
Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

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Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

On February 28, Sanya issued a notice and found a positive case of new crown pneumonia. To this end, Weipai urgently changed the Mocha DHT-PHEV launch conference scheduled for the evening of March 1 in Sanya to online, and cancelled the dealer conference that will be held the next day.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

However, the "firepower" of Mocha DHT-PHEV was not affected by the change of the conference to online, on the contrary, because of the words of Weipai CEO Li Ruifeng, it caused a very big controversy and discussion, and even was on the top of Weibo hot search.

Looking at Li Ruifeng's speech, there are two main points of controversy: one is that "Weipai's intelligent DHT hybrid technology is the best new energy technology in the world"; the other is to publicly provoke the contrast with Wei Xiaoli, believing that the new forces have not solved anxiety for users, and even created new anxiety, while Mocha DHT-PHEV ends industry anxiety and user anxiety, bringing zero anxiety in the whole life cycle and the whole life scenario.

Some people think that Li Ruifeng's diss approach of the new forces is a bit "unkind". But frankly, I want to call a good name for Li Ruifeng - Huawei, Xiaomi and other "barbarians" have been "killed" to the doorstep, if the traditional auto companies still stick to the original "well water does not violate the river water" approach, it is not only difficult to get enough traffic and exposure in the current market environment, but also difficult to have their own fans.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

Love and hate are clear, killing decisively, happy in the rivers and lakes. This is the expression of emotion advocated by the current era, and it is also the direction of Wei Pai's evolution to "Niu Hulu Wei". After all, the price of Mocha DHT-PHEV has stood in the price range of 300,000 yuan, and it is facing direct competition between the new forces represented by Wei Xiaoli and the luxury brands represented by BBA.

Continuing to immerse ourselves in the original value and theoretical system, it is difficult for Wei Pai to have the opportunity to stand out, and it is difficult to show its advantages in the new track to users, which I think is the reason why Li Ruifeng is determined to "live to the death" and lead Wei Paige to his own life.

"Born to die" is courage, but also attitude

"Some time ago, we also held a full mobilization meeting internally, the topic is called 'Living to Death, Wei Win and Fighting', the internal team feels that it is better to use such mild words as 'a battle against the water, rebirth of Nirvana', my point is that Wei Pai's transformation has only one chance, so we must have the courage to live to death and leave no retreat for ourselves." At the online communication meeting on February 28, Li Ruifeng said so.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

"Today, we are facing a new industry, a new trend, a new group of users, especially the most critical moment of the current brand transformation, only to find that the traditional marketing management model in the past is so inappropriate at this moment." Experience is ineffective, and marketing has to switch tracks with the brand. I must face the customer, listen to the customer, take the user as the center, subvert the old model, innovate ideas and thinking with a zero mentality. Li Ruifeng's words made people feel very deeply.

This is a topic that the industry has been discussing for some time in the past, but Li Ruifeng is the first person to put it on the table, face this topic head-on, and make a reflection.

Zeroing out his past experience is only the first step in Wei Pai's renewal. At the recent internal mobilization meeting, a picture flowed out and was widely forwarded in the circle of friends. On that picture, in addition to the words "Xiao Wei students, work together to build the future", it also wrote the names of 8 combat units, including the C01 combat unit, the dream realization combat unit and the MPV combat unit, as well as the names of 472 employees of Wei Pai.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

This informative map not only reveals Weipai's development plan this year, but also reflects the change of thinking and life of all Weipai employees. In addition to all employees, Li Ruifeng also hopes to use the dealer conference to convey the same signal, attitude and determination to all dealers. Only when the whole system is "aligned" in attitude and method, and strives to work together, can it be possible to achieve weipai's goal of leading the new track.

He said that in the past, the model of OEMs formulating policies and then giving dealers to serve users was not grounded, from now on, his identity is the chief product experience officer and the chief user operation officer, and the primary task is to face users and serve users. "My APP account has long been opened, and I have also opened a Weibo account to broaden the channels for direct users. I also hope that all the people in the Weipai team have this mentality, they are no longer the role of ordinary employees, and everyone can be the CEO of Weipai. ”

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

Li Ruifeng, who joined Great Wall Motors after graduating from university in 2003, has been groping and rolling in the field of marketing, seeing all kinds of ups and downs, and has long cultivated his spoiled personality and ability to train in the world. Are you saying he wouldn't know that saying these things would cause controversy? Surely I know, but even if I know the controversy, I still have to say that this is the attitude and courage of "living to die".

As he himself said- "This high-profile transformation in advance is an extreme stress test for Wei Pai, and it also puts forward higher requirements for all Wei Pai people." Because, under the background of the "3060" double carbon target, the continuous iteration of new energy technology is accelerating the transformation of the automotive industry, superimposing the strong purchasing power brought by the new middle class, providing sufficient soil for the brand to transform to high-end and new energy.

Wei Pai decisively chose to make a comprehensive transformation at this time. For Li Ruifeng and his team, "living to die" is not just talking, but a transformation and breakthrough that must really be faced.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

The confidence and strength behind "living to die"

The so-called "life to death" is the first time proposed by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger in his existential masterpiece "Existence and Time": "To live to death, when you are infinitely close to death, you can deeply appreciate the meaning of life." ”

Of course, in order to "live to the death", it is far from enough to have an attitude and courage, but also to have confidence and strength.

In Li Ruifeng's view, the new era of Zhidian Automobile is an era of fighting strength. "Internally, we also realize that this time is not a battle that can be won simply by relying on brand and product renewal, but the entire group and research, production, supply and sales must face users in every dimension to achieve multi-dimensional and all-round renewal of brands, products, channels, users, research and development, production, technology and so on."

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

From the product point of view, there is the industry-leading NOH high-end intelligent driver assistance system, as well as the industry's only 204kmWLTC ultra-long pure electric endurance.

"At present, the positioning of Weipai is very clear, that is, through the blessing of intelligent, DHT and other advantageous technologies, it will break into the hinterland of foreign luxury brands, seize their market share, and open up upward space for the rise of Chinese brands." Li Ruifeng said at the press conference, "Our confidence comes from the long-term technical accumulation and breakthrough of Great Wall Motors, Weipai's intelligent DHT hybrid technology is the best new energy technology in the world at present, and it is also a technology with independent design, independent research and development, and independent property rights of Great Wall Motors." ”

According to reports, intelligent DHT hybrid technology has applied for 199 patents, more than 80 core patents, this set of highly integrated new energy systems, covering two power forms, three sets of powertrains, is the world's first full-speed domain efficiency optimal, the best driving experience, the highest degree of intelligence of the new energy architecture, with the industry's leading NOH high-order intelligent driver assistance system and the industry's only 204kmWLTC ultra-long pure electric endurance, it can be said that redefined the "new energy, new luxury, new intelligence", It also created a new standard belonging to Wei Brand, which is in line with the new standard of energy efficiency value in this era.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

As the first model of the new category of "0 anxiety intelligent electric", mocha DHT-PHEV not only solves the mileage anxiety and charging anxiety of electric vehicles, but also saves daily use costs and enjoys the policy advantages of new energy vehicles such as unlimited license plates and unlimited numbers compared with the range-extended electric vehicles with high fuel consumption under fuel vehicles and feeders.

In a previous exclusive interview with "Huashan On Sword V", Wei Jianjun, chairman of Great Wall Motors, said, "Great Wall Motors has given the best technology to Wei Pai, intelligent and intelligent DHT, the two 'killer skills', which have overwhelming technical advantages compared to competitors and will help Wei Pai become the first independent luxury brand in China to transform into intelligent new energy." ”

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

Wei Jianjun believes that long-range plug-in hybrid vehicles are not only most suitable for the current Chinese market, but also the best choice for European and American users who like to drive long distances. Up to now, multinational car companies do not have much technical accumulation in the plug-in hybrid vehicle market, which has created excellent market opportunities for Weipai.

It is reported that as the first Chinese brand to participate in the IAA for three consecutive years, the first stop of the globalization process of Weipai chose the most difficult European market. At present, WEY Coffee 01 will be delivered in Europe in the first half of this year, and the starting price may be the same as the BBA model. At present, Coffee 01 has completed the WVTA certification of the entire model type in the European Union, which meets the strict Euro 6d emission standards, which fully proves the strong product strength of Weipai. In addition, Weipai's first overseas experience center will also be built in Berlin, Germany, where the highest potential energy of automobiles, and will be used as the starting point for accelerated layout.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

As we all know, Chinese new energy brands, including Weilai and Lantu, will choose the first stop of "going to sea" in Sweden, which has a high proportion of new energy vehicles and less stringent standards. Wei Pai does the opposite, defining the most stringent international standards as the most basic standards of Wei Pai, showing the true top strength of China's intelligent manufacturing.

At the same time, from the institutional mechanism, Weipai will be R & D, marketing, channels, user operation, intelligence, intelligent cockpit, automatic driving all into the combat organization, the formation of an integrated customer-oriented organization, at the same time, the formation of a truly user-centric, flat organizational structure, with the Wei brand APP as the first position, with customers for the first time direct connection and interoperability.

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

From the strongest technology, to the most stringent standards, to the institutional mechanism reform and direct connection with users, all of this is the confidence and strength behind Wei Pai's courage to "live to the death".


As we all know, as early as november 2016, at the Guangzhou Auto Show, Weipai surprised four seats, becoming the pioneer of China's luxury SUV brand, and also opened the road to the Great Wall Motor brand. In the past 5 years or so, Weipai has had a highlight moment of selling 300,000 vehicles in two years, and there have also been downturns.

In the process of the current transformation of the automotive industry to intelligence and electrification, new brands are emerging in an endless stream, including xiaomi, Huawei and other brands have entered the game. For Weipai, the difficulty of transformation is even higher than that of new entrants, because it is much more difficult to change the inherent concepts and perceptions of consumers than to "draw on a blank piece of paper".

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

Li Ruifeng said frankly that he is fully aware of the difficulty of brand renewal and transformation, but he still spares no effort to make breakthroughs. Because, "Weipai will be a test field, benchmark and standard for the upward breakthrough of the Great Wall Motor brand, which is an important mission of our Great Wall Group this year, only the success of Weipai can lead the upward breakthrough of various subdivisions of high-end brands and create a new business model." ”

It can be said that compared with any previous interview, Li Ruifeng is now more determined about Wei Paihuan's goal of renewal. As he himself put it: "To be honest, in the 18 years of my career, I have never felt so stressed, but I have never been so sober." This change is subversive for me personally, and the comprehensive renewal after this transformation is a qualitative growth for the whole team. ”

"Wei Pai is not a follower of technology, and always adheres to the forerunner of technology." As Li Ruifeng said, there are no new and old forces, only new and old technologies. "The new journey, deep gullies and dangerous ravines, rapids and shoals, but weipai transformation road, the concept is firm, vows to carry out self-innovation to the end, vows to break down industry barriers and user anxiety, do what new forces can't do, do what traditional luxury brands don't dare to do."

Hua Shan was determined to "live to death" | sword, so why did Li Ruifeng lead Wei Paige to his own life?

Confucius said: "Thirty stands, forty is not confused." Through the renewal of Wei Brand, Great Wall Motors once again showed strong vitality and infinite possibilities; Li Ruifeng, who was "not confused", also let us see the strong innovative spirit, execution and courage of change of Great Wall people with the determination of "living to the death".

I think that only by fully recognizing Wei Pai's technological advantages and sense of mission can we understand its courage to swim against the current and its determination to "live to the death". In this sense, Wei Pai, who "lives to death", will eventually carry out self-innovation to the end.

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