
As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

The tradition of confinement can be traced back to the Western Han Dynasty. How important is confinement? The older generation often tells the mothers in the family: "We must sit well in confinement, and the confinement has lost a body." ”

This is true, many of the root causes of women's diseases fall during the confinement period. Confinement is a way for women to recuperate their bodies and minds, and after childbirth, women have undergone many tests in both physical and psychological aspects.

Therefore, women need a specific period of recuperation to help themselves recover.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

Everyone knows the importance of confinement, but not everyone understands how to sit confinement and how to sit well. Because of this, many pregnant women have not escaped the "confinement disease" despite confinement.

Recalling his experience of confinement, Xiao Ai regretted it very much.

Xiao Ai has some "cleanliness habits" on weekdays, and every day after work, she will only go to sleep satisfied after cleaning the house spotlessly. After giving birth to the child, the mother-in-law came from her hometown to take care of Xiao Ai's confinement.

The mother-in-law is a simple rural woman, diligent in her work, but some do not pay attention to details, especially in terms of hygiene.

Sometimes, in order to save trouble, the mother-in-law will wash the baby's clothes together with the adult's clothes. This makes it difficult for Xiao Ai to accept, for the sake of family harmony, Xiao Ai always secretly takes advantage of everyone's sleep and gets up to wash the baby's clothes again.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

Unexpectedly, after a week of washing, Xiao Ai could not continue. Her hands became less flexible, and with a slight bend, the joints would be very painful.

It turned out that Xiao Ai was washing clothes with cold water during confinement, and cool air invaded from the knuckle joints, and there was a pain in the joints of the fingers.

After the confinement, Xiao Ai's finger joints will hurt a little as soon as they touch the rainy weather. She originally did not believe in the so-called "confinement disease", and now, Xiao Ai very much regrets her behavior of "getting away with it" and touching cold water to wash clothes.

Like Xiao Ai, because she did not pay attention to confinement, she fell ill and suffered losses. In fact, confinement is not simply equivalent to "rest", if you want to sit well and recover quickly, pregnant women must keep these points in mind.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

If the mother wants to sit well in the confinement, recover quickly, and not fall ill, she must keep these points in mind

▲Do a good job of "keeping warm"

In the postpartum period, the mother's qi and blood are weak, and the bone slits have not recovered, so it is particularly important to do a good job of keeping warm at this time. Maternal qi is weak, poor resistance, always sweating, if the wind blows at this time, the cold is easy to invade, and the mother is also prone to illness.

The warmth during the confinement period is also exquisite, and the maternity's clothing is best to choose a cotton breathable model, which has both warm and breathable functions.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to the warmth of their heads and feet, even indoors, it is best to wear socks and a confinement hat.

If the summer is hot and needs to turn on the air conditioner, it is best for the family to prepare an air conditioning wind shield to avoid the air conditioning wind blowing directly on the mother and baby.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

▲Moderate exercise is necessary

Confinement requires recuperation, but recuperation does not mean that a woman spends her whole day in bed. If the mother has been lying in bed, it is not only prone to back pain, but also is not conducive to lochia discharge, but also affects the recovery of the uterus. During confinement, the mother should try to do a moderate amount of exercise if the body allows.

During confinement, the mother can move around the home more, stretch her limbs, and move her muscles and bones. After all, the maternal body is still in the recovery period during confinement, and it is not very critical to "rush to make a quick profit", excessive exercise, and learn to grasp the amount of exercise.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

▲Diet is nutritious and has a light taste

In the postpartum period, the "loss" of women's bodies is large, and if they are replenished at this time, it may be counterproductive.

The truth of "false and not supplemental" is that everyone can also understand that pregnant women need to make up, but supplements must also be made up.

During confinement, the mother's diet needs to be nutritious, and the taste is light.

▲Maintain a pleasant mood

During confinement, the mother's diet and warmth are generally valued by the family, and the psychological state of the mother is easy to be ignored.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

In fact, the recuperation of confinement has two aspects, on the one hand, physical recuperation, on the other hand, psychological recuperation.

During confinement, pregnant women are easily trapped in depressed moods due to the influence of physical hormones. If the depressed mood of the mother is not well alleviated at this time, it is likely to sow the seeds of postpartum depression.

Psychological diseases are also diseases, and they also need to get more attention and more attention. Therefore, mothers themselves should also strive to maintain a happy mood and try to manage their emotions, which is of great help to recovery.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

▲Less contact with electronic screens

Mobile phones are too important for modern people, as long as you leave the mobile phone for a period of time, many people will fall into inexplicable anxiety. Pregnant women always stay in the house during confinement, it is inevitable to be bored and bored, at this time many people will choose to use mobile phones to chat with friends or chase dramas.

During confinement, it is not a big problem for women to use mobile phones occasionally, but try to avoid prolonged use.

Long-term exposure to electronic screens such as mobile phones can easily impair maternal vision. I still remember that during the confinement period, my sister-in-law always reminded me to use less mobile phones, and now I think of it, I still thank her for her persistence.

As the saying goes, "confinement has lost a body disease", if you want to recover well, confinement should keep these 5 points in mind

Some pregnant women find themselves confined, their eyesight has deteriorated, and they regret not being able to do so. During confinement, it is best for pregnant women to use fewer electronic products, stay away from electronic screens, and protect their eyes.

Parenting message

Some women have recovered well physically and mentally after confinement, and after confinement, they are radiant and in good mental state. And some pregnant women seem to sit on a "false confinement" and fall ill. The same is confinement, but the effect is very different.

In fact, confinement is also exquisite, pregnant women, keep in mind the above points, help you sit a comfortable confinement.

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