
【Daily science】"Retrogressive" autism is extremely harmful to children, but it is often ignored by parents

【Daily science】"Retrogressive" autism is extremely harmful to children, but it is often ignored by parents





It can promote the functional development of children in various fields; improving children's language, social, intellectual and other aspects of ability is the most direct and effective way for autistic children to recover. Parents should insist on training their children to intervene!

When it is found that the child has autistic tendencies, it is necessary to take treatment in time to avoid missing the best time for treatment intervention, and parents must give their children more care and enhance confidence in life.

The child is very clever, three or four months can chase after the audio-visual, often a laugh, very clever to make the family laugh, slowly grow up also began to learn language, will be called "baba" "mama", but do not know from when, the family called him often did not get a response, the child began not to look at people, even the most basic eye contact is gone, the family is very anxious, do not know why the child suddenly like a changed person.

Before the age of 2, everything is normal, there is no problem in talking and communicating, why is there suddenly no communication after the age of 3, and the signs of "autism" begin to appear? Let's take a look.

Two modes of autism

Behavioral signs in children with autism are summarized in two ways:

The first is the early seizure pattern

That is, children show delays and deviations in social and communication development early in life.

【Daily science】"Retrogressive" autism is extremely harmful to children, but it is often ignored by parents

The second is the regressive pattern

That is, children's skill development in the early stages of growth and development is basically in line with expectations, and suddenly or gradually declines or losses occur sharply during a certain period.

The second pattern, regression autism, also known as degenerative autism, is mainly manifested in the development of children with such autism as if they can develop more normally in the first year of life, but during the period of 15-30 months, they begin to show degeneration of learned skills in one or more fields. The average age at which such children began to degenerate in the current study was 1.78 years.

Studies have shown that children with retrograde autism are more likely to have cognitive deficits and have higher levels of autism symptoms than children with non-retrogressive autism. Therefore, compared with the general development of autistic children, the early intervention of retrograde autistic children is particularly important, and the early intervention standard is 3 to 4 years old to start treatment.

Illustrates the rate and extent of exacerbation of the regressive autism

What causes regressive autism?

Regression type autism and non-regression type causes and performance are similar, at present, the exact cause has not been found, the industry generally believes that the following five factors can lead to autism.

【Daily science】"Retrogressive" autism is extremely harmful to children, but it is often ignored by parents

The first is genetic factors, studies have shown that about 10% of boys with autism have X chromosomal fragility, some autism may have other chromosomal abnormalities, and the incidence in identical twins is significantly higher than that of fraternal twins, and these results indicate that it may be related to heredity.

Secondly, it is immunological factors, if the child has been infected by the virus in the belly of the pregnant woman or in infancy, resulting in nervous system damage, pregnant women have alcohol and smoking, radiation or viral infection and other factors during pregnancy, there may be a risk of autism, in the birth process, if the fetus has problems such as hypoxia damage, it will also cause autism.

The cause of cerebral organic lesions, many children with autism have shown abnormal EEG, and there may be neurological diseases such as epilepsy, and the development of some brain organs has also appeared undesirable phenomena, so the onset of autism may also be caused by cerebral organic lesions.

Family factors, parents are professional and technical personnel, highly educated, relatively intelligent, but stereotypical, and have a compulsive tendency, cold and stubborn to children, the family lacks warmth.

Finally, environmental factors, when the child is in a more monotonous and lonely environment for a long time, it is easy to cause the child not to communicate with the outside world. There is no one in life to communicate with him or to stimulate speech, his brain is not active, and he does not have any interest in the outside world.

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Institute of Autism

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