
How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family


The first thing a new parent does after the baby is born is to feed the baby.

The same is to feed the baby, I have a different life with my girlfriend.

The baby of the girlfriend's family eats milk powder, and during her confinement, her husband and mother-in-law take turns to feed the child milk powder at night, so that she can sleep well at night.

Confinement for 30 days, she not only looks good, but also becomes more rounded under the nourishment of confinement soup.

My little treasure eats breast milk, when I was confinement, I had to feed every 2 hours, the baby was always crying, I had to get up several times at night, and the sleep time was getting less and less.

Because of breastfeeding, the child is more dependent on me, and even if the mother-in-law and husband feel sorry for me, there is no way to do it for me. After confinement, I lost several pounds due to overwork.

The baby eats milk powder, the mother can still be lazy, at least there are other family members to help take care of the baby.

However, breastfeeding mothers are different, because to breastfeed, they have to be on standby 24 hours a day, and night is no exception, even if they are very sleepy and tired, they can't open their eyes, and she has to support the baby to feed.

The collapse of a breastfeeding mother can only be experienced by those who have been a mother.

From birth to 1 year old, it is the hardest day for mothers, because the number of night awakenings of babies, the younger the age, the more times they wake up at night, especially the most difficult for breastfeeding mothers.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

1. Why does your baby wake up frequently at night? 5 reasons parents already know

1. The nervous system is not well developed, and the baby is easy to wake up when he sleeps at night

After the baby is born, leaving the womb that protects him, he will be more insecure and very dependent on the warm embrace of his mother.

If the baby is too excited during the day, or has been frightened, it will suddenly wake up at night, crying non-stop, the mother can not wake up the baby, can hold the baby to soothe, or through the swaddling package, so that the baby feels more secure.

2. Young babies have less stomach capacity and should eat milk 1-2 times at night

Your baby's stomach capacity increases with your baby's age, and newborns are horizontal and have minimal stomach capacity.

Because the stomach capacity is too small, the amount of milk is affected, the baby is prone to hunger, and needs to wake up many times at night to feed.

3. Baby sleeps day and night upside down

How much sleep can your baby sleep during the day?

Newborns can sleep 16-18 hours a day, including lunch breaks and nighttime sleep.

However, although some babies are not very old, because the parents have not corrected the bad habits of the baby, the baby spends most of the day sleeping, and stays up until dawn at night to sleep, and the parents and the elderly are miserable.

In fact, children's sleep time is closely related to adults. If adults like to stay up late, children will also resist going to sleep.

Sleeping more during the day, it is difficult for the baby to fall asleep at night, even if the parents are very hard to coax the baby to sleep, the baby sleeps unsteadily, it is easy to wake up, and it is difficult to fall asleep again.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

4. Because of other physical discomfort such as teething, your baby will wake up at night

The younger the baby, the more sensitive, whether it is teething, spitting up milk, or too much urine, or too hot and too cold and other reasons, the baby will use crying to express his discomfort.

5. Your baby is in a sleep regression period

Babies may experience sleep regression at 3-5 months and 8-10 months, and the most obvious feature is that babies wake up more frequently at night.

Two. How many times a baby wakes up in a night to be normal? Less than this number of times, it means that you have a retribution in your family

The Chinese Infant and Toddler Sleep Guide mentions:

Babies aged 0-4 wake up at night are 3 times a night for 30 minutes.

Babies aged 4 weeks to 3 months wake up at night 3 times for 30 minutes each time.

Babies aged 3-6 months wake up at night 2-3 times for 20-30 minutes each time.

Babies 6-12 months old wake up at night 1-2 times at night, each time less than 20 minutes.

How many times is it normal for your baby to wake up at night?

We can see that the number of night awakenings of the baby is related to the age of the month, and the number of night awakenings of the baby before 6 months is at most 3-4 times, and the younger the age, the more the baby wakes up at night.

After 6 months, the number of night awakenings of the baby is 1-2 times, and the older the month, the less the number of night awakenings of the baby.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

Babies aged 0-4 weeks wake up to 4 times at night, and babies aged 6-12 months wake up the least, which means that babies only eat night milk once at night, and even do not need to eat night milk.

Each baby's physical development is not different, and the baby's monthly age affects the number of night awakenings.

In which cases will your baby wake up at night less?

The mother adds complementary foods to the baby, or after the baby goes to bed, the baby will wake up at night much less frequently.

Of course, there are also some babies although the age is small, but the sleep has been very regular, the number of night awakenings is small, many times can sleep until dawn, the mother to bring up very worry-free, really a "retribution baby".

Three. How to reduce the number of night awakenings in your baby? Parents learn 5 tricks to make the baby wake up at night

(1) For babies aged 0-5 months, the mother should feed on demand

Babies aged 0-3 months, because the stomach capacity is too small, the mother can not directly wean the baby at night, but to do on-demand feeding, otherwise it will affect the normal development of the baby's body.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

(2) After 6 months of baby, the mother needs to add complementary foods

Food supplements are different from milk in that they are more stout-tolerant, and if your baby eats enough during the day, he will wake up less often at night.

If exclusive breastfeeding cannot meet the needs of the baby's physical development, the mother should add complementary foods to the baby.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

(3) Parents feed their babies more carefully

Babies cry at night, not all because they want to breastfeed, but also do not recommend that mothers over-milk sleep, affecting the quality of the baby's sleep, mothers should reduce milk sleep, but also in time to comfort the baby.

The baby spitting up milk or overflowing milk is also one of the reasons why the baby wakes up at night, so after the mother feeds, she should burp the baby in time.

The mother feeds the baby 1 hour before going to bed, burps for 15 minutes before letting the baby sleep.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family

(4) Adjust the baby's day and night upside down schedule

After the baby is born, there may be a temporary "day and night confusion", the baby's biological clock is more messy, it takes several months, the baby's biological clock can gradually form a regular.

Mothers should take their babies out more during the day to avoid too much sleep during the day.

Every 2-3 hours during the day, the mother should wake up the baby to feed and let the baby fall asleep as soon as possible at night.

(5) Pay attention to the 3 signals of the baby's weaning at night

Baby teething, adding complementary foods, sleep more and more regularly, is a signal that the mother can give the baby weaning the night.

Most babies can sleep for 8 hours at 3-4 months, but some babies wake up once every 2-4 hours at night.

After 6 months, some babies do not eat milk at night, but also sleep for 6-8 hours, the mother should seize this opportunity in time to wean the baby as soon as possible.

Babies who are weaned at night wake up less often.

How many times does a baby wake up normally in one night? Less than this number of times means that you have a retribution in your family


How many times does a 0-12 month old baby wake up overnight is normal? Babies of different months of age are different, and as the baby's age grows, the number of night awakenings will gradually decrease.

Babies often wake up at night, 5 reasons to understand. It is not difficult to reduce the baby's night awakening, parents learn 5 tricks, so that the baby wakes up less at night and sleeps more at ease!

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