
Chery QQ resurrection! Beat Tesla by it?

Recently, Chery Holdings released the latest sales data, in January this year, Chery Group sold 20,635 new energy vehicle products, an increase of 1.7 times year-on-year. Among them, the new energy passenger car sector sold 19,431 units in the month, a substantial increase of 189.8% year-on-year.

According to the January retail sales ranking of new energy manufacturers released by the Association of Automobile Associations, Chery Automobile squeezed into the top three, second only to BYD and SAIC-GM-Wuling, and 105 more than Tesla China (excluding exports). For reference, Chery only ranked 8th in the retail sales ranking of new energy manufacturers in 2021, with a cumulative sales volume of less than 100,000 vehicles in the whole year.

Chery QQ resurrection! Beat Tesla by it?

It is reported that the official attributes the eye-catching performance of Chery New Energy passenger cars to the small ants, QQ ice cream and other models. Official data shows that Chery QQ Ice Cream, which was officially launched in December last year, achieved sales of 9,984 units in January this year, an increase of 19% month-on-month. In other words, the sales volume of the car accounted for 51.38% of Chery New Energy passenger cars in the same month.

A generation of god car "electrocution" to share the market cake

As one of the earliest traditional car companies to lay out the micro pure electric vehicle market, SAIC-GM-Wuling ate a wave of market dividends after completely bringing this market to fire. Last year, its Wuling Hongguang MINI EV won the annual sales of new energy single models with a sales performance of 426452 vehicles.

According to relevant statistics, the wholesale sales of A00-class electric vehicles reached 890,000 units last year, an increase of 189% over 2020, accounting for 26.88% of the total wholesale sales of new energy passenger cars in 2021 and 33% of the pure electric passenger car market share.

Chery QQ resurrection! Beat Tesla by it?

The popularity of the market has also spawned many entrants. On December 28 last year, Chery QQ Ice Cream was officially launched, which provides two endurance versions of NEDC comprehensive working conditions 120km and 170km, and launched pudding, cone and sundae models, with a price range of 29,900 yuan to 43,900 yuan.

In order to quickly win market attention, Chery even re-enabled the classic IP of "Chery QQ". As early as the eve of the qq ice cream listing, Chery iCar ecology official Weibo released a message warm-up: the first model of the iCar platform "QQ ice cream" debuted, and was accompanied by topic terms such as "Chery QQ return" and "Chery QQ".

Public information shows that as a former generation of divine cars, Chery QQ was listed in 2003, and in the following 10 years, Chery QQ sales exceeded 1 million vehicles, and were exported to five continents, nearly 100 countries and regions around the world, and even won the championship of mini cars for 7 consecutive years, with the reputation of "king of cars".

Driven by the hot micro-electric vehicle market and the effect of superimposing the "sentiment card" effect of the god car, the car does have the potential to explode. According to the data released by Chery, qq ice cream has exceeded 15,624 orders 24 hours after the release of pre-sale, and at the end of last year, Chery officially announced that the order volume of QQ ice cream has exceeded 70,000 units.

Under the hot order, the car is also facing certain production capacity pressure, and some areas cannot achieve the requirements for picking up the car

Qq ice cream to move Chery new energy?

It is worth noting that with the increase of entrants, the competition in the micro-electric vehicle market is becoming more intense, and how much market cake Chery QQ ice cream can eat is still unknown.

It is reported that at present, in addition to the Wuling Hongguang MINI EV, Changan, Dongfeng, Great Wall and other independent brands are also competing for this market. According to the data of the Association, in December last year, The Hongguang MINI EV sales were 55742 vehicles, ranking first; Changan Benben E-Star sales were 10404 vehicles, ranking second; followed by QQ Ice Cream and Euler Black Cat, with sales of 8390 and 8056 vehicles, respectively.

With the rapid development of the new energy vehicle market and the continuous upgrading of the domestic automobile consumption market, "new energy + high-end" has become a major trend in China's automotive industry. At present, Chery has a good performance in the micro-electric vehicle market, but due to chery's low positioning, it has limited the market competitiveness of Chery models to a certain extent. In addition, the richer the product matrix of the new energy brand, the wider the road of this brand. However, at present, Chery's product matrix is relatively single, and relying only on A00-level micro-electric vehicles is not conducive to Chery's long-term development in the new energy market. (Time Weekly)


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