
Tearfully, the 4-year-old boy with encephalitis finally learned to walk again

"Qingqing, take your time, step by step!"

This is the 10th day of Gait training in the Rehabilitation Department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, and Professor Yang Jie, director of the Department of Child Rehabilitation, and therapists cheer for Qingqing together.

Four-year-old Qingqing (pseudonym) has been growing and developing normally since birth, but at the end of February this year, the child vomited for no reason, qingqing's parents saw that the child did not have diarrhea, nor did they have symptoms of fever and cough, so they did not take the child to the hospital for medical treatment. Who knows, the next day Qing Qing suddenly became mentally poor and could not walk independently.

After the local hospital treatment, the child's condition did not improve, under the advice of friends, Qingqing mother immediately took the child to Hunan Women and Children's Hospital for hospitalization, during the hospitalization to improve the brain MRI flat scan + enhancement did not see obvious abnormalities, neck, chest, lumbar spine MRI scan and enhancement did not see obvious abnormalities, blood biochemical and autoimmune encephalitis antibodies negative, diagnosed as "acute cerebellitis, movement disorders, neutropenia." After professional treatment, Qingqing's condition has improved, but after the illness, the child still cannot stand alone, and the parents have just relaxed their mood, because the child's movement disorder problem is tense again.

Tearfully, the 4-year-old boy with encephalitis finally learned to walk again

After the systematic evaluation of Professor Yang Jie, director of the Department of Child Rehabilitation, Qingqing's coarse motor function is reversed, he cannot stand alone, and his balance function is poor; the fine movements of the hands are poor: poor finger coordination, intentional tremor, daily living ability such as eating, drinking and other operational abilities are affected; after cerebellar injury, there is more damage to sensory integration ability.

In view of Qingqing's situation, Director Yang Jie formulated a systematic rehabilitation treatment plan for brain injury in the acute and convalescent period of encephalitis, such as sports therapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, magnetic therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. After treatment, Qingqing's condition has been greatly improved, the child can stand alone, but also can jump and jog on both feet. The fine operation ability such as hand-to-finger pinching was basically restored, no obvious intention tremor was seen, and the daily ability to eat, drink, wear shoes and socks and other daily saving ability levels in daily life ability was significantly improved. The ability to balance and coordinate has improved significantly compared with the previous one.

"After the child fell ill, we checked a lot of children with encephalitis and really worried that Qingqing would never be able to walk again." Qingqing's mother said that in the children's rehabilitation department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, every training stage can see the changes of children, from the initial inability to walk, to now gradually return to normal, all inseparable from the help of doctors and therapists.

Tearfully, the 4-year-old boy with encephalitis finally learned to walk again

"The situation of each child in the child rehabilitation department is different, and we will formulate a targeted rehabilitation treatment plan according to the child's situation." Director Yang Jie said that for the special situation of Qingqing, we carry out hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the acute stage of encephalitis by increasing the blood oxygen content by increasing the partial pressure of oxygen, increasing the SYNTHESIS OF BRAIN CELLS ATP, improving the metabolism of brain tissue energy, improving the immune function of the body's cells, reducing cerebral edema and other mechanisms, which can well block the process of brain injury disease and promote the recovery of brain injury. At the same time, the active early comprehensive rehabilitation intervention in the acute phase can better promote the recovery of brain injury dysfunction and avoid or alleviate the occurrence of encephalitis sequelae.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in infants and young children is a way of treating the disease by placing the child in a closed hyperbaric oxygen chamber by increasing the pressure in the cabin and inhaling high concentrations of oxygen. It can be used for the treatment of neonatal asphyxia (after resuscitation), neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, neonatal pulmonary hyaluronic membrane disease, neonatal intracranial hemorrhage, neonatal hemolytic jaundice, etc. Infantile cerebral palsy, traumatic head injury, viral encephalitis, cerebral edema, drug and other poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning and other diseases

As a physical therapy, hyperbaric oxygen in infants and young children has been written into the "Expert Consensus on Nerve Repair Treatment for Infants and Young Children with Brain Injury", and its treatment value is unique and irreplaceable. By increasing the partial pressure of arterial blood oxygen, increasing tissue oxygen reserves, increasing the rate of blood oxygen diffusion, increasing the effective dispersion distance of oxygen in tissues, etc., the microcirculation of peripheral tissues of ischemic is improved, the aerobic metabolism of brain tissue is improved, cerebral edema is reduced and intracranial pressure is reduced, and the plasticity of damaged brain tissue is enhanced. At present, the Department of Children's Rehabilitation of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital has matured to carry out hyperbaric oxygen treatment for infants and young children, and has safely and standardized the treatment of many infants and young children, and has achieved good results.

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Xia Sheng correspondent Yi Ting

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