
Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies


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Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

In that magnificent year of 1969, Zhou Xiaoou was born in a family full of strong artistic atmosphere in Dongcheng District, Beijing, the capital. His father, Zhou Guiyuan, the core figure of the Kongzheng Drama Troupe, is known as the "man with a thousand faces of language" precisely because of his outstanding voice shaping talent.

Zhou Guiyuan did his best to use his impeccable voice shaping ability to pave a brilliant path to the music hall for his son.

Inheriting his father's gifted genes, Zhou Xiaoou blossomed with extraordinary musical talent and strong interest and enthusiasm at a young age. Under his father's tutelage, he not only became proficient in trumpet and violin skills, but also received comprehensive and systematic musical training.

However, Zhou Guiyuan originally planned to train his son to become a member of the Shougang Band, however, Zhou Xiaoou in his youth was deeply attracted by the charm of rock music.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

In the early 80s, rock superstars such as the Beatles and Elvis Presley swept the world, coupled with the rise of local singers such as Luo Dayou, so that the young Zhou Xiaoou was deeply influenced and indulged in this avant-garde music style.

He had a disagreement with his father on the concept of music, and his expectations were contrary to his father's expectations, and eventually, Zhou Xiaoou, who had entered adolescence, chose to work as a resident singer in a restaurant and began his musical journey.

At this stage, he met like-minded friends such as Ermao and Wang Xiaodong. In 1994, they hit it off in Hohhot and formed their own band, "Zero Point Band", which means that everything starts from scratch and symbolizes hope like the dawn of dawn.

Despite the hardships of life, they were full of dreams in their hearts, and they co-created four original songs, and Zhou Xiaoou even resolutely shaved his hair and sang on stage with a unique bald image, which also became his iconic image.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

After years of stage experience, in 1996, the highly anticipated band Zero released their first album. Despite their trepidation, they are convinced that their hard work and dedication will eventually reap the fruits.

To everyone's surprise, this album was enthusiastically sought after by a wide range of listeners as soon as it came out, and the title song "Don't Get Me Wrong" became one of the hit hits of the year, echoing in the streets and alleys, and was deeply loved by people.

Zhou Xiaoou's touching voice also made countless fans crazy.

With the huge success of their debut album, various record labels have reached out to this talented young band. The following year, they finally released their eye-catching second album "Eternal Beginning", which also sparked heated discussions, and many fans fell in love with Zhou Xiaoou's charismatic and textured voice.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

As a result, the band entered its own "golden age", releasing a number of critically acclaimed albums and commercial performances. However, behind this dazzling glitter, there are countless darkness and challenges.

In 2004, band members Da Mao and Lo Meng were exposed by the media on suspicion of soliciting prostitution, and in order to avoid bad influence on the band, the two resolutely chose to leave the band, and the band lineup was reduced from five to three.

This undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to the band, and their subsequent new album "Wind and Thunder" did not attract widespread attention. Internal strife and staff loss seem to indicate the band's decline.

After leaving the band, Zhou Xiaoou devoted more time and energy to his acting career. In just three years, he has successively participated in many high-profile film and television masterpieces such as "Pirated Cat", "36 Strategies for Love", "Tianxingjian", etc., and gradually emerged, and his acting skills have become increasingly exquisite.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

Despite this, his love for music has never changed, and he is often invited to attend various music festivals. However, it was precisely because he affectionately sang the classic song "Love Me or Not" by the Zero Point Band at an event that Zhou Xiaoou was jointly sued by his former teammates, with a claim amount of up to 5.3 million yuan.

This incident undoubtedly brought great trouble to Zhou Xiaoou. As the soul of the band, he originally thought that these works were the result of the team's joint efforts, and he was one of the copyright holders, but now he was ruthlessly "counterattacked" by his former comrades-in-arms, which made him feel sad and disappointed.

After this blow, Zhou Xiaoou decided to let go of his dedication to his singing career and devote himself to his acting career. At this time, in 2013, in order to realize his dream of directing, his childhood friend Wu Jing filmed the bloody action blockbuster "Wolf Warrior".

At this critical moment, he sincerely invited Zhou Xiaoou to join and play the role of the gangster boss's younger brother Bukit.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

When Wu Jing revealed to Zhou Xiaoou for the first time, the role he played in this upcoming blockbuster film has a crucial position, and the number of scenes has increased significantly, and it may take a month to complete.

Therefore, Zhou Xiaoou did not hesitate to refuse the grand invitation of other directors and reserved a valuable schedule for this highly anticipated film in advance.

However, when he stepped into the crew with confidence, he was surprised to find that he had fallen into a "trap" carefully designed by Wu Jing - it turned out that this role only needed three days to successfully complete the filming!

Although Zhou Xiaoou's role did not dominate in the film "Wolf Warrior", his wonderful performance won him a high degree of attention in the film and television industry, which brought him more job opportunities.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

As early as 2003, Zhou Xiaoou was fortunate to play a cameo role as an underworld boss in the TV series "Conquest" starring the well-known actor Sun Honglei. Although he was only an insignificant supporting role at that time, with few scenes, this has deeply touched his deep love and pursuit of performing arts.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, in 2020, Zhou Xiaoou once again showed his strength in the movie "Longling Grotto", and successfully created the popular character image of "Ma Daring". Each of his wrinkles exudes a strong dramatic tension that will be unforgettable for the audience.

Many fans have said that only Zhou Xiaoou can interpret this role so lifelike and breathtaking.

From the initial cameo in a small role to the later protagonist, Zhou Xiaoou gradually emerged in the film and television industry and opened up a new world of his own. This singer, who was once regarded as "singing is the real skill", has now transformed into an "excellent actor who is delayed by singing".

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

In an interview with the media, Zhou Xiaoou frankly admitted that between singing and acting career, he is more devoted to the latter. His superb acting skills have made his film appointments endless and attracting attention.

From an underestimated small role to later known as a "late-blooming actor", he has gradually established his position in the film and television industry with his unremitting efforts.

Although he devoted himself to the film and television industry, Zhou Xiaoou's deep friendship with music has never been severed. Over the years, he has often been invited to attend various music events, reinterpreting classic songs from his youth, and reminiscing about the glorious days of the past with his fans.

On an exciting night in 2011, the famous musician Zhou Xiaoou was honored to be the protagonist, standing on the stage and singing his classic "Love Me or Not". This song carries the precious memories of his time in the Zero Point Band, and the melody full of youthful vitality and infinite passion instantly infected the audience!

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

When Zhou Xiaoou was immersed in singing, he seemed to travel back to the good days of his youth, and awakened the deep resonance in the hearts of countless listeners with his emotional voice.

At that moment, both the audience at the scene and the audience in front of the TV were deeply moved by his singing, thunderous applause, cheers one after another, some people were even moved to tears, and some people danced wildly with the rhythm, as if they wanted to sway the blood of youth to the fullest, this song is like a time machine, leading us through time and space, back to that era full of passion and dreams.

However, to everyone's expectations, this wonderful performance, known as "rekindling youth", brought unexpected troubles to Zhou Xiaoou. Soon after, he received an indictment from his former teammates accusing him of infringing the band's intellectual property rights for him for singing "Love Me or Not" on stage, and demanded hefty damages of up to $5.3 million.

Faced with this sudden "mess", Zhou Xiaoou felt extremely sad. He originally thought that these works were the result of their joint efforts, and he was also one of the owners of intellectual property rights, but now he was "calculated" by his former brothers and framed.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

In May 2024, the popular variety show "Chasing the Light" invited Olympic champion Deng Yaping as a guest, and also invited Zhou Xiaoou and young singer Su Su to participate in the recording of the program.

During the recording process, Zhou Xiaoou and Su Su jointly performed a very infectious golden song "Push Open the Door of the World". Although Su Su is young, his voice is full of power, and his breath is deep and long; And Zhou Xiaoou has integrated his many years of life experience into it, his voice is low and vicissitudes, and the aftertaste is endless.

With the perfect cooperation of two powerful singers, this song depicting the courage of youth once again shines brightly.

The spirit of daring to face the challenges of life and never giving up conveyed in the song is precisely the excellent quality shown by Deng Yaping herself. She endured hardships in the Olympic arena and wanted to give up several times, but in the end, with perseverance and perseverance, she managed to win the gold medal.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

And the lyrics of the lyrics "Open the door of the world, let the light reappear" is like an exciting call, it makes Deng Yaping seem to have rediscovered the indomitable and courageous self of her youth.

Such a strong resonance deeply touched this resolute woman, and she couldn't help but burst into tears. When she was at the lowest point in her life, she was encouraged by her best friend in a firm tone: "Don't give up until the last moment!" This sentence was like a shot in the arm, which inspired her inner fighting spirit, so that she finally overcame herself and overcame the predicament.

Now, this passage is resounding in this song, leading her back to that challenging and grinding, but also the most precious time. This indelible memory made her have a deep respect for Zhou Xiaoou's life process.

The emotional expression in the song is so sincere and moving, as if it takes us all back to the good old days of youth and bravery. Faced with the dual resonance of music and life, Deng Yaping could no longer suppress the excitement in her heart, and tears burst out of her eyes.

Zhou Xiaoou: once "sang and cried" Deng Yaping, and was also "abducted" by Wu Jing to act in movies

This scene witnesses the powerful power contained in a magnificent life course.

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