
The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene


In the winter of 1969, a musical family in Beijing gave birth to a boy, whose father named Zhou Xiaoou. Zhou Xiaoou inherited his father's passion for music and showed extraordinary musical talent from an early age.

As he grew older, he became obsessed with rock music, which was not yet accepted by the mainstream of society at the time. In order to hone his character, his father sent him to the martial arts team for training. In the martial arts team, Zhou Xiaoou met Wu Jing, who was also passionate about music, and the two became playmates.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

After returning from martial arts practice, the father found that his son had accidentally contracted the "crooked spirit", so he arranged for him to go to the song hall as an accompanist to correct it. However, Zhou Xiaoou's interest in music has been settled, and he dreams of forming his own rock band and unleashing his youthful passion on the stage.

In 1994, 25-year-old Zhou Xiaoou finally got his wish and formed the rock band "Zero" with the musicians and embarked on a rock journey. Two years later, the band released their first album "Don't Get Me Wrong", and Zhou Xiaoou also made his debut in the TV series "Conquest", showing his edge.

In 1997, they launched their masterpiece "Love Me or Not", which quickly spread among young people, and Zhou Xiaoou became the new king of the Chinese music scene in one fell swoop.

In 2002, "Believe in Yourself" became the theme song of the Chinese men's basketball team, and the popularity of "Zero Point Band" reached its peak, and Zhou Xiaoou also became a well-known rock star.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

He has conquered the hearts of generations of music fans with his unique voice and is regarded as a leading figure in Chinese rock music.

Just when Zhou Xiaoou's career was in full swing, in 2008, an earth-shattering news came, Zhou Xiaoou announced his retirement from the "Zero Point Band"! All music fans were shocked and questioned his decision.

At first, Zhou Xiaoou was silent about the reason for leaving the team, only saying that there were disagreements within the team. Fans were furious and questioned in groups, the temptation of commercial interests made Zhou Xiaoou choose to betray? This turmoil was like a thunderbolt from the sky, and public opinion was in an uproar.

It wasn't until the agent finally revealed the truth that some of the team members were addicted to drugs, and the contradictions within the team became increasingly acute, and Zhou Xiaoou couldn't bear his behavior of ignoring the original intention of music and left.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

Only then did fans understand Zhou Xiaoou's distress and expressed their understanding and support. However, years of hard work and dreams came to naught, Zhou Xiaoou was grief-stricken and couldn't sleep at night, and his wife accompanied and supported him, so he was able to get through the most difficult stage of his life.

In order to continue to pursue his dream, Zhou Xiaoou decided to switch to the film and television industry and began to transform into an actor. At first, he could only play some nameless supporting roles, but the aura of the past faded, and Zhou Xiaoou was once again at the starting point of his acting career.

In the dead of night, he still can't help but recall the thunderous hearts on the stage back then, and it is difficult to hide the lingering dream of music. However, he did not give up, fought against the conflict in his heart, and finally chose to continue to move forward bravely.

After experiencing a trough, Zhou Xiaoou gradually emerged in the film and television industry with his persistence and strength. In 2013, he played the role of "He Qiusheng" in the TV series "Mendi", successfully overcoming the outside world's doubts about his acting skills and winning his first actor award.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

This opened a new door for Zhou Xiaoou, marking that he has officially won the recognition and affirmation of the audience and peers.

In the following years, Zhou Xiaoou worked hard to expand his acting career, frequently appeared in popular TV series, and attracted attention with his excellent acting skills. He can always accurately grasp the character of the character, and give the character vitality with delicate emotional expression, making people forget that he has transformed from the music industry.

Today's Zhou Xiaoou has become a first-line "golden supporting role" in the film and television industry, and his appeal has not diminished back then.

The success on the road of acting has brought Zhou Xiaoou's career to a peak again. Today, he is not only a great actor, but also a brilliant rock star in the hearts of many music fans.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

Zhou Xiaoou proved the power of strength and perseverance with two career peaks. He has never given up the pursuit of music, but he has also carved out a world of his own in the film and television industry.

The successful transformation from a singer to an actor has established Zhou Xiaoou as a model of film and television amphibious in the new era.

"Green Rattan Cannon King" Zhou Xiaoou has made countless music fans crazy. His unique voice and stage charm made Zhou Xiaoou a superstar in the Chinese music scene in the 90s.

Every time he soars on stage, the youthful passion contained in his singing can always touch the hearts of the audience. Classic songs such as "Love Me or Don't Love Me" and "Believe in Yourself" are still widely loved by music fans and carry the memories of a generation.

The "disappearance" of Zhou Xiaoou, the "King of Green Rattan Cannons", is the sorrow and loss of the entire rock music scene

In 2008, Zhou Xiaoou left the "Zero Point Band", which undoubtedly brought immeasurable losses to the entire rock music scene. Since then, he has not been seen on the stage, his singing voice is no more, and many music fans have lost their love. However, his music is not far away, and it is still alive in the memories of music fans.

Every time I think of Zhou Xiaoou, I recall our passionate youth. Today, Zhou Xiaoou has become a historical legend in the music world. The music fans who followed him back then may now also enter middle age. However, the memories are still clear, and Zhou Xiaoou's music is still lighting the way forward for people.

This light will shine forever, and Zhou Xiaoou will surely become the eternal totem of the Chinese music scene. He used the story of an ordinary person to complete an extraordinary musical dream, and continued to convey the power of inspiration.

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