
"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

The journey of life is staged, there are uphill roads to catch up, there are also leisurely regretful downhill roads, in different time periods, we will focus on different areas, reading and writing as a child is the most important thing in life, and when you grow up, you will find that it is the most relaxed and pleasant time in your life.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

But there is such a thing in human life, which will never change from beginning to end, that is, at all times there is the most simple pursuit and desire for life. The ancients once said such a simple saying, "Twenty wives, thirty sons, forty fortunes, fifty people, sixty coffins" to break the requirements of life at different stages.

Twenty wives, good marriages

In ancient times, the age at which people got married was very different from that of modern times, when people would get married early, and if they were not married in their twenties, it would not only be a big headache for their parents, but even punished by the government.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in order to make the domestic population prosperous, the Yue King Gou Jian issued an order promulgating: "Women do not marry seventeen, their parents are guilty; men do not marry twenty, their parents are guilty", which shows that at that time, marriage was not only a personal behavior for men and women who were in the midst of youth, but also closely related to the development of the country.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

Such a pursuit of life is also caused by the ancient social environment. At that time, people's living standards were not high, and a little illness and disaster could take people's lives, so people's general life expectancy was not high, only about forty or fifty years old, so this marriage event was naturally put on the agenda relatively early.

Thirty sons, family first

As the saying goes, "no filial piety has three, no queen is greater", Huaxia has attached great importance to the inheritance of heirs and the continuation of incense since ancient times, and at the age of thirty, not only has a family and worked hard for the cause, but more importantly, at this time, there is a son and a half daughter, and a happy family.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

If you say that in your twenties, you still don't change your mind, but at the age of thirty, the ideological realm of life will take a big step forward, and at this time, you can really think about your life and work hard for the better and better.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

In the eyes of ordinary people, the family is happy to be "small" and needs to raise children to prevent aging. Thirty years old is in the prime of life, there is enough energy and ability to raise children, wait until a little older, there will be some inadequacy, so thirty-year-old people no matter how prosperous the career, or will part of the mind to have a child, so that the family business can be more stable.

Forty years of wealth, savings

If the career of life still wants to break through in the final upward force, then forty years old is the best and the final bottom line. When people reach forty, basically the family has been solidified, and the career is easy to be low or not high. After more than twenty years of hard work, there have been gains, but it has not yet reached the point where it is not worrying about eating and wearing, and sitting back and relaxing, so forty-year-olds need to seize the opportunity and work harder.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

"A dollar is not a hero", living in society, no money is impossible, especially for forty-year-olds. They are not only career, family is also "old, down there is a small", double pressure are on the shoulders, so in order to make life more stable, at this time people should be more focused on the career, for the family to accumulate some more savings, in order to reduce worries.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

Historically, the famous Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin also blushed because of "a piece of money". Legend has it that when Zhao Kuangyin was defeated in a battle, his heart was on fire, so he came to the casino and lost a fine light. When he was hungry, he saw that the melon field on the side of the road tasted shallowly, and after being discovered by the old farmer, he saw that he was embarrassed, so he only needed a penny, but he did not even have this money, and finally the old farmer saw that this person was extraordinary, so he let it go, and zhao Kuangyin still felt ashamed and embarrassed when he recalled it afterwards.

Fifty people, thinking about the past

When people enter the fifty-year-old mark, they will find that everything around them will change subtly. At this time, people's physical strength is not as good as before, and the small things that seemed simple and easy will now become a problem. If you can say that the changes in life can be slowly adapted, then the most difficult to accept is the departure of friends.

"Forty hopes of wealth, fifty hopes of people, sixty hope coffins", at different stages of life, how to do?

Fifty and knowing the destiny of heaven, at this time has faded fame and fortune, can calmly accept the arrangement of life. At this time, the most touching thing is the memories of the past, recalling the past, those magnificent people and things.

Sixty looking at the coffin, a flat state of mind

In the ancient living environment, sixty years old was already a rare person with a high life expectancy. Therefore, when people reach the age of sixty, they have already looked down on the winds and waves in life, and can wait for the end of fate like a water, and make plans for their future events.

brief summary

"Twenty wives, thirty sons, forty fortunes, fifty people, sixty coffins" This is the simplest desire of the ordinary people in ancient times for life, to do the right things at the right time.

In the eyes of modern people, with the improvement of living standards and medical technology, people's life expectancy has been extended, such a practice may be out of place, but the way of life involved in this is worth our careful understanding of its deep meaning.

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