
Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

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Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly


There has been controversy about whether Wang Manyu is eligible to compete in the Olympic singles.

Some people think she's not qualified enough.

But "Ping Pong Legend" Deng Yaping stood up for objective analysis and pointed out Wang Manyu's advantages and potential.

And Liu Guoliang also gave a fair and just evaluation from a professional point of view.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Wang Manyu and the Paris Olympics

Wang Manyu's failure to make the women's singles list for the Paris Olympics has attracted widespread attention.

In terms of performance comparison, Wang Manyu's performance throughout the Olympic cycle is really more prominent.

Her tenacity and strength on the field are evident to all.

Deng Yaping once commented that Wang Manyu is the successor of national table tennis, which is undoubtedly a great recognition of her;

Liu Guoliang also believes that Wang Manyu's strength is comparable to other top players, which shows her status in the table tennis world.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Zhang Yining praised Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha, which also reflects Wang Manyu's weight in the hearts of industry insiders.

Wang Manyu was deducted points for not achieving good results in Saudi Arabia, and finally missed the women's singles competition at the Paris Olympics, which is really regrettable.

Thankfully, she still has a chance to compete in the team event, and everyone is looking forward to her winning gold in the team event to make up for not being able to compete in the women's singles.

For Wang Manyu, perhaps missing out on the women's singles at the Paris Olympics means that she may not be able to compete in the Olympic singles again, which is undoubtedly a huge regret for her career.

After all, every athlete has a dream of performing at the highest level at the Olympics, and it is undoubtedly sad to miss such an opportunity.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Wang Manyu has experienced countless challenges and difficulties along the way, but she has always persevered with her love and dedication to table tennis.

Her hard work and dedication are obvious to all, and her fighting spirit has inspired countless people.

Although she was not selected for the women's singles list this time, her strength and potential should not be underestimated.

We believe that Wang Manyu will not be discouraged by this setback, and she will work harder to improve herself and continue to shine in future competitions.

At the same time, we also hope that she can perform well in the team competition and win glory for her country.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

In the world of sports, opportunities and challenges coexist.

Every athlete deserves our respect and admiration, and they have worked hard to achieve their dreams.

Wang Manyu is no exception, and her story shows us the power of perseverance and struggle.

Whatever the future holds, she has become a role model in the hearts of many.

Let's cheer for Wang Manyu together, and look forward to her continuing to write her own legend in the future!

Her upbringing wasn't all smooth sailing.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

In training, she often faced various difficulties and challenges, but she never gave up.

Constantly adjust your state and technology.

She knows that only by making continuous progress can she stand out in the fierce competition.

In the national table tennis team, Wang Manyu is also an indispensable member of the team.

She and her teammates support and encourage each other, and work together for the honor of the team.

Her team spirit and ability to work collaboratively have earned her the respect and affection of her teammates.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

For missing the women's singles competition at the Paris Olympics this time, Wang Manyu may feel disappointed.

But she also understands that this is just one stage in life.

She will learn from this experience and improve herself.

Moreover, she also has the opportunity to prove her worth in other competitions.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Wang Manyu: Forge ahead, the future can be expected

Although she was unable to set foot in the women's singles at the Paris Olympics, her fighting spirit and outstanding skills have long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of fans.

Looking back on the past, Wang Manyu's growth path is full of thorns.

From the youth when she was a fledgling to her maturity and stability now, she has experienced countless trials and tests.

In every training, she goes all out and strives to achieve the ultimate in every technical movement.

Her tenacity and perseverance are not only reflected in the field, but also in daily training.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

At the technical level, Wang Manyu has comprehensive and superb skills.

She is sharp in attack and solid defensively, especially in the stalemate phase, and often has the upper hand with her tenacious fighting spirit and excellent touch.

Her understanding and control of the ball is one of the best among her peers.

This deep understanding of table tennis comes from her daily study and practice.

The brutality of competitive sports lies in the uncertainty of the outcome.

Failing to be selected for the women's singles list at the Paris Olympics is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Wang Manyu.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

But the truly strong will not be easily knocked down by setbacks.

She quickly adjusted her mentality and put her energy into the subsequent training and competitions.

In the days to come, Wang Manyu will definitely face more challenges.

With the increasingly fierce competition in the international table tennis world, new and old opponents are constantly emerging.

She needs to keep improving her skills to cope with all kinds of changes.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

But we have reason to believe that with her talent and hard work, she will be able to continue to shine in the future events.

At the same time, Wang Manyu also shoulders the mission of inheritance and development.

As a member of the national table tennis team, she not only has to fight for her own honor, but also for the honor of the team.

She wants to pass on her experience and skills to the younger generation of team members to help them grow and improve.

In this process, she will become the mainstay of the national table tennis team and contribute to the sustainable development of China's table tennis industry.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

In addition, Wang Manyu can also expand the influence of table tennis by participating in public welfare activities.

She can go into schools and share her stories and experiences with teenagers, sparking their love and interest in table tennis.

In this way, it can not only promote the popularization and development of table tennis, but also enhance Wang Manyu's own social image and influence.

Returning to Wang Manyu, although she is temporarily out of the women's singles competition at the Paris Olympics, her future is still full of hope.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Her strong faith, technical excellence and tenacious fighting spirit are the driving forces that keep her going.

We believe that in the near future, she will be able to shine again in the world table tennis arena.


In the world of sports, there is no eternal king, only a strong man who keeps working hard.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly

Wang Manyu used her own actions to interpret the profound connotation of this sentence.

As long as you have a dream and work hard for it, you will be able to create your own brilliance.

Let's bless Wang Manyu together and wish her more excellent results in the coming days and achieve her life goals.

Wang Manyu is not worthy of Olympic singles? The big demon king Deng Yaping spoke up, and Liu Guoliang said fairly
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