
"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

It's hard to be a woman: when you're young, boys can laugh out loud, it doesn't matter if they're naughty, and a sentence of "boys are naughty and normal" can easily be forgiven, while girls can't.

Girls should be quiet, smile and not show their teeth, can not move like a rabbit, must sit and sit, stand and stand, otherwise they will be criticized for not saying anything.

When you grow up, the same requirements will be tolerated by boys and harsh to girls.

For example, men's cooking is not delicious because it is enough for men to earn money and support their families;

And women not only have to go out of the hall and the kitchen, but also have to be financially independent, and they also have to teach their husbands and children.

When a father looks at his child, he is a good man who takes care of the family; if the mother's education for the child is not in place, he will be criticized and accused.

Women are difficult, women seem to be busy for others all their lives, but they can rarely get the happiness that really belongs to them.

And when we come to this world, if we can't do what we like to do, if we can't see the beautiful scenery, won't we come to this world in vain?

Therefore, "to be a woman, be like a cat", in the relationship between the sexes, no matter who you are married with, you must remember this truth.

"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

To be a woman, be like a cat, casual and proud

Cats have such a characteristic, that is, when they want to be warm, they will be warm, and when they want to be cold, they will be cold.

Their mood changes are always self-centered and do not change their attitudes because of unimportant people.

This is something we need to learn.

When many women are in love, they automatically put themselves into the role of a wife, always want to manage each other, and say it again and again.

In fact, men fall in love for freedom, not for the sake of letting another person take care of themselves, which will push the man away from his side.

A woman like a "cat" never makes such a low-level mistake —

For example, smoking, women do not like, remind the man once, but the man does not care, then the woman will not say it again.

Why bother?

We said it, the other party did not listen, besides, we felt angry, the other party also felt annoyed, there is no meaning at all, it is better to take good care of ourselves.

When you are happy, coax each other and say something nice;

When you're not happy, be alone and do something that makes you feel happy.

Don't be man-centric, so that you can eat a man.

"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

To be a woman, be like a cat, lazy and sharp

The cat is particularly cute, with a round face, big eyes, and a harmless appearance, but we should not be deceived by its appearance.

Because cats look careless, but that doesn't mean they don't care, cats will be sharp when necessary to protect themselves from harm.

In life, women feel that when they are with men, they should not be too open-toothed, be obedient, be obedient, and be docile.

As a result, when they relent, what awaits them is the man's disgust or indifference.

There is nothing wrong with being kind, sensible, and obedient, but if these qualities lack the support of the sharp edge, they will become the weaknesses that others use to hurt themselves.

Wang Xiaobo said: "Kindness is never an easy task, wrong kindness will not bring heaven to others, it will only drag you into hell." ”

Women with cat sex will tolerate when they should be tolerant, and when others touch their bottom line, they will show their sharp edges to defend their rights.

Such a woman is not weak, and such a woman will also make men jealous and dare not act recklessly.

"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

To be a woman, be like a cat, independent and clingy

People who have owned cats actually know that cats don't seem to like people very much.

Compared to dogs who are particularly loyal to humans, in the world of cats, they will feel that human efforts are justified.

You're nice to me, that's what you should do; you're bad to me, and it's your own problem, and it has nothing to do with cats.

This approach may sound selfish, but it also reflects the cat's independence, not being grateful for someone's presence, or being heartbroken by someone's departure.

Of course, cats are not the flowers of The High Ridge, and no one should come near them.

We can see that cats are also very clingy, they are petite, selling cuteness, clinging to the owner to express their small dependence.

Cats are independent mentally, but clingy in behavior.

We should also be like cats, don't "sacrifice their lives" because men are good to themselves, and don't start self-doubting because men are bad for themselves.

"Be a woman, be like a cat" No matter who you marry, remember this truth

You must know that in a relationship, men should pay, not to pay is wrong, we can not because of a little favor and lower their posture in the relationship.

Of course, don't be too independent, this will make men in a marginal state in the relationship. Finding a balance between independence and clinginess will help women to eat men's hearts.

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