
Pregnancy, the peak of fetal intelligence in these 3 weeks, if you seize the opportunity, having a smart baby is not a dream

Now every parent wants their child to be smart when he is born, and does not want his baby to lose at the starting line. In fact, it is still an IQ problem, mainly affected by genetic factors, but the influence of acquired factors is also very critical. And when he is still developing in the stomach, when in the critical period of fetal intelligence development, if the pregnant mother pays attention to supplementing nutrition and promoting the development of the fetal brain, the baby will be more intelligent after birth. Well, 10 months of pregnancy, these 3 months are the key period of fetal "intellectual development", pregnant mothers do not miss!

Pregnancy, the peak of fetal intelligence in these 3 weeks, if you seize the opportunity, having a smart baby is not a dream

4 weeks pregnant

At this time, the pregnant woman has just been pregnant for about a month, that is to say, the fertilized egg at this time begins to develop slowly after implantation, at this time the embryo as a whole may be small, and slowly begin to develop the whole body, and the baby's brain may have a general shape during this time period. Then at this time, some brain cell tissue will gradually be born, so at this time it is the peak period of improving intelligence, and pregnant mothers should again supplement some nootropic supplements, which will have good benefits for the baby's body and brain development.

Pregnancy, the peak of fetal intelligence in these 3 weeks, if you seize the opportunity, having a smart baby is not a dream

12 weeks pregnant

After the baby spends four months in the mother's belly, that is, 12 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal baby development at this time has basically been perfected, and has entered the rapid stage of brain development, at this time the brain nerves are also slowly dividing, and the child has entered a soaring period, at this time the expectant mother should strengthen nutrition in moderation, so that it is more conducive to the baby's intellectual development.

Pregnancy, the peak of fetal intelligence in these 3 weeks, if you seize the opportunity, having a smart baby is not a dream

20 weeks pregnant

At this time, it has entered the second trimester of pregnancy, and the development of the fetus is basically stable. The fetal auditory and visual nerves have also begun to develop at this time, including the development of brain circuits more and more complex, which is the last peak period of fetal brain development. At this time, in addition to supplementing nutrition, pregnant women can also carry out prenatal education, which is more conducive to the development of the fetal brain.

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