
The observation and report of the two sessions | the sweetness and bitterness of the past year have become the focus of the Auto people's suggestions and suggestions

According to the data of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, in 2021, the national automobile production and sales were 26.082 million units and 26.275 million units, an increase of 3.4% and 3.8% respectively year-on-year. This year, China's auto market still showed a long-lost positive growth trend, ending the decline since 2018 for three consecutive years, showing the vigorous development of China's auto industry.

The observation and report of the two sessions | the sweetness and bitterness of the past year have become the focus of the Auto people's suggestions and suggestions

But in fact, for China's auto industry-related enterprises, 2021 is a very extraordinary year, this year they tasted the sweetness brought by the rapid development of new energy vehicles, but also tasted the sweetness brought by the rapid development of intelligent networked vehicles, but at the same time had to swallow the bitterness from the chip supply. At the current two sessions, NPC deputies and CPPCC members from the automotive industry have also put forward relevant bills and proposals for the sweetness and bitterness tasted in the past year, either for the automotive industry to continue to flourish or to make up for the gap for the automotive industry.

Next, the editor of "Dao Ge Says Car" will give you an inventory of the suggestions made by the Auto people for the sweetness and bitterness they have tasted in the past year.

The development of new energy is just right, and the auto people have made suggestions to promote it

In recent years, new energy vehicles have become the mainstream of the industry's development, and the past year has grown at an alarming rate. Data show that in 2021, the mainland new energy vehicle sales completed 3.521 million units, an increase of 1.6 times year-on-year, ranking first in the world for 7 consecutive years, the momentum of rapid development far exceeded industry expectations, in this process domestic car companies or related enterprises have mostly tasted the sweetness, in this two sessions, they once again made suggestions for the continued development of new energy vehicles.

Zeng Qinghong, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the GUANGZHOU Automobile Group, brought the "Suggestions on Improving the Subsidy Policy for New Energy Vehicles", Zeng Qinghong suggested that the state subsidy be postponed for one to two years, simplify the procedures for receiving subsidies in the early stage, and alleviate the financial pressure of enterprises; it is suggested that the national level consider adjusting the strategic direction of the subsidy policy for the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in the new period to achieve the purpose of "boosting consumption and encouraging construction"; increase efforts to study and improve other incentive policies as soon as possible to ensure that the market is effective after the subsidies for new energy vehicles are completely stopped. Continue to develop and complete the goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan for the innovative development of new energy vehicles. It is worth mentioning that in the past year, GAC Aean, a new energy brand under GAC Group, sold 123,660 vehicles, successfully surpassing a number of new car-making forces, with an increase of 119% year-on-year, exceeding the annual target of 100,000 vehicles.

The observation and report of the two sessions | the sweetness and bitterness of the past year have become the focus of the Auto people's suggestions and suggestions

Zhou Fugeng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and a senior engineer of Jiangqi Automobile Group, will bring four suggestions at the two sessions, all of which involve promoting the development of new energy vehicles, including the "Proposal on Incorporating New Energy Coach Vehicles into the Management of Public Domain Vehicles and Encouraging Promotion", "Suggestions on Further Optimizing the Environment for the Use of New Energy Passenger Vehicles", "Suggestions on Optimizing the Policy of New Energy Trucks", and "Suggestions on Increasing the Momentum of the Development of the New Energy Vehicle Industry".

Among them, Zhou Fugeng suggested in the "Suggestions on Incorporating New Energy Coach Cars into the Management of Public Domain Vehicles and Encouraging Promotion" that new energy coach cars be included in public domain vehicles, and corresponding policies were introduced to guide local public security examination organs to demonstrate the application of new energy examination vehicles; "Suggestions on Further Optimizing the Environment for the Use of New Energy Passenger Vehicles" suggested that an independent new energy passenger car electricity price mechanism should be established, and the trough charging should be implemented free of charge, and full discounts should be given to further reduce the cost of consumers' cars. Increase the construction of high-speed charging infrastructure, and accelerate the planning and operation management of the construction of major domestic highway charging infrastructure.

Yin Tongyue, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Chery Group, proposed to accelerate the inclusion of new energy vehicles in carbon trading management, incorporate new energy vehicle power battery raw materials into national strategic reserve resources, maintain the stable development of the new energy automobile industry, unify the national green card policy, and introduce standards to optimize the development and construction of new energy vehicle charging infrastructure.

Among them, Yin Tongyue said in the "Proposal on Accelerating the Integration of New Energy Vehicles into Carbon Trading Management" that it is recommended that the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other ministries and commissions focus on studying the effect of new energy vehicles in reducing carbon emissions during the use stage, and use it as a starting point to encourage traditional car factories to transform the production of new energy vehicles, so as to further expand the scale of the new energy vehicle market; it is recommended to expand the scope of the carbon trading industry, including the automotive industry, so that automobile companies can participate in CCER to enter the carbon market for trading; encourage cross-industry enterprises to promote the country through carbon market trading The "double carbon" goal is achieved, and the automotive industry will benefit from cross-industry carbon trading to transform the economic benefits of new energy vehicle production.

Lei Jun, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, a deputy to the National People's Congress who officially became an "automan" at the end of March last year, also put forward relevant suggestions for the development of new energy vehicles. Based on the current mainland public charging pile in the fast charging account for only 40%, and the fast charging power is generally low, resulting in slow charging speed, long queuing time, low turnover efficiency and other issues are still prominent, it is difficult to meet the charging needs of the majority of users, it is difficult to adapt to the current rapid development of the new energy automobile industry. Lei Jun suggested that we should promote the formulation, unification and application of technical standards and communication protocols, introduce a high-power fast-charging interconnection work plan, and give priority to promoting the interconnection of high-power fast-charging piles in scarce resource areas such as new investment and construction, core business districts, and highways, so as to achieve the optimal allocation of social resources.

Zeng Yuqun, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman of Ningde Times New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., made four proposals on the company's industry, that is, the field of power batteries and energy storage in this year's two sessions, namely "Proposal on Establishing a New Energy Storage Capacity Electricity Price Mechanism with Reference to Pumped Storage", "Proposal on Accelerating the Research on the Carbon Footprint of Mainland Batteries and Establishing a China-EU Mutual Recognition Mechanism", "Proposal on Taking Effective Measures as Soon as Possible to Promote the Supply and Price Stability of Domestic Lithium Resources". Proposal on Optimizing the Road Transport Management System for Large-Capacity Lithium Batteries to Help the Healthy Development of the New Energy Industry.

Among them, in the "Proposal on Taking Effective Measures to Promote the Supply and Price Stability of Domestic Lithium Resources as Soon as Possible", Zeng Yuqun introduced that when the country recently held relevant meetings to review the national security strategy, it was clearly proposed to ensure the safety of energy and minerals. Lithium resources are the core raw materials of lithium batteries, and it is of great strategic significance to correctly understand and grasp the supply guarantee of lithium battery primary products. He believes that the exploration and development of domestic lithium resources should be accelerated to ensure the safety of the supply chain, and at the same time, independent innovation and scientific and technological research should be strengthened to improve the level of efficient utilization of resource recycling.

Smart connected cars are becoming more popular, and automakers have suggested that they promote norms

Driven by intelligent and networked technologies, intelligent connected vehicles have gradually become the main growth driver in the passenger car market, "China Internet Development Report (2021)". The report shows that in 2020, the sales volume of intelligent and connected vehicles in the mainland was 3.032 million units, an increase of 107% year-on-year, and the penetration rate remained at about 15%. Although the sales of intelligent networked vehicles in 2021 are not yet known, it can be seen from the selling points of the main models of various brands that frequently promote intelligent networking, and according to relevant agencies, by 2025, the sales of intelligent networked vehicles will exceed 50%. In this context, intelligent connected vehicles have also become the focus of the two sessions, and many industry leaders have made suggestions and suggestions for promoting the development of intelligent networked vehicles.

At the two sessions, Chen Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of SAIC Motor, proposed to revise and improve relevant laws and regulations and supporting policies to support the accelerated development of intelligent and connected vehicles. He believes that in order to promote the faster development of intelligent and connected vehicles, especially to achieve the landing of autonomous driving technology, it is also necessary to achieve breakthroughs in laws and regulations. To this end, he suggested that in the Road Traffic Safety Law, the legal status of the automatic driving system should be clarified, and the standard rules and disposal mechanisms for the division of responsibilities between human drivers and "automatic driving systems" (car companies, parts suppliers, etc.) should be formulated.

Zeng Qinghong, a deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the GUANGZHOU Automobile Group, also holds a similar view on this. At the two sessions, Zeng Qinghong put forward a bill on amending the relevant provisions of the Road Traffic Safety Law and promoting the rapid development of intelligent driving vehicles, suggesting that articles 2 and 76 of the Road Traffic Safety Law be amended, adding the definition of robot drivers and the division of responsibilities, first realizing the breakthrough of intelligent driving legislation from scratch and from 0 to 1, and immediately starting to study and establish a more perfect special law for intelligent driving.

The observation and report of the two sessions | the sweetness and bitterness of the past year have become the focus of the Auto people's suggestions and suggestions

Zhu Huarong, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Changan Automobile, proposed in the "Suggestions on Coordinating the Development and Safety of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles" that the government's guidance, regulatory protection and standard unification should accelerate industry cooperation and break down data barriers; reasonably relax the requirements for automotive data security and privacy protection, establish a credible automotive data circulation channel, and promote the development of intelligent and connected vehicles while meeting data security requirements.

Fang Yunzhou, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of Nezha Automobile, submitted the "Proposal on The Overall Construction of the Intelligent Vehicle Operating System Ecology", pointing out that in order to avoid the mistakes of smart cars repeating the mistakes of smart phones being stuck in the neck, it is urgent to immediately start the ecological construction with China's intelligent car operating system as the core. Fang Yunzhou said that the intelligent car operating system is not a simple breakthrough in a single technical point, it requires the combination of the underlying logic and the upper architecture of the country and the industry, the need for an architectural ecology based on the underlying operating system of the automobile, the need to establish an ecosystem from the application ecology, the value chain ecology, the tool chain and the standard, and the cohesion of all parties in the industrial chain to seek breakthroughs in the way of jointly creating an ecology.

In addition to the big guys from the automotive industry who have made suggestions and suggestions for the development of intelligent and connected vehicles, Zhou Hongyi, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360, who is from the Internet field and has the identity of a "car builder", and Li Yanhong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman and CEO of Baidu, are also concerned about the development of intelligent connected vehicles.

Focusing on the establishment and improvement of the safety mechanism of intelligent networked vehicles, Zhou Hongyi put forward three suggestions: establish a "digital space crash test" mechanism and related standards for intelligent networked vehicles to ensure the safety of automobile factory safety and continuous detection; it is recommended to standardize the reporting behavior of automobile safety loopholes, not malicious speculation and illegal disclosure; create an intelligent networked automotive industry situational awareness system with safety brain as the core, and establish a long-term mechanism for automobile safety supervision.

In view of the fact that the development of high-grade autonomous vehicles in the mainland is still facing the situation that cannot enter the market, cannot be licensed, cannot be completely unmanned, cannot operate and charge, and is difficult to determine the responsibility for accidents, he proposed: guide and support local governments to introduce policies to clearly support unmanned vehicles without safety personnel on the road, create a pilot zone for the manned operation policy of all unmanned autonomous vehicles; improve the legal construction of road traffic safety, and lay a legal foundation for accelerating the large-scale commercialization and unmanned use of autonomous vehicles from the national level. Formulate policies such as autonomous driving operation management measures, insurance facilities, accident handling mechanisms, etc., issue official number plates for vehicles that meet the requirements; moderately advance the construction of intelligent transportation infrastructure, give full play to the advantages of 5G remote control, improve traffic efficiency and safety through vehicle-road coordination, and drive the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry to intelligence and networking.

Chip poke in the industry pain points Auto big guys suggest to fill the gap

In the past year, "missing core" is a high-frequency word in the automotive industry, and every once in a while there will always be news about "missing cores" such as "so-and-so brand stops production due to lack of cores" and "so-and-so brand leaders squatting on chips". And consumers also because the manufacturer really can't hand over the car, either wait for a long time, or simply give up the idea of buying a car. In short, in 2021, when it is difficult to end the three consecutive declines in the automobile market, both automobile companies and consumers have been troubled by automotive chips. This industry pain point has also become the focus of attention of NPC deputies from the automotive industry in this two sessions.

Due to the long research and development cycle of vehicle-grade chips, high design thresholds, and large capital investment, At present, Chinese chip companies have low willingness to make car-grade chips, and they have failed to achieve autonomy and controllability in this field. Since 2021, due to many factors, there has been a serious shortage of chip supply in the automotive industry, which has affected the development of China's automotive industry to make further breakthroughs. Wang Fengying, deputy to the National People's Congress and president of Great Wall Motors, put forward suggestions on "improving the overall layout to promote the rapid development of China's automotive grade chip industry": giving priority to solving the problem of "lack of core" in the short term; improving the industrial layout in the medium term to achieve independent control; and building a long-term mechanism for the introduction and training of industrial talents to achieve long-term sustainable development.

Chen Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of SAIC Motor, suggested strengthening policy guarantees to promote the development of domestic large-scale computing chips from the perspective of "industrial chain replenishment chain and strong chain". Chen Hong suggested that through policy guidance and multi-party coordination, a unified technical specification and standard for vehicle-grade chips should be established, and a third-party testing and certification platform should be established; it is suggested that the state take the lead in setting up special funds to encourage chip companies and automobile companies to participate together and accelerate the formation of domestic large-scale chip research and development, manufacturing and application capabilities.

The observation and report of the two sessions | the sweetness and bitterness of the past year have become the focus of the Auto people's suggestions and suggestions

Zeng Qinghong, deputy to the National People's Congress and chairman of the GUANGZHOU Automobile Group, also put forward the "Proposal on Accelerating the Development of the Mainland Automotive Chip Industry Chain": ensure stable supply and supply, sort out the supply and demand of chips in key areas, guide foreign automotive chip enterprises to invest in China, and establish an emergency reserve mechanism for chips and important raw materials; stabilize the market, strengthen law enforcement supervision, regulate the disorderly rise in raw material prices, and alleviate enterprise pressure; strengthen policy guidance and accelerate the overall industrial chain layout of automotive chips; strengthen node research, orderly breakthroughs in research and development, manufacturing, Packaging and other key areas of card neck; strengthen application traction, increase support and talent introduction, and accelerate the pace of localization of chips. Only the government and R & D institutions and enterprises can work together to truly solve the chip bottleneck and promote industrial development.

Zhang Xinghai, deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of Xiaokang Group, suggested that a competent department for automotive chips should be set up at the level of national ministries and commissions to formulate top-level design and supporting measures for the development of the automotive chip industry, and at the same time coordinate resources and manage the research and development, manufacturing and application of domestic automotive chips to ensure the active, steady and efficient development of domestic automotive chips and realize domestic substitution as soon as possible. At the same time, Zhang Xinghai also suggested encouraging vehicle companies and chip companies to work together across borders and joint innovation, actively promote R&D innovation, industrialization innovation, management innovation, etc. The government has introduced policies such as R&D subsidies, tax reductions, and financial discounts to accelerate the realization of "chip on the car".

In the past year, auto companies and related enterprises have tasted the sweetness brought about by the rapid development of new energy vehicles and the rapid development of intelligent and connected vehicles, and also tasted the bitterness brought about by chip supply cuts. Judging from the relevant bills and proposals put forward by the NPC deputies and CPPCC members from the automobile-related industries at the two sessions, they are working hard to promote the continued vigorous development of new energy vehicles and strive to fill the loopholes in the industry as soon as possible. It is believed that with the active participation of people from all walks of life and the guidance of policies, China's automobile industry will have a better future.

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