
"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

"The three-child policy is open, do you dare to ask for it?"

The new word "inner volume" has been vividly displayed in recent years.

In the past, we grew up with free-range children, the so-called "chicken babies". Now, children are textbook-like.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Don't let your child lose at the starting line!

In today's society, education is the foundation.

From prenatal education and early education, to kindergarten, primary school, junior high school, high school, and university, a quarter of a person's life is basically educated.

The factors affecting human development include genetic material, education, environment, etc., genetic material is the foundation of human development; education is one of the important influencing factors in human development, guiding the direction of life; the impact of the environment on people is very significant.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

The famous Watson educator mentioned, "Give me a dozen babies and I can train them to be architects, scientists, etc." Different environments make different lives.

At present, more and more parents are beginning to realize the importance of education.

From the fetal period, we began to pay attention to the education of our children, buy various parenting books, and consult various related materials.

In order not to let their children lose at the starting line, many parents have enrolled their children in various training courses.

At a young age, he was "busy with business", and after school, he had to rush to the interest class, and even could only "cook" on the bus.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

"Inner volume", did you join?

In the face of the current social phenomenon, the inner volume is becoming more and more general.

Especially in terms of education, not only in terms of academic qualifications, but also in terms of parents' investment in their children's education.

Many parents are now unwilling to let go of every educational period.

From the beginning of kindergarten, children are invested in a large amount of education costs. Of course, not all families can afford to pay expensive fees.

Some family conditions are relatively superior, not rich or expensive, so that children are exposed to a non-ordinary level of education; there are also ordinary families, in order to provide children with a better level of education, parents work hard to earn money, invested in the child's "education costs".

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Every child is the heart of the parents, and as a parent, of course, I want to give the best to my children.

"The third child is coming, do you dare to ask for it"?

At present, the three-child policy has been opened, but the number of births has declined.

Some families only need one child, and some families generally feel that two children have a companion and can take care of each other.

It can be said that the phenomenon of multiple families now has indeed decreased a lot compared with the past.

Raising a child requires a lot of effort and energy. Of course, economic input is indispensable. A child's expenses can drive the whole family to earn money for them.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Recently, a kindergarten payment slip was flowed out. After some netizens watched it, they couldn't help but sigh, "Young mother wake up!" ”

From the picture, we can see that the tuition fee of children at a young age has reached tens of thousands of yuan.

It is reasonable to say that the tuition fees for kindergartens for young children should not be too expensive, and should be moderate according to people's economic level.

In fact, it is not so, in the kindergarten, there are two kinds: there is a kind of universal kindergarten, that is, the price is more civilian, more ordinary kindergarten; there is a high-end kindergarten, that is, a kindergarten with more high-end conditions and facilities.

Of course, the price of high-end kindergartens is also quite expensive, and it can even be said that it is several times that of Puhui Kindergarten.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Why pay high tuition fees to go to school?

Today's parents are becoming more and more inclined to be younger.

The level of education in the country has improved, and the overall level of people's academic qualifications has also improved. More and more parents are highly educated and understand the importance of education.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

The educational ideas of the older generation may still exist to this day, but today is not the same as in the past, and the "free-range" education methods of the past have been more or less eliminated today.

In the face of high tuition fees, why are parents willing to even squeeze their heads and want to pay for it?

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Expensive kindergartens do have their own strengths.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

For example, bilingual education.

The importance of English in the test is self-evident, and many parents expose their children to learning English early.

Choose a bilingual kindergarten for your child, where your child learns English directly under the guidance of a foreign teacher.

This not only creates an English situation for the child, but also learns a second language in a truly pure English environment, which is presumably very beneficial to the child's spoken English.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

In terms of diet, the high cost also reflects certain advantages.

The "three meals and two points" of children in kindergarten is specially tailored for children according to the structure of the child's stomach and intestines, nutrient absorption ingredients.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

The superiority is not only reflected in the "hardware" aspect, but also in the "software" aspect. The faculty of expensive kindergartens should not be underestimated.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

It's hard to have a baby, it's even harder to raise a baby?

At present, the post-00s have also begun to enter the marriage hall and have begun to become parents. Some people know that they are still a child, but they are going to start playing the role of mother.

The post-00s licensed workers have also ushered in the younger generation of parents.

However, some people get married early, do not know how to be parents, do not know how to take care of children, and after the birth of children, they are brought up by their elders.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

The older generation has the educational ideas of the older generation, which may be somewhat different from the current education methods. This is inevitably the contradiction between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, and may also be the "fuse" of the "family war".

Everyone expresses love in different ways, whether it is parents or elders, we must tolerate each other and understand each other, because the common starting point comes from loving children, for children.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

"Children and grandchildren are full of halls, and children and grandchildren are on their knees".

It's a very happy picture to think about. The elders believe that there are many children and many blessings, and with the advent of the three-child policy, there is a "legitimate reason" to promote breeding.

This can be bitter for the younger generation, which should be a good year of youth, but they have to suffer at home.

Now many young people are very advanced in their thinking, have their own ideas, how to spend their lives, how to pursue the life they want, how to live like they like, maybe all of this has a definite number in their hearts.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

With the development of the economy, the social pressure is also increasing, not to mention raising a baby, it is good to support yourself.

We should all have heard of the "Moonlight Clan", but there is also a kind of crowd, which is also a portrayal of many young people at present: "Moon Loss Clan".

This type of person may have a common voice, that is, skip the 10th of every month.

The pressure of car loans, mortgages, etc. is also what many young people will face now, although there are "instructions" from elders, it is also difficult to "obey orders".

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Is it important to have a beautiful family atmosphere?

In the face of their children's education, parents and elders may have different differences.

The elders have experienced the poorer days of the past, and in life, they may maintain frugal living habits. But for young parents, their thinking may often be very different from those of their elders, and conflicts will inevitably arise.

A happy family that benefits children for life. A child grows up in a loving family, he feels love, he can give love to others, he can love his father, he can love his mother, and he can extend to love others.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

A happy family creates a complete personality for the child. The harmony and harmony of the family are conducive to the growth and development of children's personality. For the child, encourage more, praise more, feel everyone's love for him.

In the face of children at a low age, we must seize the sensitive period in the child's growth process, which is the key period in the growth process.

For children, do not make decisions for children because of their young age, be sure to respect children and get along with them as friends.

"Who gave you the confidence to have three children"? 1 kindergarten bill flowed out, and the young mother woke up

Give children some right to make choices appropriately, exercise their independence, and give them a sense of self-worth by doing one thing.

Regarding fertility, we do not seek quantity, but seek quality, and pursue "quantity" on the basis of "quality". Every child is the expectation of parents and the hope of a family. No matter how many children, the education of children should not be taken lightly.

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