
The price of refined oil products has entered the 9 era, which is more cost-effective for electric vehicles vs fuel vehicles?

At 24:00 on March 17, the domestic oil price ushered in another adjustment, and the No. 95 gasoline fully entered the 9 yuan era, and every refueling was like the fuel owners who cut meat, whether they planned to "change the electric car when they have the opportunity" or not. Which is more cost-effective for electric vehicles vs fuel vehicles? The reporter interviewed the owners of electric vehicles and fuel vehicles and listened to what they had to say.

At 24:00 on March 17, domestic oil prices ushered in the window period of the fifth adjustment. No. 92 gasoline and No. 0 diesel will increase by 0.6 yuan and 0.61 yuan per liter, respectively, and No. 95 gasoline will fully enter the 9 yuan era. Taking 60 liters of oil per tank as an example, filling a tank of No. 95 oil costs 51.6 yuan more than at the beginning of the month.

The price of refined oil products has entered the 9 era, which is more cost-effective for electric vehicles vs fuel vehicles?

Purchase: The cost of fuel vehicles is much lower than that of electric vehicles

Mr. Zhou, a citizen who still has 1/3 of the gasoline left in the fuel tank of the car, heard that the oil price will continue to rise, and took advantage of the lunch break to rush to the gas station near the unit and directly fill it up. Mr. Zhou's car is a Toyota Camry, a typical Japanese axle car with light vehicles, few problems and low fuel consumption on the market.

Mr. Zhou recalled that the car was purchased in 2018, the price of the naked car was 199,800 yuan, the purchase tax was 13,000 yuan, and the insurance was 7,800 yuan for the three-year joint guarantee launched by the 4S store, and the landing price was more than 220,000 yuan.

Ms. Zhang, who also drives a bridge car, drives an electric car, Tesla Model 3. Tesla is the world's first batch of electric vehicle companies, in 2021 Tesla domestic sales of more than 300,000, with a considerable number of user groups.

Ms. Zhang introduced that her Tesla was purchased in 2020, and the price of the naked car after government subsidies was 249,000 yuan, and the insurance was 7,000 yuan. Electric vehicles are not subject to purchase tax, but they need to purchase 8,000 yuan of household charging piles, and the landing price is 264,000 yuan.

Comparison found that the price of bare cars and insurance for cars of the same level and electric vehicles is more expensive. Especially recently, electric vehicles have ushered in a wave of price increases. The result is obvious that the landing cost of electric vehicles is higher than that of fuel vehicles.

Use: Electric vehicles cost less than fuel vehicles

Mr. Zhou's Camry plus No. 92 oil, adjusted per liter of oil price of 8.54 yuan, 60 liters of fuel tank full of 512.4 yuan, 100 kilometers of fuel consumption of 8 liters, a tank of oil can run an average of 750 kilometers, for Mr. Zhou, who commutes to work and occasionally travels, two tanks of oil a month are enough. According to Mr. Zhou's estimate, the annual fuel cost of the vehicle is about 12,000 yuan, the maintenance cost of the 4S shop is about 1,000 yuan, and the use cost is about 13,000 yuan.

For Ms. Zhang, who likes to travel by car, "electric cars are too cost-effective to buy." Household charging totals less than a dime per kilometer. Even if you use public charging piles when you go out, the cost per kilometer is less than 3 cents, and there are more and more outdoor charging facilities, and electric vehicles are becoming more and more convenient.

Under normal circumstances, a fully charged Tesla has a cruising range of about 450 kilometers. In winter, the mileage will be shortened, which is about 350 kilometers. If mr. Zhou is estimated according to the number of kilometers per year, the cost of electricity consumption is about 3,000 yuan. According to Ms. Zhang, electric vehicles do not have the concern of regular maintenance in 4S shops, and they can also save this money.

But Ms. Zhang also mentioned that electric vehicles running long distances will have confusion about short mileage and long charging time. Especially in winter, the mileage is significantly shortened, and it can only reach about 70% of other seasons. However, Ms. Zhang also stressed that the battery pack life of electric vehicles will not have the problem of rapid decay within a few years as rumored by netizens, and according to the actual experience of car users, there will be no large attenuation of power within 200,000 kilometers, and there is no need to replace it within at least five or six years.

Ms. Zhang said that relatively speaking, Tesla's vehicle space is somewhat cramped, and the riding experience is more general feedback. However, the driving experience of electric vehicles is better, and the sense of fashion and technology of the vehicle is deeply loved by young people.

Comparison found that the cost of using electric vehicles such as Tesla is lower than that of fuel vehicles, and the riding experience is poor and the driving experience is better.

Hedging: The performance of fuel vehicles is stable, and the retention rate of electric vehicles has increased

From the second-hand car market, it was found that Mr. Zhou's same year Camry is now quoted at about 150,000 yuan, and the value preservation situation still makes Mr. Zhou more satisfied, and Mr. Zhou is planning to change to an off-road vehicle after a period of time, which may be an electric vehicle.

Ms. Zhang, who just sold the Tesla Model 3 a while ago and replaced another Tesla off-road vehicle, told reporters that her Model 3 sold for 220,000 yuan, drove for more than a year, less than 20,000 kilometers, and the value preservation situation was also relatively satisfactory. And customers who bought Ms. Zhang's Model 3 turned around and found that tesla electric vehicles had increased in price, and they also felt that they had taken advantage.

Comparison found that the retention rate of fuel vehicles generally performed well. Electric vehicles, on the other hand, are no longer models with a low retention rate. Electric vehicles are the trend of future automobile development, which is recognized and purchased by more and more young people, and the retention rate has also shown an upward momentum.

Combining the above comparisons, it is found that in terms of car purchase price, even if there is an electric vehicle under high government subsidies, the landing price is much higher than that of electric vehicles. In terms of use, fuel vehicles and electric vehicles are equally divided, each has its own advantages, and the cost of use is lower than that of fuel vehicles. In the second-hand car market, the retention rate of fuel vehicles is relatively higher, but the retention rate of electric vehicles has also shown an upward momentum.

Peninsula Morning Post, 39 degree video trainee reporter Zhuo Zeyu Wen / Photo

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