
45 Frequently Asked Questions communication skills for kindergarten parents in the new semester (speech training)

First, kindergarten life


How many meals do children eat in a day in the kindergarten, and what do they eat?

A: The details of each kindergarten are different, but it is generally a meal of two points, in addition to lunch, plus a snack in the morning and afternoon, please pay attention to the weekly recipes posted in the garden.


Do kindergarten meals children like to eat and eat enough?

A: Kindergarten recipes are designed according to the age characteristics of young children to meet the growth needs of young children, including a reasonable combination of various nutrients.

The teacher will teach the child not to be picky eaters, eat well, and if there are children with a good amount of food, they will give an increase according to the individual situation.


If the child does not eat, will the teacher help him feed?

A: The teacher will feed the child at the beginning and teach the child how to use the tableware. After a few times, the teacher will not feed the meal, but encourage the child to eat on his own.

Compulsive feeding behavior will reduce children's food preferences and is not conducive to the cultivation of children's self-care ability.


Why is it that when I get home, my children always look for something to eat, is it not full in the kindergarten?

A: Because after the children enter the kindergarten, they all eat at the prescribed time, and there are no extra snacks to eat, and the children who have just come to the kindergarten may not be able to adapt to the diet of the kindergarten, so it is normal to find food as soon as they go home.

And the children who have just entered the kindergarten are somewhat on fire, may eat less in the park, slowly adapt to it, please parents don't worry, I pay more attention to it when eating.


Children love to be picky eaters at home, is this also the case in the kindergarten?

A: After the child enters the kindergarten, the meal time is prescribed, there is no snack, and under the influence of other children and teachers, it will not be picky eaters.


Children have just come to the kindergarten, do not eat much, parents can feed breakfast before leaving?

A: No, I'll help you feed it, rest assured! If you stay this will affect the other children's meals.


In case a child is sick, do you need parents to take medicine to help feed it?

A: Generally the teacher will help you feed, please be sure to explain the dosage and medication time, make a record of feeding and sign.


Why do children who are not sick at home get sick when they come to the kindergarten?

A: Since the adults at home are facing a baby in their own home, and the kindergarten teacher is facing a group of children, it may not be enough to take care of it, which also needs to be understood by parents.

However, it is normal for children to be sick, especially children who are not yet three years old, and their resistance is weak, especially pay special attention.


Is it safe for children to go to the toilet?

A: You don't have to worry, we go to the toilet together by the teacher, and the teacher will watch, so there will be no danger.


How to solve the problem of urination in children?

A: Generally speaking, in large group activities such as before class and before napping, the teacher will organize all children to urinate and urinate. Other after-school hours for young children according to their own needs.


Why do you go to the toilet at home, urinate in the garden, and don't tell the teacher?

A: It may be that the child has not yet adapted to the life of the kindergarten and does not tell the teacher, which may be the reason why he is a little afraid of the teacher.

If parents find this situation first, it is recommended to take the initiative to tell the teacher, the teacher will pay more attention, remind and take him to the toilet, and slowly it will be better.


Is there enough water to drink in kindergarten?

A: Sufficient. Now there are water dispensers in the general class. Kindergarten children will have a basic self-care life. Be able to consciously drink water according to your own needs. The kindergarten teacher usually helps them to fetch water to drink.


Why don't children take a nap?

A: The child who does not take a nap may not have developed the habit of going to bed on time, during the kindergarten I slowly persuaded her to take a nap, and on weekends, parents should also help the baby develop the habit of napping on time.

If you do not sleep at noon occasionally, ask the teacher to analyze the reason, and then gently tell the parents the truth, and apologize or suggest parents.


Do you take a nap on time?

A: A good nap quality is the basic guarantee for afternoon classes. The teacher will always supervise the quality of each child's nap and try to urge the child to develop a good habit of napping.

Of course, for children who really refuse to take a nap, some teachers will arrange for them to read picture books quietly.


During naps, does the teacher help the child cover the quilt?

A: The teacher will help the child cover the quilt, and the teacher is on duty during nap time, observing the movement of the child at all times.


The child is too young, in case you can sweat and don't know how to undress, will you catch a cold?

A: After the children's play activities, the teacher will generally remind the children to increase or decrease clothes according to their own heat and cold, and will also pay attention to helping children in need to increase or decrease clothes.

Second, kindergarten management


How long does it take for a child to cry when he goes to kindergarten for the first time?

A: Looking at the child personally, it is only a few who do not cry, generally cry for a week or so, and the longest is only a month. Parents must be patient and insist on sending them to the kindergarten, so that their children can enter the kindergarten life as soon as possible.


How do teachers deal with the issue of respecting children's individual differences?

A: Every toddler's foundation is different. The kindergarten will generally try to do a good job so that every child can grow up healthy and thriving.

For example, in life, teachers will make different measures according to the actual situation of children; in learning, they will try to take care of children who do not have a solid foundation, encourage them, and urge them to keep up with everyone's learning progress in time.


The child is very naughty, everything is messed with, will he touch some unsafe items when the teacher is not paying attention?

A: For unsafe items such as scissors and disinfectant, kindergartens generally keep them out of the reach of young children. However, parents still need to raise their children's safety awareness, because prevention is not enough.


Why do some kindergartens always change teachers?

Answer: There are two kinds of teachers: one is to change new teachers, and now the mobility of employed personnel is also large, and the original teachers resign due to their own reasons or other reasons, which is more common in private kindergartens.

The second is to change the teacher of another class, because the child rises from one grade to another, or from one semester to another semester, the original teacher cannot follow together, because the kindergarten considers the teacher's teaching level and selects a teacher who is more suitable for this class.


Why are children obedient in the garden, disobedient at home, very willful?

A: In fact, if you think about it from the other side, are parents themselves the same when they were in school? Children live in the kindergarten as a group, there are many children in the class, and the teacher cannot pay attention to him all the time.

At home, there is only one child, and everyone is around him, so under the influence of different environments, there are different results.


Do kindergartens punish children?

A: Kindergarten teachers are all pre-job training, corporal punishment and disguised corporal punishment of children are absolutely not allowed, but as a teacher, sometimes the discipline of children is a bit serious, the tone will be focused, and parents are also asked to understand each other.


Why don't my kids like to do?

A: It may be that children do not like to move, for this kind of child, the general teacher will take him out, slowly adapt, and under the influence of other children, it will improve over time.


Why can't my children take their turn to perform on stage every time they perform?

A: If you do activities in the park, the teacher will actively let each child go on stage, but when you go outside to perform, you naturally have to choose a better program, so you will choose the most suitable child, and sometimes, it is also the child's own reasons that are unwilling to go on stage.


The child is criticized by the teacher in the kindergarten, goes home to complain and is beaten by the teacher, how to face the child's lying?

A: Children generally have unintentional lying, sometimes to avoid being scolded by their parents, and sometimes parents ask questions about the law, causing lying. Therefore, parents should not blindly believe in children, and must understand the real reasons so as not to blame the teacher.

If the child often lies, be sure to educate him well and let him understand the consequences and harms of lying.

Third, kindergarten teaching


How do I know how my child is learning in kindergarten?

A: Let the child talk about the learning life in the kindergarten, if the child's answer is vague, you can ask the teacher of the class about the child's situation in the kindergarten when he comes to the kindergarten to pick up and drop off. If parents are busy with work, they can also find out by phone.


What aspects of kindergarten focus on developing children's abilities?

A: The content of kindergarten education mainly includes the five major areas of "health", "language", "science", "art" and "society", which are developed in the form of games, because this is the most suitable way for children to learn.

Support children's independent choice and active learning, stimulate children's interest in learning and desire to inquire, and promote children's all-round development.


What exactly is taught in kindergarten?

Answer: Teach children to learn good habits, self-care ability, hygiene, politeness, not picky eating, regular work and rest, love sports and learn to protect themselves. Develop children's learning habits, learning interests and learning abilities.

Develop your child's social skills, learn to make friends, learn to resolve disputes, learn to help others and be grateful.

Fourth, socializing with children


What does the teacher usually do when a child has an argument with other children?

A: Occasional small friction between companions is normal. First of all, teach them to be humble. Secondly, the teacher will usually pay attention to the children, in the life of the communication behavior, communication level, appropriate to do some communication skills, attitude and behavior of the guidance and help.

For example, let children learn to request, learn to negotiate, and learn to express their own opinions; let children know tolerance, know restraint, and know how to take care of the interests and requirements of young children. Finally, parents themselves should set a good example.


Will the child be bullied by other children?

A: First of all, we should first recognize that the pushing and shoving and fighting between children is the performance of the interaction between children and children. Although the teacher is not always able to take care of it, but trust your child, he can handle it himself.

All you have to do is control your mindset and give your child some help and reminders at the right time.


Children always play alone, is it that other children don't like her, or don't play with her?

A: It may be that the child has just integrated into the new group, has not yet adapted to the new partner, or the child's own personality, likes to play by himself, but it should improve over time.


Can children get along with other children?

Answer: Give children more opportunities to get along with children, and when there is a dispute in the process of getting along, they should be resolved in time to avoid psychological injury to the child.

When children occasionally behave lively, they should give praise in time, often show children some friendly cartoons, or tell some stories about friendship.


How do children learn to share toys with others?

A: Set an example, teachers and parents are important objects for children to imitate. Guide young children correctly in their daily lives, such as because you give them toys to your peers, so you have a lot of fun together.


If you are particularly timid at home, will you be left out in the cold in kindergarten?

A: No, the teacher will take the initiative to let him play games with the children, and he will like the children after a long time.


Why does my child always get hurt? Why do my kids always get beaten?

A: I will try to take good care of the baby in the future, no longer injured, you can rest assured! I will pay more attention to him in the future.

Children in the kindergarten is a collective life, play together, sometimes it is inevitable to fight and quarrel because of some small things, which is also how they need to exercise how to interact with others and get along after they enter a small group. In the future, I will teach more children.

Fifth, home communication


Through what channels can I understand the situation of my child in kindergarten?

A: You can contact the teacher by phone, talk to the teacher when picking up and dropping off the child, WeChat, qq and other forms to more easily understand the situation of the child in the kindergarten.


My child is timid at home, can I actively raise my hand in class to answer the teacher's questions?

A: Of course, because there are active children in the kindergarten who want to answer questions, and then the children have a comparison mentality, and he will also be driven.

For those children who do not raise their hands to answer the questions, the teacher encourages him to tell him that as long as you answer the questions positively, it does not matter if the answer is wrong, and then we will encourage and praise him.


Why do children sometimes not want to come to the park?

A: Generally, children don't want to come to the park after the holidays, because during the holidays, they are more free and fun, and they are more favored at home.

However, if you come to the garden for a few days to live, you will not be emotional, because the children have come to the park and have a companion.


During the time when the child came to the kindergarten, his temper became much worse, and he cried at every turn?

A: It may be that the child has not adapted to the life of the kindergarten and does not want to come to the kindergarten, so he wants to cry in front of the adults to achieve the purpose of not coming to the kindergarten, and hopes that parents will actively cooperate with the persistence of sending to the kindergarten and educating with the teacher.


When the kindergarten is out of school, the children will not be picked up by people, right?

A: Kindergartens have a strict acceptance system, parents to pick up children, must have a pick-up card or signature to take away; if there is a teacher who does not know the parents to pick up, you must call the child's parents to confirm.

Therefore, if the parents cannot personally pick up one day, they must explain to the teacher who will pick up and support the teacher's work.


My child comes home and always says he doesn't want to go to kindergarten, what's the reason?

A: This is a child's mood, after all, there is a difference between the environment at home and the garden, and generally children are favored at home, so they want to be at home. It is hoped that parents will actively cooperate to adapt their children to the collective life of the kindergarten.


How do parents cooperate with kindergartens?

A: The cultivation of habits and abilities should be a coherent process, so if parents can let their children at home adhere to the good habits they have developed in kindergartens, the education of children will have the effect of doing more with less.


Why do you want to do parent-child homework?

A: Not all problems can be solved in kindergartens, some experiential and expansive content needs to be strengthened outside the classroom; children should develop good living habits and learning habits in kindergartens, and task awareness is one of the important ones.

Teachers want not only the works brought by children, but also to cultivate children's sense of task.


What should I do if my child wets his pants in kindergarten?

A: The child's nervous system is still developing, the control ability is weak, and it is easy to pee the pants. In kindergarten, it is easy to "play greedily", reluctant to be separated from friends, forget to go to the toilet, and it is easier to pee pants.

Parents try to choose pants that are convenient to wear and take off when choosing clothes for their children, if parents wear very cumbersome clothes and pants for their children, the children themselves are not easy to wear and take off, then it is easy to pee pants when going to the toilet.

Parents remember to bring a spare pair of pants for their children in case they need them. Of course, the teacher will remind the children in need to go to the toilet in time and try to avoid this "small situation".


How to communicate with parents, both sides are more receptive?

A: Parents should communicate with teachers in a timely manner to form a synergy when they find problems, and they must not let the problems go unsolved. Communicate with the teacher, parents should not have concerns, communicate with the teacher, parents should take the initiative, do not say "everything listens to the teacher".

Don't just communicate your child's learning, learning is the subject of communication between many parents and teachers. In the communication, parents should consult their children about the changes during this time and before, whether the learning is more active, and whether the method is more reasonable. Don't overlook the opportunity for a parent-teacher conference.

To communicate with the teacher, we must pay attention to the parent-teacher meeting, through the parent-teacher meeting, you can communicate with the teacher face-to-face, you can understand a lot of information about the child outside the family environment.

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