
Why don't young people love to have children, and how much does it cost to raise a child?

The two-child and three-child policy has been opened, many families still choose to stay still, and even there are more families with only children than before, all of which are said to raise children to prevent the elderly, but first of all, they must be affordable. According to detailed data, in most cases, the cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood in most cases on the mainland is 485,000 yuan, can you accept this figure?

Why don't young people love to have children, and how much does it cost to raise a child?

485,000 yuan, please note that this is only from birth to 18 years old, and does not take into account the cost of college, graduate school and so on. The data also records a total of 627,000 yuan to support children after undergraduate, many parents with children said that they do not accept this data, of course, the data does not represent the situation of all families, but it can also be used as a basic reference. The cost of education also depends on regional differences, and the cost of rural areas and towns varies greatly, or even doubles. The cost of less than half a million in this data is a low standard, the child's growth stage from birth to adulthood, each stage can not be ambiguous, the milk powder and baby products needed for birth do not actually use a lot of costs, after the age of four, start kindergarten, and then primary school, middle school, high school and college. Of course, the cost of childcare for urban and rural households is quite different, and the average cost of childcare in higher-income households is much higher than that of low-income households. Developed cities will be higher in the investment of children, often up to one million, which is only calculated the normal life of a child, not counting cram schools, interest classes, etc., see these Do you understand the pressure of being a parent?

Why don't young people love to have children, and how much does it cost to raise a child?

The times are developing, prices are also soaring, many families can not afford the cost of children, some netizens have done statistics, and now the cost of raising children is more than forty times higher than when they were young. Raising children is difficult everywhere, the first is education, from an early age to cultivate children's interest, interest classes, special classes, parents will invest a lot of energy and effort before reading kindergarten, every parent hopes that their children are dragons and phoenixes, and do not want their children to lose on the starting line. The activities during the kindergarten period are very carefully divided, and for the ability of each module, other children are participating in the activities, and many parents also feel that their children cannot be left behind. After going to primary school, the annual summer camp and winter camp, only the most basic part also has a large amount of expenses, junior high school is very important related to the choice of high school, many children from junior high school began to apply for tutoring classes, learn the knowledge of the next year in advance, kindergarten affects primary school, primary school and affect junior high school, a link is linked to a link, every link is crucial. Going to high school is definitely the most important stage for parents, facing the college entrance examination, facing the future, starting a cram school from the first year of high school, which is not a small amount of pressure.

Why don't young people love to have children, and how much does it cost to raise a child?

When the children grow up to be economically independent, they can support themselves well, and if the economic level is not enough to support life, the parents will also help. Boys need a bride price when they grow up, girls need a dowry when they grow up, parents have been busy all their lives, and their energy is focused on their children, so what about their own lives? Now the fertility rate is still declining compared with the previous situation, many people say that they can not afford to have children, the price of soaring, now the economic level of young people can support their own lives, raising children is not just talking. Of course, children can not rely only on material, enlightenment education is crucial, but also unlimited care and energy, once the birth of children life will also change dramatically, women will face a variety of pressures, work and family can not be taken into account, often plan to catch up with the changes. Thinking that raising children is so cumbersome, many people choose to delay it again and again, and now the number of Dink people is also increasing. The approximate cost of raising a child has been released, how many children do you think you can accept?

Why don't young people love to have children, and how much does it cost to raise a child?

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