
Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

On Valentine's Day, the girls in the office all received flowers and gifts, except for Xiao Du, who never waited for her boyfriend's greetings, not even a symbolic red envelope.

Xiao Du is not a vain girl, and the family conditions are not bad, but since he was with his boyfriend, he obviously felt that the consumption was different.

Once upon a time, everyone had dinner together, and the AA system made two or three hundred people, and never felt anything. But now When Buying Cosmetics, Xiao Du has to search for samples of goods on the Internet - because it is cheap.

Her salary is almost seven or eight thousand yuan, which is still reasonable in this fourth-tier city. In the past, everyone often had a trip that said to go, but now when it comes to where to play, Xiao Du is always hesitant.

She said "my boyfriend...", in short, she was afraid that the other party would be angry.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

Xiao Du's boyfriend, fortunate to have seen two faces.

Once it was Xiao Du's birthday, saying that he wanted to invite dinner. As a result, I looked for it and booked a fly restaurant.

The boyfriend said disapprovingly, "The dishes here are large, cheap and affordable", but Xiao Du was embarrassed to drill into the cracks in the ground. Fortunately, they are all very familiar friends, no one cares what they really want to eat, and everyone can see that the atmosphere is not right.

She tucked the gift into her hand, said some words of blessing, coped with it a few times, and left.

Later, I heard that Xiao Du and her boyfriend had a fight that day, and the reason was that her boyfriend said that she was vain, but it was a birthday and what gifts she received.

It turned out that on that day, her boyfriend did not prepare anything for her, and the restaurant she booked was also canceled by her boyfriend privately.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

Another time, I remember it was Tanabata, and everyone brought their boyfriends to a party together. After eating and getting ready to go to the movie, a little girl selling flowers followed us closely.

The little girl grabbed Xiao Du's boyfriend: "Uncle, send a flower to your sister, today is Valentine's Day."

A flower is only 10 yuan, but he actually counted the little girl down, and Xiao Du pulled down his face on the spot.

Another gentleman who was with him saw that the situation was not right, and bought 3 roses from the little girl, one for each of the girls.

And this matter has become a hurdle that Xiao Du's boyfriend can't get over, he thinks that everyone looks down on him, and thinks that the friends that Xiao Du plays with are too vain and not worth interacting with, and often prevent Xiao Du from dating us.

For the sake of Xiao Du's happiness, friends also reduced their contact with her. But unexpectedly, after Valentine's Day, the two still came to the point of breaking up.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

Xiao Du said that she really couldn't stand it.

But it is a gift for Valentine's Day, the boyfriend said "why follow the wind to celebrate the foreign festival", in fact, she thinks that even if he sends a box of chocolates, he is quite happy, which has little to do with the festival.

Two people together, the boyfriend can always save the province, order to pick cheap, gifts can be exempted, buy a bottle of cosmetics for a few hundred yuan, he will count Xiao Du for a week.

The boyfriend always said that the money saved could buy a house, but he himself only took a few thousand yuan in salary, and after work, he was chasing dramas and playing games, and he did not see how motivated he was.

What's more, Xiao Du is still making money on his own, it is said that it is like this, in case he can't work after having children after marriage, what should he do then? So Xiao Du resolutely proposed to break up.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

Yishu said: "Whoever feels hard is demanding." True love is pleasurable, and if you feel pain, something must be wrong, and you need to end it in time and start all over again. ”

In this relationship, Xiao Du only felt extremely depressed, and he had already become unrecognizable. In order not to embarrass and anger your boyfriend, always remind yourself to consider his dignity.

But the result is that he paid so much, bent over for love, and finally when he broke up, he was named "vanity".

It is said that good love can make each other more excellent. And when you meet the wrong people, you will become complaining and decadent.

Therefore, when it comes to falling in love, we must make those who can make us better, not people who make you feel cheap and constantly depressed.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

A divorced friend said that feelings that made you feel cheap at the beginning must not be good feelings.

Unfortunately, she was too young at that time, thinking that love was greater than heaven, and as long as two people could be together, they could overcome all difficulties.

In order to be with her ex-husband, she did not hesitate to break off her relationship with her parents and follow him to a strange foreign country.

When they got married, she didn't even wear a wedding dress, because if she bought a wedding dress, she would only wear it once and never use it again, which was too wasteful. If you rent a wedding dress, the price of one set is similar to that of buying one.

After weighing it up, the friend didn't say anything, and on the wedding day, she was just wearing a normal dress. But at that time, she did not feel depressed, but her heart was as sweet as honey.

However, the wind and snow are not suitable for eating, and chai rice oil and salt are the norm of life.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

Friends said that later the two of them had a better life, but what they didn't expect was that her husband still treated her like when she was poor.

She bought a bouquet of flowers at the wet market, and her husband said that she spent money indiscriminately, and it was better to buy vegetables affordably.

When she returned to her mother's house, she wanted to bring some decent gifts, and her husband said, "They treated you like that, you forgot?" ”

She wanted to eat Western food on her birthday, and her husband said how good it was to fry a few dishes at home, what was the waste of that money...

There are too many such things, but in her husband's shopping orders, she sees expensive necklaces, expensive mobile phones and clothes - none of which are for her.

Later she chose to divorce, probably in his heart, the woman who could elope with him, was cheap in herself and did not deserve such a good thing.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it

You see, human nature is like that.

He treats you as a cheap man, you accept his cheapness, so you can no longer be noble.

He constantly denies you, and you become less determined because of his pickiness, influenced by him, no longer confident, but low to the dust.

Do you think that flowers that bloom in the dust, even if they are beautiful, can get people's attention and pity?

Good love is that both parties support each other, complete their goals together, and achieve better each other.

It is to make us more dignified, not to live more humble, the more we live, the more we deny ourselves.

And true love, as Miyazaki said, is not to find a perfect person, but to learn to appreciate the imperfect person with perfect eyes.

Love that makes you feel cheap, forget it


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