
After more than 500 injections, the "IVF baby" was finally born

Looking at the sleeping daughter still with a smile on her face and a sucking action in her small mouth, Rong Rong (pseudonym) couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth. In order to give birth to this child, she suffered a lot, and she shot more than 500 injections with fetal protection needles alone.

Pregnancy and childbirth are normal for many women, but Rong Rong's road to a child is extremely difficult. Luckily, she ended up waiting for her own "IVF baby".


Rong Rong is 32 years old and a native of Cangxian County. Seven years ago, at the age of 25, she and her husband entered the palace of marriage.

Rong Rong and her husband agreed that for the children's affairs, everything follows fate, and it does not matter if it is two years early or two years later.

But two years on, she has not been pregnant.

The parents of both sides think that the little couple does not want children, and they are always advised outside the words: while we are still young, hurry up and have a child, we can also help carry it!

Rong Rong is also very confused, friends and children who are married at the same time will leave, why do they not get pregnant for a long time, is there something wrong with the body?

Therefore, she and her husband came to the Reproductive Medicine Department of Cangzhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine.

After an examination, Rong Rong was relieved, her husband's body had no problems, her fallopian tubes were open, and there was no problem in monitoring the follicles.

Doctors advise them not to have too much psychological burden, to prepare for pregnancy with peace of mind, and to go with the flow.

Time flew by, and after another two years, Rong Rong was still not pregnant. At this point, she was 29 years old.

When they came to the hospital again, the couple still did not check out the problem. Rong Rong learned from the doctor that her and her husband's condition was medically defined as unexplained infertility.

The doctor said that you can continue to try to conceive, but if you really can't get pregnant, you can also try IVF.

The word IVF is not unfamiliar to Rong Rong, and there are two relatives and friends around her who have successfully conceived through IVF.

But Rong Rong is a little unwilling: the friend couple chose the IVF because the body can not conceive naturally, but the doctor said that she and her husband still have the possibility of natural conception!

In this way, Rong Rong walked out of the hospital with mixed feelings.

A few months later, on the eve of her 30th birthday, Rong Rong made an important decision: while she was still young, she chose a "test tube baby".

Her decision was supported by the whole family, and while they all knew that the cost of IVF wasn't low, they didn't care about money in order to have a baby.

Failed twice

Rong Rong and her husband came to the hospital again and began to conduct examinations. The purpose of the examination is to detect contraindications to pregnancy.

When everything is ready, you enter the ovulation induction cycle of IVF. At this time, the doctor should inject ovulation-stimulating drugs to make the follicle grow.

During this period, Rong Rong also needs to follow up on the specified date and draw blood for blood tests until the follicles mature.

"I can't even remember how many times I ran to the hospital during my ovulation induction. I just remember that every time I draw blood for a test, the doctor has to draw more than a dozen tubes of blood. Rong Rong said, "After a successful pregnancy, the pain in the preparation process is not so profound." ”

Finally, it is time to retrieve eggs and sperm.

Rong Rong and her husband came to the hospital with relevant documents. After checking the identity, the husband and wife will enter different rooms to perform egg retrieval surgery and sperm retrieval operations. When separated, the two clasped their hands and cheered each other up.

This time, Rong Rong took 5 eggs. When she heard that others could take more than 10 eggs at a time, she asked the doctor worriedly: "Will it be too little?" ”

Next is the cultivation and transfer of embryos, the 3rd day after egg retrieval, the doctor let the husband and wife go to the hospital to understand the cultivation of embryos, if the embryo transfer, it can be carried out on the same day; if it is to be transferred, it will take 2 days to 3 days.

Considering that the success rate of blastocyst transplantation is higher, Rong Rong and her husband chose blastocyst transplantation.

In the process of raising embryos, the doctor told Rong Rong that the eggs and sperm of their husband and wife could not be combined on their own, and they had to intervene artificially to choose the second generation of IVF.

Rong Rong wondered if this was the reason why she had not been conceiving naturally. But the doctor told her that there are many reasons why sperm and eggs cannot combine on their own, and exploring this does not have much practical significance for Rong Rong.

More than 10 days after the blastocyst transplantation, Rong Rong learned the results and failed the first IVF.

Although a little disappointed, Rong Rong was mentally prepared: she knew that the success rate of IVF was only 50%-60%.

Two months later, she had her second IVF.

This time, the old man in the family was afraid of failing again, and repeatedly let her rest in bed.

But unfortunately, 14 days later, Rong Rong still did not wait for good news.

100 blood draws

Rong Rong and her husband discussed well, or not to be impatient, adjust their mental state, exercise, and actively prepare for pregnancy.

In September 2020, Rong Rong underwent blastocyst transplantation for the third time.

So far, she has spent 100,000 yuan in order to get the baby, and nearly 100 tubes of blood have been drawn for laboratory tests.

The doctor asked her to return to the hospital for a review after 14 days, but Rong Rong felt that she could not wait for 14 days.

On the 7th day after the transplant, she went to the local hospital for an examination and the results showed a HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) value of 200. Rong Rong knows that an HCG greater than 10 means that she is pregnant.

Rong Rong had not had time to be happy for two days, and when she went to check HCG on the 9th day, the value that should have doubled fell to 30.

Rong Rong hurriedly called the attending doctor of the fertility department. The doctor told Rong Rong a drug name, asked her to find the drug, and then go to the hospital the next day after the injection.

Rong Rong said: "At that time, my mind was chaotic, and I only remembered the name of the medicine. I ran all over the pharmacies in the county and didn't find the medicine. Later, a kind little girl from a pharmacy told me that the medicine was available in a township pharmacy. After I bought the medicine and injected it, I seemed to have run out of strength, and I didn't want to move when I got home and lay on the bed. ”

"That night, I couldn't sleep, afraid that there was something wrong with the fetus, afraid that I would have a happy time. Later, I may be very sleepy, and I don't know what time it is before I fall asleep in a daze. The next day before dawn, I woke up. Rong Rong still remembers the feeling at that time.

When she rushed to the hospital, the doctor had not yet come to work. Rong Rong, who was impatient, kept watching the time, and when she couldn't help but hold her husband's hand, she found that her husband,who had always been relatively calm, was sweating in his palms.

Finally, it was time for the doctor to come to work. After examination, Rong Rong belongs to the immune disorder during pregnancy and needs medication treatment.

This is an injectable drug called low molecular weight heparin, which is an anticoagulant, commonly used in gynecology to protect the fetus, which can improve the blood supply to the patient's embryonic tissue or placental tissue, and reduce the probability of embryonic death, stunted growth or miscarriage.

Since the medication, Rong Rong has to go to the hospital every other day for examination. After four days, the examination was normal, and Rong Rong breathed a long sigh of relief.

More than 500 stitches

I thought that I could stop hitting heparin this time, but I didn't expect that this medicine accompanied Rong Rong throughout her pregnancy.

At first, Rong Rong went to the health center to find a nurse to help with heparin, but two injections a day needed to go twice, which was really delayed.

Later, she heard from a friend that many pregnant mothers take their own heparin, just like diabetics inject their own insulin.

Therefore, Rong Rong also tried to inject herself. The doctor gave a locator card to find the location of the needle according to the markings on the locator card.

The first time she gave herself an injection, Rong Rong felt that she couldn't get her hands down, her hands were shaking, but thinking of the trouble of going out to inject, she gritted her teeth and stuck her heart down.

Since then, Rong Rong has begun the process of injecting herself. Basically, it was two injections a day, which lasted until production, and there were more than 500 injections in total.

500 stitches sounds like a simple statistic, but when you want to poke the needle into the abdomen every day, the pain is real, and the discomfort and grievance are unavoidable.

Fortunately, the family has always been Rong Rong's strong backing, and the family's support has dissolved Rong Rong's pain and grievances.

Rong Rong once jokingly said with her husband: "I am about to become a professional nurse, not only can inject heparin into the belly, but also inject progesterone into the buttocks." ”

Since the 4th month of pregnancy, Rong Rong's reaction is very serious, almost vomiting what she eats, as if all her internal organs are going to be spit out. However, every day you have to take injections and medicines, and every few days you have to go to the hospital for examination, and the fatigue of every day can be imagined.

However, thinking about the baby growing up day by day, Rong Rong's mood has gradually improved.

By the time the fetus was more than 6 months old, Rong Rong's pregnancy reaction was alleviated. When feeling the baby moving in the belly, Rong Rong often whispers to the child.

Last fall, Rong Rong's baby was born, a natural birth, and was a daughter.

Looking at the child's smiling face, the pain of running in the past, the fear of needles, the anxiety of the day and the worry of the night... Rong Rong said it was all worth it!

(Reporter Wu Yan)

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