
Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

Recently, a father was on social media

Uploaded a video

In the video

My 4-year-old daughter is flipping through books

Suddenly to him

"Dad, I want to be a cleaner in the future."

The father was slightly stunned

Ask your daughter why?

Daughter replied

"Because, the cleaner can sweep the floor,

Doing so will make our planet cleaner. ”

Father asked again

"Then if you want to be a cleaner,

What are you going to do now? ”

The daughter answered

"First do it yourself to love clean,

in order to sweep the floor. ”

So the father told his daughter

Be diligent as a cleaner

"So you have to get into the habit of hard work now."

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

This video has aroused heated discussion among netizens

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!
Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

The father said

The eldest daughter was reading one

A picture book about environmental protection

"A while ago the kindergarten taught garbage sorting,

She's very serious about learning,

Every day when I came home, I was supervised to sort my garbage. ”

He confessed that he heard his daughter say she wanted to work as a cleaner

It was really "stunned"

"I was thinking, how to reply to her,

Just follow the original method,

Whatever career she wants to pursue,

I'm leading her to think,

What kind of traits need to be cultivated. ”

He said that his educational philosophy is,

I hope that the child is healthy and has a sound personality

"To be a value to oneself,

People who are valuable to society. ”

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!


Children's ideas are always more "whimsical" than adults

Table tennis player Deng Yaping

While participating in a variety show

Revealed that his son once liked to play games

And want to become a professional esports player

She expressed respect for the child's ideas

He also visited two top clubs for his son

This matter was also once on the Weibo hot search

Deng Yaping said

Like all teenagers

My son also really enjoys playing games

Hence the idea of playing esports

As a mom

Deng Yaping not only did not object

On the contrary, it is very supportive

Deng Yaping said that she has great respect for every sports person

"Even if there is a certain misunderstanding of esports,

But as a supplement to traditional sports,

Esports players

It also exudes a strong sportsmanship.

I said to the child,

Indeed, if you are interested in esports,

You can try it.

World champion in esports

No different from the table tennis world champion,

They are all the pinnacle of their respective sports in the field of sports. ”

To this end, she went to two e-sports clubs

Help the child to understand more

Professional training, daily routine

It's not easy to experience professional players first-hand

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

I believe that many teenagers with e-sports dreams

I hope to have the same parents

However, the result was unexpected

Even if it's already in a game

Won the first place in Beijing

But the son still fought back

Because he heard

Esports trains 12 hours a day

This amount of training is even greater than playing table tennis

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

Deng Yaping's parenting style

Let many netizens like

Everyone thinks so

Professional esports is not as good as it seems to outsiders

The road is still very difficult


What do you want to do when you grow up

This is a problem that every child will face

You don't know about everyday life

Which scene which detail

It will leave a deep impression on the child's heart

Thus sowing the seeds of a career dream

Help your child establish the right professional values

It has also become a "compulsory course" for parents.

1 Correct career outlook can help children establish correct career cognition.

2 The correct concept of occupation can make children consciously match their interests with occupations and lay the foundation for entering society.

3 The correct concept of occupation can enable children to understand society, contact a variety of occupations, conduct experiential learning, improve the ability to find problems and solve problems, and better adapt to society.

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

When we show our children all walks of life

Don't add subjective assumptions

In recent years

There are many college graduates who choose

A different major and a different job than the one you have studied before

Some go home and farm

Some sell pork

Some go to deliver couriers

Some people on the Internet have commented on the violent nature of the object

The state spends so many resources

Parents spend so much effort

This practice is eye-catching

Brush traffic, do not do the right thing

But is it really not doing the right thing?

Of course not

These good kids tend to have more diverse ideas

Rich in creativity

Brings a lot of different things from the original industry

Even many outstanding graduates who returned home

Lead the villagers to live a richer life

Maybe in the eyes of others

They don't make as much money as they do in the metropolis

The status is also not as high as in some industries

But no matter how much money with status

None of them can be compared to what they want to do

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

We should tell the child

Don't steal, don't grab

Work with your own hands

All labor that contributes to the progress of society

Should all be respected

All are glorious and noble

Whether it's physical or mental work

They are all contributing to the progress and development of mankind

Children in the process of learning about various professions

I also learned the meaning of these professions

It is with the help of all walks of life

We can live a better life

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!


When a child says he wants to pursue a certain profession

How do I respond?

In fact, two basic principles can be grasped:

1 Respect the child's ideas and agree with any reason he has;

2 Homeopathic guidance and inspiration, through the form of questions, to help children more comprehensive and deeper understanding and understand the characteristics of this position.

Just like the father mentioned above

Let the child know the advantages of the cleaner profession

And transformed into a good character in the current life

For example, responsibility, persistence, diligence, hard-working

Empathy, respect for the fruits of other people's labor, and so on

Don't easily set limits for your child

Tell them about their career aspirations

Let them "have a choice"

This is an important thing

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

When children say what they want to do

It doesn't have to be really such a professional person

Children's eyes on the world are one-sided

They don't know the sociality behind the profession

But we adults can do it

Give information and guidance

By relieving the children's expressed needs

Take them to find their true dreams

Never subconsciously let children know

Whether a certain job is a good job

And don't laugh at it

Every job deserves a tribute

Every hard worker

All need to be encouraged

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

For example, when you meet sanitation workers

Tell your child about their hard work

Get up early every day and get dark

It is to let everyone have a clean environment

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

For example, I came across a mall salesman

Make your child polite

Tell her aunt is hard

To serve every customer with enthusiasm

Also tidy up the goods

Ensure the safety and hygiene of goods

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

For example, when you meet a teacher

Tell your child to understand the hardships of the teacher

Every day when you show up in the classroom

The teacher has arrived

When you go

The teacher has not gone

When you rest

The teacher did not rest either

So many students in the class

Every teacher has to be guarded and taken care of

Kid: I grew up wanting to be a cleaner! Father: Yes!

The child's life belongs to himself

His happiness is in his own hands

Whatever they want to do

No matter how ridiculous their dreams sound

Please don't be in a hurry to hit him, reprimand him, or teach him

It is good to respect and choose those who are good and guide them

As for the rest, leave it to time and himself

Let the child have the correct understanding

One profession, one job, one post

And tell them honestly

What are the pros and cons of the "profession" you want to pursue

How to become the "person" you want to be

That's what we should do

Please indicate the source of "Capital Education (ID: bjedunews)"

Some of the materials in this article are synthesized from Xiaoxiang Morning News, News Morning News, Love Toddlers, Jing'er Zhizi Academy, DeepIn parenting, Qian Zhiliang Studio, etc

Edit: Joe Belle

Proofreading: Joy without seven

Review: Fisherman's Student

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