
Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!

Spring temperature rises and the flow of people increases, the growth and reproduction of various pathogens accelerates, coupled with the impermanence of the climate, the temperature changes greatly in the morning and evening, and the immunity of children decreases, resulting in a high incidence of infectious diseases in children in the spring. Moms and dads must help their babies take prevention and control measures!

Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!
Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!
Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!
Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!
Watch out! These common diseases in the spring are specially picked by children, and must be prevented as soon as possible!

Draw the point

1. Parents often open windows for ventilation, keep indoor air fresh, and keep the indoor and surrounding environment clean;

2. Do not bring children to places where people are densely packed and the air does not circulate;

3. Help children develop good hygiene habits, wash their hands frequently, change their clothes frequently, and dry their clothes frequently;

4. Help children maintain good living habits, exercise often, and maintain a balanced diet;

5. The weather is changeable in spring, and clothes are added or subtracted for children in a timely manner according to weather changes;

6. Children with fever or other discomforts, please seek medical treatment in time, it is best to wear a mask when going to the hospital, wash your hands after returning home, and avoid cross infection;

7. Parents should lead the children to receive the corresponding vaccines in time.

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