
The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

A three-year-old child died after three minutes of struggling alone in kindergarten with his throat stuck in his throat.

Kindergarten response: The teacher is too busy to come!

Now domestic children are the treasures in the palm of their parents, and they cannot tolerate their grievances, so the protection of children is all-round. But the reason why accidents are called accidents is that many things are completely out of your control.

Usually, the safety of their children's absence is the core of parents' concerns, especially when the child is still very young and has no ability to protect himself. Although it is said that children reach a certain age, they are not necessarily completely under the wings of their families. Before that, children still need to contact the outside world from time to time, especially when they are in kindergarten, surrounded by the same year who have not grown up. Because they are curious, accidents can easily occur.

The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

Some time ago, such a thing happened in a kindergarten in Hunan, a child who had just turned three years old died in the kindergarten because of a foreign body in his throat while playing in the kindergarten.

The child was stuck with a foreign body, and it took three minutes to recover. Unfortunately, during this period, the teacher did not show up in time, and the fact was cruel, which caused this tragic accident.

The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

On the day of the incident, the child's mother received a call from the kindergarten and was told that the child had died. This makes it unacceptable to the mother of the child, when she goes to school, people are still alive and kicking, why after a while, the child leaves?

The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

When the family went to kindergarten, they wanted to find out why it was happening, and after watching the surveillance video, they learned that the child had eaten something that should not have been eaten and stuck in the throat.

Then the child uses his own hand to cut his throat, which looks very heart-wrenching. Even then, to no avail, the process lasted about three minutes, and the children's families could only see their children in pain inside the video. But there was nothing they could do, nothing could be done for their children, and the family could only cry silently when they saw it all!

The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

The kindergarten said in person that there were too many children, and the teacher was too busy at the time. However, they will bear the corresponding responsibility for this incident, they will deeply regret the family and will give appropriate compensation. At present, the two sides are still negotiating the amount and matters of compensation.

The child died after struggling for three minutes in the kindergarten, and the teacher was too busy to come

For this matter, Eun Seol has a lot to say, but she doesn't know where to start, what use will it be when she says it. I can only hope that more kindergartens will pay more attention to the safety of their children and make fewer parents feel pain.

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