
How does a stay-at-home mom with a baby not collapse? Share three tips for bringing a baby

As a new generation of parents, everyone is often confused by the baby. A lot of times it feels like I'm about to explode. So I want to share with you how I keep a good mood when I take the baby.

How does a stay-at-home mom with a baby not collapse? Share three tips for bringing a baby

The first and most important piece of advice is to always remind yourself that as long as the baby is healthy and the people around you are healthy and healthy, it is actually a good state. Health is the first, if I make a choice, the baby is quiet, or the baby is particularly naughty, I would rather choose him to be particularly naughty, so as to prove that he is particularly energetic, his body is particularly healthy, will be so lively. Therefore, it is necessary to face every day with a grateful heart, because the baby is healthy and healthy, which is already a very good thing.

The second piece of advice is to go out for a walk often. Because if you stay at home all day, first adults will feel very tired, very boring, and then the baby is tired of playing, he will start to fool around, encounter the baby play tired of the situation, he will find stubble, do all kinds of things to suck your attention, want you to accompany him. The same is to take a day baby, if you don't take him out or don't interact with him on that day, the baby will become particularly anxious. If you have half an hour or an hour a day to take your baby out to play, things will be much better. My baby is very, very well-behaved when he is outside, because there are things everywhere that he is interested in, or walk around and see, and then play east and west, this time will pass quickly. When the weather is better, bring a cup of hot water, then bring a mobile phone, throw the baby into the sand pool in the park, I sit in the chair next to me, and he plays with the sand around me. I'll sit in my chair and listen to music, drink water, and look at the scenery, and it's a very good feeling, because it will give you at least a quarter of an hour or a little longer relatively quiet time.

How does a stay-at-home mom with a baby not collapse? Share three tips for bringing a baby

The third suggestion is actually not particularly recommended to everyone, but sometimes your mood is really at a point, and you feel that the next second is going to explode, you can try this method, this method is to put a twenty-minute or half-hour TV for the baby and let him watch it. At this time, you can calm yourself in the room or lie down for a while, and find a way to excrete negative emotions. In fact, I am particularly reluctant to watch TV for my baby, one is that TV is not good for vision, and the other is that many plots in TV cartoons are out of touch with reality, afraid of a bad guide for the baby. If you are the kind of mother who has never given the baby TV, I really admire you, but I really can't do it sometimes, I think it is better to watch him some TV than to be loud with the baby, or to be angry with the baby, it is difficult to be a perfect mother, I think the baby wants the mother to be a happy person. A mother can really affect the mood of the whole family, if a mother is happy, the baby is happy, the husband is also happy. If the mother becomes particularly depressed, or unhappy, the mood in the family will become very bad, and most of the babies with the mother for the longest time, so the mother's emotions will be very affected by the baby, I do not have the luxury of myself to be a particularly perfect parent, textbook parents, I only hope that when my baby thinks of the mother, he will feel that he has a happy mother, he is particularly happy with the mother, special pleasure, special ease.

These are my three tips, I hope to share these methods with you, so that everyone can maintain a better mood when taking the baby, and this is also beneficial to themselves, it is also beneficial to the baby, and it is very good for the whole family, but if you have a good way, I also hope that you will share it with me. Everyone communicates with each other, because parents need to continue to learn and grow up with their children.

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