiety, or worry, I must not see through the illusion of life, I do not see the truth of existence.

The outer world is the result of the inner world, which gives the outer world good energy.

Education is a way of introspection, exhorting your children outward and yourself inward.

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