
Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

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Are there any people who are born to be "not fat no matter how to eat"? Not really.

Similarly, there are no people who get fat without eating.

A person's fat and thin, with the intake of energy and the energy consumed is related, the intake of energy is more than the energy consumed, the person's fat will begin to accumulate, over time the body will become fat, and a person's intake of energy less than the energy consumed, the situation is more and more thin, and when a person's intake and consumption are flat, the weight will be maintained within a horizontal range.

The same is true for children, because children are in the stage of rapid growth of the body, it is reasonable to say that it is not easy to get fat, but if you consume too much, there is also a risk of obesity.

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

How can children eat without being fat, and they are not born with meat?

There is a baby in the neighborhood who looks much shorter than his peers.

Several babies are of the same age, all 3 years old and two or three months old, the rest of the babies are over 100 cm tall, and one of them is less than 95 cm tall, looking very thin.

When everyone got together to talk about the baby's milk and diet, the baby's grandmother said: "My baby is born without meat, eats a lot, can eat a bowl of rice, and can drink a bowl of soup." ”

She also said: "It is good to not grow meat by nature, and I don't have to worry about my child getting fat in the future." ”

So, is there really a baby who is born without meat and does not grow meat at all?

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

Of course not, eat more activities and less naturally to grow meat.

This grandmother's words are correct, the child does eat more, eat a bowl of rice, but the premise is soup bubble rice, the child must soak in the soup every time he eats, a bowl of rice and a bowl of soup bubble rice, the gap is too far, half a bowl of rice can be made into a bowl of soup bubble rice.

The child's body development is slow, not long meat and not much head, under the premise of good health, there must be a problem in diet.

For the baby mentioned above, the daily "soup rice" is the biggest problem.

Basically, the water is full, the nutrients can't keep up, a bowl of soup, a bowl of soup to make rice, the baby's appetite is full, and other foods are traceable even if they are ingested, but how can this thing provide for the development of the body, and the huge consumption of the child jumping every day?

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

For those who seem to be "not fat how to eat", the diet is worth considering

Some people may question: there are indeed people around who are not fat at all.

If there are such people around you, you may wish to study their diet.

I also have such a girlfriend around me, net height 172, weigh less than 110 pounds, looks very thin, she is really super eatable, people say she "how to eat is not fat".

Once I went to a buffet with her, she ate three plates of shrimp alone, that was the first time I ate a buffet with her, I was basically on the side with my mouth open "ah", I didn't finish half the plate, because I also ate pastries and other actual food, and she didn't eat a bite of pasta.

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

She loves meat, she loves seafood, but she hates sweets, she hates pasta.

Did you find a problem? The carbohydrates of long meat, she basically does not touch, she likes meat food, and fat meat does not eat a bite.

She said she hadn't eaten fat meat since she was a child, and her father fed her a mouthful of fat meat, and she immediately threw it up.

This is "how to eat is not fat", because she does not like those foods that are easy to grow meat, not to control herself not to eat, but really do not like.

In fact, all those who are delicious, but not fat people, have such a commonality, either have a special attention to food, or are very fond of sports, Gu Ailing is probably a typical "how to eat is not fat", Gu Ailing's meal is amazing, but people are still very thin, because the amount of exercise is large, and they pay attention to food.

Basically, you can't find a girl who likes to eat sweets very much, and never controls her intake of sweets, doesn't like sports and looks thin.

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

In the process of rapid development of the child's body, the diet should be reasonable

Your child's height will be affected by genetic height, as well as by the acquired diet and acquired environment.

For a small baby of about 3 years old, the genetic height at this time is not dominant, basically related to the method of parenting.

The child's body is in a stage of rapid development, which requires a lot of nutrients, and the nutrients ingested by the child's body, in addition to milk powder, are three meals a day.

The most taboo thing to give children's meals is "soup rice" and "overnight meal", in addition, fish and shrimp are very good meat quality, at least three days a week in the child's meal to add fish and shrimp, in addition to some healthy and fresh red meat.

In addition to meat, there are also fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamins and provide the necessary elements for children's physical development.

Children eat more, do not grow, do not rejoice anymore, it is a problem with parents cooking

In addition to three meals a day and fruits and vegetables, the supply of milk or milk powder is also important.

There is a baby in the community, before the age of half a year in a group of babies is very obvious, the height growth is relatively fast, the weight is also relatively good, but after half a year old, especially after the age of 1, the development is obviously backward.

Because she ate breast milk before she was half a year old, after half a year old, the mother went to work and the baby did not drink milk powder, she directly weaned the milk, and the child followed the grandmother to eat buns and drink sweet soy milk every morning, and the development gradually lagged behind.

When the child reaches the age of 1 for a physical examination, he is told that he is seriously deficient in calcium and needs to be given calcium supplements.

The baby's occipital baldness did not resolve until the age of 1 and a half, which is also a manifestation of calcium deficiency.

Each child should consume at least 200 to 300ml of milk per day, so as to ensure the supply of nutrients and the child's physical development will not be affected.

For the child's diet, in general, it is, meat and vegetarian collocation, refuse soup to make rice, after meals can be properly drunk soup, melon fruits and vegetables can not be less, ensure a certain amount of milk intake every day, let the child bask in the sun, take more children to outdoor activities, parents can sit back and relax, the child's height must not be shorter than the genetic height, basically will be higher than the genetic height.

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