
Jiangsu: Bao Mom earned 200 yuan in three days of work, but it cost 1,000 yuan to see a doctor: going to work enriched me

Title: Bao Mom earned more than 200 yuan in three days of exhaustion, and later spent 1,000 yuan on medical treatment: I still like the feeling of going to work.

For some people, work is just a way to make money to support their families, while for others, work is to enrich their lives and improve their hearts.

Many people are not satisfied with their jobs, low wages, many things, and great pressures, and they live every day like a soulless shell, but they can only continue to work in order to live.

And for the mother who has given birth to a child, work is also a process of full life, of course, the family's economic conditions are not rich in the mother is also to be able to subsidize the family, but after all, so many years have not been on the job, for the return to the workplace / factory of the mother is also a new challenge.

Jiangsu: Bao Mom earned 200 yuan in three days of work, but it cost 1,000 yuan to see a doctor: going to work enriched me

Bao Mom returned to work in the factory and was unwell after three days of drying.

On February 28, a Ms. Dong from Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, did not go outside for classes from pregnancy to the birth of her child to her child's kindergarten.

But in order to give herself a sense of belonging and enrich her life, Ms. Dong resolutely decided to return to the factory.

This time she found a job of counting goods and counting pieces, which belongs to the kind of work that is more laborious, maybe she has not worked in the factory for several years, Ms. Dong was very uncomfortable at first, and she had back pain at the end of the day, but Ms. Dong did not shrink back, and the next day she insisted on coming to work, but on the third day, Ms. Dong's hands began to appear tingling and swelling.

Jiangsu: Bao Mom earned 200 yuan in three days of work, but it cost 1,000 yuan to see a doctor: going to work enriched me

Three days earned more than 200 yuan, but it cost more than 1,000 yuan to see a doctor.

After going to the hospital, the doctor told her: You are purely tired of yourself, and you will be fine if you take as little things and do less heavy work in the future.

The husband next to him was very distressed about his daughter-in-law after listening to it, and he felt that this job was not suitable for Ms. Dong, it was too hard. But Ms. Dong said that going to work is a very happy thing, to be able to enrich herself, it seems that Ms. Dong was also a strong working woman before having children.

I really can't get sick in life, I earned more than 200 yuan, but I spent more than 1,000 yuan, which lost nearly 800 yuan before and after, and this class is equivalent to a loneliness.

Jiangsu: Bao Mom earned 200 yuan in three days of work, but it cost 1,000 yuan to see a doctor: going to work enriched me

Editor's opinion:

Ms. Dong's starting point is good, her son is in kindergarten, idle at home has nothing to do, he plans to come out to make money, and he can pass the time and supplement the family, and he is afraid of something.

But the opposite happened, maybe Ms. Dong has not worked for too long, this sub-son for three consecutive days without stopping to do physical work, the body can not stand it is a very normal thing.

And Ms. Dong's husband can see that he is a man who hurts his wife, and he knows that his wife is working hard and resolutely opposes his wife to go to work again, but now in this society, women have begun to have a sense of autonomy, and no one can stop what they want to do.

Ms. Dong's attitude shows that she really likes to go to work, loves to work, and feels that going to work is very happy.

But since the doctors have said that Ms. Dong can no longer do physical work after that, can Ms. Dong choose some work that is not tired for her own health? It doesn't matter if the salary is more or less, it is mainly to pass the time.

"Work is like a siege, people on the outside want to come in, people inside want to go out", many people are working hard at this moment in the hope of saving more money and retiring early one day, but Ms. Dong is just the opposite, which is really unpredictable.

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