
Preschool education thinking after the age of 1

The responsibility of couples to the child should not begin when the child grows up, but should begin before pregnancy.

A five-month-old fetus was given prenatal education, and as a result, the child spoke 4 months after birth.

Every parent should strive to learn the knowledge of early education and education. The growth of children is a one-time occurrence, and there is no room for the slightest mistake and waste. The younger the child, the greater the impact of the parent's actions on the child, and the growth curve of the child is steep and convex.

The parents' every move is deeply imprinted into the child's brain, and the family gives the child a rich sensory stimulation of science, so that the child's brain develops healthily. On the contrary, the child is handed over to the elderly who have no awareness of early education, and they do not go downstairs all day, and the child's brain is stunted and delayed for a lifetime.

Einstein's brain was only 10% developed, so the space for parents to display their talents in early childhood education is huge. It should be noted that: 1, to follow the scientific principles. 2, do not rush to achieve, many children's advantages are reflected in the "far back". 3, outstanding parents, none of them easily achieved the success of the godson. Either you can teach the Fa, or you can be prepared like a teacher preparing a lesson.

This article focuses on preschool education ideas after the age of 1.

The most important thing in preschool education is character education and dealing with people.

1-3 years old to develop: curiosity, interest, observation, contemplation, reverie, in-depth research, inquisitive, serious, careful, early rise, sports, diligence, housework, friendliness, liveliness, happiness, love to talk, brave, self-care, efficiency, listening to books, love group games, love to communicate and other habits. Simplified to: interest, sports, hard work, high efficiency, reading, communication six habits, the core is efficient life. It seems harsh, but in fact, the child himself is not painful. Parents figure it out, do it, and the children can follow the school. He was accustomed to such a life, everything was taken for granted, and he did not rely on self-motivation, a sense of honor, and did not need external supervision to maintain it for a lifetime.

Preschool education thinking after the age of 1

On the contrary, for example, from a young age, lazy, growing up writing homework grinding and rubbing. From childhood, he did not work, grew up and did not live in his eyes, only waiting for others to serve. From childhood, I did not communicate, and when I grew up, I did not like to take care of people.

The quality of education received by 0-3 years old makes a huge difference in life, and it is the only age group that can open the gap with other children without the need for children to work hard.

Our educational philosophy: role model-oriented, (parents) first tighten and then loosen, (for children) first strict and then wide, ignite interest, develop habits, train ability, and play middle school efficiently. Simplified to: role model, strictness, interest, habits, ability, efficiency six.

Preschool education thinking after the age of 1

Taking igniting interest as an example, there is a family, whose parents are farmers, cannot teach their children, but only guide their children to be interested in arithmetic, and as a result, both children fall in love with mathematics and become talents.

The imagination of Chinese children ranks last in the world, which is causal. Since ancient times, rote memorization, adults only want children to "obey", the school is highly unified. Today's children "fatigue tactics" and "sea training", students do not have time to "think freely". People pay too much attention to scores and rankings to make children cautious, and the pressure of cruel competition makes children have no leisure to reverie. Everyone pursues "short and fast", and there is no "interest to dive into exploration".

Preschool education thinking after the age of 1


1. Parents are like Chairman Mao when he fought the war, regardless of the gains and losses of one city and one place, and the growth of living forces is the basis for victory; the cultivation of children does not care about temporary achievements, only looks at learning, and concentrates on cultivating children's morality, character, perseverance, ambition, thinking, ability, habits, experience, insight, vision, pattern, cultivation, boldness, courage, mind, financial quotient... Cultivating children into "male talents" is fundamental, and there will be "general plans" in the future.

2. Pay attention to and encourage children's "questions", guide and cultivate children's in-depth inquiry, positive thinking, and divergent thinking from the beginning.

3. Parents and tutors should be role models of "curiosity, interest, and hobbies". Ignite your child's curiosity. Only children who are driven by interest have the "interest to dive into exploration".

4. Cultivate the six habits of interest, sports, diligence, efficiency, reading and social interaction as soon as possible. He is accustomed to efficient life, naturally erudite and intelligent; the child is early and wise, the learning pressure is naturally small, and he has the mood and free time to think and think.

5. Keen on reading, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign books, a rich brain is possible to carry out high-quality imagination.

6, the biggest difference between people and people is the difference between thinking and thinking. If people want to emancipate their minds and divergent thinking, they must receive excellent early education from an early age, enjoy a free growth environment, and carry out long-term divergent thinking training in order to have the ability to innovate thinking.

The simplification boils down to the six main points of talent, questioning, interest, efficiency (early wisdom), reading, and thinking.

Throughout life, school education focuses on "intelligence". Including "knowledge, skills, education". It determines a person's "employment, salary, study abroad."

However, whether a person can "smoothly, promote, and accomplish things" after entering society has almost nothing to do with "intelligence", but mainly depends on "quality, ability, and socialization". This is the focus of preschool education. Simply referred to as "competence".

Whether a person can "innovate, break through, and become a great cause" has almost nothing to do with these two, but depends on "imagination, thinking advantages, personality, vision", referred to as "thinking" and "character". For example: Ma Yun, Ren Zhengfei, their academic qualifications are not high, but they have high understanding and thinking advantages. Of course, more are all-rounders who are also good at learning, for example, the Qian family represented by Qian Xuesen has more than 20 generations of celebrities. "Thinking", "personality" and "vision" are also the focus of preschool education.

In short, 1-3 years old should develop six habits of "interest, sports, diligence, efficiency, reading, and communication".

The concept of preschool education is simplified to: role model, strictness, interest, habit, ability, and efficiency.

Cultivating imagination is simplified to six points: talent, questioning, interest, efficiency, reading, and thinking.

Throughout life: employment depends on intelligence, advancement depends on quality and ability, and breakthroughs rely on thinking, character and vision.

Key points of preschool education: prenatal education, early education, role models, strictness, habits, interests, sports, diligence, efficiency, listening to books, interaction, talent training, questioning, intelligence, quality, ability, thinking advantages, personality, vision. 19 items. If the child is more mature and sensible before school, the three goals of "determination, self-discipline and self-study" can be added.

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