
Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Compared with the past, the price of cars is obviously much cheaper now, and almost everyone can have a car of their own with at least a little effort. The increase in the variety and number of cars has also led to a large number of car sources in the second-hand car market. As we all know, new cars begin to depreciate from the moment they are bought, in order to reduce losses, I believe that many car owners have considered buying second-hand models, after all, the price of second-hand cars is much cheaper, and the same budget can buy better models. However, the domestic second-hand car market is mixed, and it is difficult for ordinary consumers to find the catty in it, so many car owners have finally purchased new cars for the sake of insurance.

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

But in recent years, the brand's officially certified used cars have also begun to explode, and many consumers have begun to stir, so are these officially certified brand used cars reliable? What are its guarantees compared to used car platforms? What should we pay attention to when buying a used car in a 4S store? Today, let's talk about this problem.

1. Add one year or stipulate the mileage of the original factory warranty

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Compared with ordinary used car dealers, the officially certified used cars sold by 4S stores are indeed more reliable. First of all, the purchase of 4S shop certified official used cars regardless of mileage and age, many brands will provide a year or the original warranty of the specified mileage on the basis of the original, and it is a national warranty, which is generally mainly for the engine and gearbox. In fact, this can first eliminate most of the owners of the car worried about buying a faulty vehicle, if the vehicle has related problems, I believe that after a short period of driving can find problems, even if there is a problem, we can also find a 4S shop for national joint insurance, free replacement of the corresponding accessories.

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Compared with second-hand dealers, buying a car is basically a finalized transaction, and there is a feeling of "once the goods leave the cabinet, the banknotes are in hand, and they are not responsible". If you have already purchased a vehicle at a used car dealership, go home and find a problem, and then go to the dealer, it is basically not accepted. If the quality of the second-hand car purchased is relatively new, the vehicle is still within the warranty range, the owner can also go to the 4S shop for warranty, and if the vehicle has been out of the warranty period, then the maintenance cost can only be paid by itself.

2. Avoid fire, soaking water, adjusting the meter,

Cutting, sheet metal and other issues

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Buying second-hand cars must be the most afraid of encountering vehicles such as fire, soaking water, meter adjustment, cutting and sheet metal, etc. These vehicles are all major accident vehicles and do not have any safety guarantees, so these cars, no matter how cheap, are resolutely not purchased. However, in order to obtain more benefits, many profiteers will carry out thorough refurbishment and repair of these vehicles listed above, and the refurbishment method can be described as very professional, and the average consumer cannot detect that the car has been overhauled before. Especially for some luxury cars, on the surface we can see all the problems replaced, if you only rely on some simple means to identify the accident car, it is impossible to find out what these cars have experienced before. In addition, the vehicles purchased by second-hand car dealers will basically be adjusted, which is already an open secret in the industry.

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

The 4S store officially certified used cars generally do not exist in the fire, soaking water, meter adjustment, cutting and sheet metal situation, even if there is maintenance, maintenance system will be queried, or announced to consumers before purchase. After all, 4S stores pay more attention to integrity than used car dealers. In addition, if there is a problem with the second-hand car purchased by the 4S store, it can also be complained about and protected through third-party platforms such as the car quality network. However, this does not mean that there is no major accident in the second-hand car certified by the 4S store, because before that, it was also revealed that the official certified used car purchased by a 4S store had the problem of cutting and overhauling. In short, there will be risks in buying a used car, but the size of the risk is different.

3, used car condition is more secure

In addition to the warranty, the official used car condition certified by the 4S shop is also more secure, and most of these models have completed 4S shop detailed maintenance records. Moreover, the official second-hand cars certified by the 4S shop are generally more quasi-new cars, these vehicles are not too long to be licensed, the mileage is relatively short, basically not much different from the new car, and the price is much cheaper than the new car. This quasi-new car is very cost-effective for users who intend to buy new cars, and even many used car dealers go to 4S stores to buy officially certified used cars and earn the difference.

Quality car: Is the used car of the 4S shop reliable What are the advantages?

Of course, one more guarantee, one more price. Because there are 4S stores as a guarantee, even if the same car condition, the price of used cars officially certified by 4S stores is generally slightly higher than that of used car dealers. But don't worry, 4S shop certified used cars will generally extend the warranty, and even give away some basic maintenance. In this way, the high price of the official used car certified by the 4S store is also reasonable, and how to choose depends on your own trade-off.


In general, the officially certified used cars sold by 4S stores are generally more reliable, and there are more quasi-new cars, but this model is not available to every brand, and it is generally mostly luxury brands. So, if you're planning to buy a new car but you're on a budget, consider an official used car certified by the 4S shop, which may also be a good choice.

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