
Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

How does parent-child reading change from passive to active?

Parent-child reading should be a happy thing, but if it is always passive, it may be a lot less fun for children, and the effect of reading may not be so ideal.

Therefore, allowing children to change from passive reading to active reading has become the expectation of many parents, so how to do it?

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

If you want your child to take the initiative to read, the key is to stimulate your child's interest in reading, after all, interest is the best teacher.

Children who are interested in reading, without parental urging, will take the initiative to pick up picture books to read, and even pestering parents to read together, who does not want to have such a child who loves to read and can take the initiative to read?

The answer, of course, is that every parent wants to, so how do you do it?

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

Parents can start from the following aspects:

1. Mom and Dad set an example and pick up books to read

"My father and I don't read much, and it's too difficult to raise a baby who loves to read!"

"Don't talk about letting your child read picture books, I read it to my child for a while and get sleepy, I don't know what to do?"

"I want to cultivate my baby's interest in reading, but in fact, I don't have good reading habits myself, so how to cultivate my children?"

"I don't read myself, but I want my children to be interested in reading", which is actually a common problem of many parents.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

We often say that parents are the first teachers of children, because before entering school, children are mainly imitating the words and deeds of parents, if parents love to read and often hold books to read, children will imitate the parents' reading behavior.

At the same time, as reading progresses, children will stimulate a stronger interest in reading, and even fall in love with reading; on the contrary, if parents themselves do not love to read and do not set a good example, children will certainly not have an interest in reading.

Therefore, no matter what, parents should first put down their mobile phones, pick up books, set a good example, and let their children learn from them, so as to lay a good foundation for their children to actively read.

2. Create a good reading atmosphere

The environment can directly affect a person, want to make children interested in reading, want them to take the initiative to read, is bound to create a suitable reading environment, to create a good reading atmosphere.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

If a family doesn't have a single book, or only a few books, and the children can't even see the books, how can they be interested in reading?

On the other hand, if there are a lot of books at home, or there is a reading area exclusive to children, they can get the books to read at their fingertips, so that they may not need to be reminded by their parents, and they will look at it with relish.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

It can be seen that the environment and atmosphere are very important, parents need to pay attention to it, even if they can't give their children a separate study, they should also help them make a small "reading corner".

3. Adhere to parent-child co-reading

In fact, on the road of parent-child co-reading, not only children can't stick to it, but many times it may be that parents can't stick to it.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

"From the age of one, we began to read parent-child, but I was not persistent enough as a mother, sometimes reading to my children, sometimes too tired to be lazy to read." 」

"What if the child can't read on his own?" Always let mom talk. ”

In fact, this also reflects the mentality of some parents, for the parent-child reading thing, they themselves can not stick to it, and even do not want to accompany the child to read, just want to throw the book to the child to read by themselves, and then go to the side to hide quiet, play mobile phones, this practice is absolutely undesirable.

Parent-child reading must be adhered to, and at least until the child is ten years old, do not accompany the child when he first recognizes the words, because the fundamental purpose of parent-child reading is not to make the child literate, but to let the child and the parents spend a wonderful parent-child time together and leave good memories.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

Therefore, parents should insist on reading picture books to their children every day, so that children can feel the beauty of reading and the happiness of parent-child coexistence, so that they naturally have an interest in reading and are willing to take the initiative to read.

4. Take your children to libraries and bookstores to read

The Argentine writer Borges once said: "If there really is a paradise in this world, heaven should be like a library." ”

Therefore, parents should take their children to the library to read more and take them to see the beauty of "heaven".

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

In addition, the library is also the most reading atmosphere, there are books at hand, there is the quietest environment, there is a group of people who also love to read wandering in the ocean of books, affected by these external factors, children will also be immersed in reading.

Not only the library, but also the bookstore is also a place where children should go often.

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

Although it is very convenient to buy books online now, but it is less fun to choose books, especially for children, if you can go to the bookstore, children can more intuitively understand and know a book, it is easier to choose the book they are interested in, which of course is easier to stimulate their interest in active reading.

5. Reading needs to be gradual

Some parents like to buy a lot of books for their children at once, and then force them to read them, which violates the principle of "step by step".

If you have too many new books at once, let alone children, even we adults may not be able to read them, and finally put them on the shelf, so we should still follow the principle of "step by step".

Parent-child reading from passive to active? Children's interest is the key, parents should pay attention to these 5 points

Parents can give their children 2-3 new books at a time, which can not only make the children feel fresh, but also let the children read them step by step, without having to eat a fat person.

Doing so can better stimulate children's interest in reading, which is beneficial to promoting children to take the initiative to read.

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