
Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"

Love can do wonders

Focus on the happiness and health of each child in the past review

Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"

Are you upset that your child is picky and doesn't eat well, that your child has unhealthy eating habits, or that you don't know how to get your child to eat properly?

Don't just preach harshly, this weekend story workshop will help you! Take the baby and see this very creative and brain-opening picture book - "The Little Man in the Belly", I believe that children will love it!

Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"


Picture book video

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Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"
Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"

In your belly, live a little person who is exactly the same as you, and he will help you digest food better. However, if you eat too much, drink too much, eat lying down, or get cold in your stomach... At this time, not only will your stomach be uncomfortable, but the little person in your stomach will also suffer and run out to protest. If you change your bad habits in time, don't be picky, chew slowly, sleep well, and play well, the little people in your stomach will become healthy and happy with you!


Reading Guide:

Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"
Weekend Story Workshop – "The Little Man in the Belly"

1. Guide children to carefully observe the picture and express their own opinions in combination with life.

2. Ask your child to think about what are bad eating habits and what the consequences will be.

3. Which eating habits are good for your health, how you do it, and how you can improve it.

4. Parents should properly respect their children's wishes and solicit their dietary opinions. Follow the principle of eating less and eating more meals, and if your child has a bad appetite, do not force food.

5. Adults should not feed their children because they are worried about eating slowly or getting dirty, and give children the opportunity to exercise by themselves.

6. Establish good eating habits: Eat on time, and don't eat while watching TV or talking while eating.

This is a picture book that does not teach, but happily guides children to establish good eating habits through "empathy". For children in the sensitive period of and urine, or children who usually do not pay attention to healthy diet, the picture book concisely and intuitively shows a variety of bad eating habits, and tells children how to have a healthy and good body by portraying the magical little people in the stomach.


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