
The last three months are the baby's height for a long time, are you ready?

In the spring, everything comes back to life, and all kinds of creatures thrive and thrive in this beautiful season, including our children. A study by the World Health Organization confirmed that children have significant seasonal growth and development, with spring (March-May) growing the fastest and growing 2-2.5 times faster than autumn. Let's take a look at how to seize the spring golden moon and help your child grow taller

1. Spring calcium supplementation is easy to absorb

Many mothers know that if they want their children to grow tall, they have to supplement calcium. But in fact, the body's absorption of calcium in the diet is less than 10%. To promote calcium absorption, it is necessary to have the assistance of vitamin D. Basking in the sun and receiving ultraviolet rays is the easiest and most important way to get vitamin D. Ultraviolet radiation is converted into vitamin D3, which is absorbed by the body, thereby promoting the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract and making the child's bones grow better and faster. In the four seasons of the year, the ultraviolet content in the spring sunlight is the highest, so children are more likely to absorb calcium in the spring, and therefore more likely to grow taller.

2. Spring growth hormone is vigorous

Traditional medical theory emphasizes "spring, summer, autumn, harvest and winter", spring is the season of growth of all things, and the human body is no exception. According to experts from the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism of Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, because the human metabolism is exuberant in spring, blood circulation is accelerated, respiratory function and digestive function are significantly strengthened, and the secretion of children's endocrine hormones, especially growth hormone, is increased, creating "golden conditions" for their height growth.

Spring grows high golden point one: sleep

As the saying goes, "spring sleepiness and autumn fatigue", in fact, the human body needs more sleep time in the spring, especially in the growth and development stage of children, in order to promote the secretion of growth hormone in the body, more need the support of quality sleep.

1, the doll that can sleep is tall, and the longer you sleep, the taller you grow

Two studies published in the American journal "Sleep" have reported that lack of sleep or too much sleep can lead to brain aging in middle-aged people, while snoozing babies are more likely to grow tall. According to experts, adequate sleep is very beneficial to the child's height growth, because most of the growth hormone is secreted in the state of deep sleep at night, the longer the deep sleep time, the more the amount of growth hormone secreted, and the child will grow taller. If the child's night sleep is affected for various reasons, it will directly affect the secretion of growth hormone.

2, early birds have worms to eat, early sleeping children have a child

There is a certain law in the secretion of growth hormone in children, one of which is: enter the most vigorous period of growth hormone secretion at 11 or 12 o'clock at night, but must be in a state of deep sleep in order to play a more efficient role. Mom and Dad do the math: it generally takes 45-60 minutes for children to fall asleep to deep sleep, so in order not to miss the peak period of growth hormone secretion that begins at 11 o'clock, it is best for the child to fall asleep before 10 o'clock.

Now some parents not only do their own "night cat family", but also do not cultivate the habit of children going to bed early, allowing children to follow themselves to sleep at eleven or twelve o'clock or even later; Some parents are busy with housework after coaxing their children to sleep, and do not pay attention to creating a quiet sleeping environment for their children, resulting in children unable to enter a deep sleep state early; There are also some children who often work overtime at night to review their homework and stay up until eleven or twelve o'clock before going to bed... These are undoubtedly wastes of the child's chances of growing tall, and deeply blasphemous to the growth hormone jun.

3, the child sleeps regularly, and the height growth is more powerful

Do you think your child can quickly grow taller by sleeping early and sleeping enough? Some child health experts said that the secretion of children's growth hormone is consistent with the alternation of the day, the time to fall asleep and get up is fixed, forming a regular and stable sleep cycle, and the secretion time of growth hormone will be longer than that of children who fall asleep early but have irregular schedules.

Spring grows high golden point two: nutrition

If you want your child to grow tall, nutrition must keep up. The first thing to pay attention to is to ensure that children have a balanced intake of various nutrients, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, carbohydrates and water, and the seven major nutrients are indispensable. Children have a variety of diets every day, not partial to food and not picky eating, and rich in nutrient intake, in order to provide a more solid nutritional foundation for the growth of height.

1, calcium: the child's top priority to grow tall

Calcium is the basis of bone growth, if the amount of calcium ingested by the child can not meet the physiological needs, blood calcium and calcium in soft tissues are insufficient, you must "borrow calcium" from the bones, once the bones are deficient in calcium, let alone grow tall, even normal growth can not be done, resulting in osteoporosis, vertebrae deformation, spinal curvature and other serious problems. In the spring, the growth and development rate of children is accelerated, and the demand for calcium increases accordingly, and parents should choose more calcium-rich foods for their babies.

2, protein: the basis of life, the element of growth and height

The various tissues and organs of the human body are composed of proteins, such as muscle tissue, internal organs, brain tissue, etc., and collagen and mucin are the organic components that make up bones. Therefore, protein is not only the basis of life structure, but also an important nutrient for height growth. In the spring, the baby's metabolism is accelerated, the demand for protein is greater, and if the supply is insufficient, it will affect the child's growth.

3. Vitamins: maintain life and promote calcium absorption

Vitamins mean "life-sustaining elements", although the vitamin family members are small, but have a pivotal role in the growth and development of children, such as vitaminS, C can enhance the child's resistance, and vitamin D helps the absorption of calcium, thereby promoting the growth of children's height.

Spring grows high golden point three: sports

Let the child be tall in the spring and the sesame blossoms are high, and appropriate exercise is indispensable. Children often participate in physical exercise, which can improve blood circulation, while stimulating the epiphysis and bones, promoting the secretion of growth hormone, making bones grow more vigorously, thereby promoting the growth of children's height. According to medical experts, children of the same age who often participate in physical exercise have an average height difference of 4-8 cm compared to those who do not love sports, and some even more.

1. Jumping sports: touching heights, jumping, jumping rope, basketball, etc

Jumping exercises can pull muscles and ligaments, stimulate cartilage hyperplasia, and greatly help the growth of bones in the limbs of the spine. For example, skipping rope is a representative sport that stimulates the epiphyseal board and promotes growth. Develop a "15-minute jump rope a day" program that allows children to grow taller in jumping. It should be noted that when children do jumping exercises, parents should teach children not to land on the heels, otherwise it is easy to cause injuries to the knees and waist.

2. Stretching exercise: pull-up, swimming, stretching gymnastics, etc

Swimming as one of the most representative stretching exercises can make all parts of the body fully stretched and exercised; Pull-ups stretch the spine and promote the growth of the spine, so that the child's body continues to grow taller. School-age children should selectively perform more stretching exercises, while infants and young children can do active or passive gymnastics, which can also stretch the body and promote the growth of height.

3. Moderate weight-bearing exercise: weightlifting, weight-bearing running, etc

Some people think that weightlifting and other weight-bearing exercises consume too much physical strength, and it is easy to "press the child short", which is not conducive to the child's height. Some experts say that bones need to bear weight in order to store calcium in the blood into the bones, so moderate weight-bearing exercise also helps to increase bone density, which in turn allows bones and muscles to strengthen and promote height growth.

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