
Warcraft 3: A comprehensive review of Terran classes and heroes

Although today's Terran record is not very good, the large number of top players in China and the relatively low difficulty of entry still make it have a very high popularity. However, with the changes in the version, the comprehensive ability of the Terran race also has a feeling that it is not as good as before. This time, we will combine the specific situation of the latest version of the class, hero, building and shop props to analyze what kind of existence the Terran race is today. Why is it that the Terrans, who have let many players lift the WCG Championship trophy, fall into the embarrassing situation of losing more than 10 consecutive games?


Warcraft 3: A comprehensive review of Terran classes and heroes

Today's Terran race, like the Terrans of the past, is still the race with relatively weak individual combat ability, but the most powerful multi-class cooperative combat ability. Coupled with the fact that the peasant can transform into a militia to assist the hero in leveling, attacking and defending, and the two heroes of the Grand Mage and the Blood Mage can provide powerful blue supply to the mage troops, the Terran can be described as an extremely powerful presence in the first and middle periods of comprehensive combat effectiveness. Unfortunately, with the change of version, many of the advantages of the Terran race have slowly disappeared.

Among the many changes, the two changes that had the greatest impact on the Terrans were undoubtedly the shortening of the duration of the militia and the continuous reduction of the efficiency of the Grand Mage's brilliant aura returning to blue. Such a change greatly reduced the suppression and leveling ability of the human race in the early stage, and the actual combat performance of the mage troops would be much worse than before. This is also the key reason why in today's version, the Terrans choose the mage stream far less players than in the past.

Of course, in recent version changes, the Terran still has another enhancement - that is, the attack power and attack frequency of the Terran musketeers have been adjusted. Such an adjustment allows the Terrans to easily suppress their opponents when they use musketeers as the main force. Unfortunately, just the improvement in output ability can still only ensure that the Terran has stronger combat effectiveness when it can play enough advantages; when the Terran and the opponent enter a tug-of-war or even fall into a disadvantaged game, the performance will slowly deteriorate. After all, although the musketeer's output is very strong, its survivability is really not optimistic.

In addition to the ones mentioned above, there have been some recent adjustments, but not much substantial impact on them, as well as the Terran super-mechanized forces. Although the individual combat ability of the aircraft is not strong, in the case of a sufficient number, it is absolutely easy to crush the opponent's air; and the tank is the nightmare level existence of countless opponents, once the human race has enough economy to play the tank stream, the opponent basically has no chance to turn over.


Warcraft 3: A comprehensive review of Terran classes and heroes

The actual combat performance of terran heroes is actually similar to the performance of ordinary soldiers, although the single combat ability is not bad, but it is not particularly powerful, but once the three heroes are combined, the combat effectiveness will be doubled, especially in the case of the three heroes are relatively high, the comprehensive combat effectiveness can easily crush other race heroes. This is also the key reason why in regular matches, the Terran Three Heroes have always been called "Three Rogues" by the majority of players.

Of course, due to the reduction in the efficiency of the Grand Mage's Brilliant Aura returning to blue and the reduction in the damage of the King of the Hills, the team combat ability of the three heroes of the Terran race has been greatly weakened. However, if you only look at the hero RPG, whether it is the traditional three-hero combination of the Great Mage, the King of the Hill and the Paladin, or the three-hero combination of the King of the Double Faga Hill, you can easily crush the opponent hero.


Warcraft 3: A comprehensive review of Terran classes and heroes

The most eye-catching presence in Terran architecture is undoubtedly the defense tower, and in the case that the other 3 races have only one or two conventional defense towers, the Terran has 3 different forms of defense towers, which is enough to meet all the needs of the player in actual combat. In addition to the defense tower, the house is also an extremely eye-catching existence, although the population itself provides is lower than the population building of the other 3 tribes, but the cost is cheap, and the defense and health volume are not much different from the regular population building, so that this building has an extremely powerful effect in sealing and reconnaissance.


Warcraft 3: A comprehensive review of Terran classes and heroes

The special prop effects in the Terran Shop are also very good, slow healing can quickly provide team supplies, so that the militia and infantry can quickly return to a healthy state after cooperating with the leveling and harassment, not to mention, the ivory tower is a TR artifact. Although the appearance rate of fireballs and mechanical critters is relatively low, the effect of fireballs that can reduce the healing effect is equally important when facing powerful healing heroes such as Death Knight and Little Crooked, and mechanical critters can also play a miraculous role in some special gameplay. The scepter of refuge is a very good prop in the middle and late stages of the game, unless it is pressed at home by the opponent.

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