
These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

Every Spring Festival, when family gatherings, relatives and friends gather for dinner, children will always inadvertently become the "focus", and adults always like to tease children and increase the joyful atmosphere of the festival.

However, some adults are very good at teasing babies, and some adults only care about the hilarity, no sense of proportion and boundaries, making children silent and even crying, and taking pleasure in this.

Parents may have become accustomed to this, but in fact, some behaviors seem to be "teasing", but they will cause real harm to their children, and if they are not careful, they may leave a lifetime of psychological shadows.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

As parents, when we encounter the following 4 kinds of "funny baby" behavior, we must stop it in time, do not be embarrassed to open our mouths, compared with the so-called "family friendship", the child's personal safety and mental health are a thousand times more important.

Feed your child to drink

New Year's Day, everyone is not easy to get together, the dinner table is inevitable to drink to help, but drink wine, individual relatives will also like to joke with the child, with chopsticks sticking some liquor on the child's lips, or trick the child's cup of wine is boiled water, just to choke the child to have fun.

In fact, the child's physical development is not perfect, alcohol is easy to cause damage to its nervous system, and the child's liver and kidney metabolism is poor, it is easy to alcohol poisoning if you are not careful, and over the years, because relatives have teased the child to drink, but "drunk into the hospital" Cases abound.

For example, in 2015, in Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, a 2-year-old boy was teased by three friends of his father to drink 2 or 2 pairs of liquor, and on the same day he was taken to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning, and the rescue was ineffective.

Another example is in 2017, Zhengzhou City, a boy was fed liquor by a neighbor, and after a while, his face was full of red and unconscious, and then his parents rushed the child to the hospital to wash his stomach, fortunately, the treatment was timely and did not cause a big problem.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

Therefore, when we encounter similar situations when we go to relatives, we must stop it immediately, otherwise a momentary negligence may bring regrets of a lifetime.

Scare your child with words

"When Mom and Dad have a little brother, they don't like you."

"Do you know where Mom went?" She doesn't want you anymore."

"Actually, you were adopted by your parents."

Many adults like to make some so-called "jokes" with children, like to use similar words to scare children, and when they see children believe it to be true, they will laugh and laugh, and they will not stop making children cry.

Some time ago, the news of Sun Haiyang's successful search for a son was boiling over, and at the same time, "Fu Jiantao", who provided key clues in it, also attracted everyone's attention.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

In an interview, when Fu Jiantao recalled the experience of being abducted, there was a scene that impressed me very deeply, he said that he had long discovered some clues of abduction, but because before he was abducted, his mother often joked with him that "he would sell him if he did not obey", which made him think that he was sold by his biological parents and did not dare to ask for help.

Children's minds are often very simple, just like Fu Jiantao's encounter, sometimes adults casually joke a joke, the psychological impact on children is no less than the world collapses, the worldview collapses.

So when we encounter relatives joking and using words to scare children, we must remember to "scare back", otherwise once we leave psychological harm to the children, the consequences will be more serious than imagined.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

Take your child to do dangerous games such as "lifting high"

With "strong bodies", some adult men will be keen to take their children high, pluck turnips, or drag their children's arms in circles to express their love for children.

Similar to feeding children to drink, such behavior also has great safety risks, in case of accidents, it will bring a lifetime of impact to the child.

For example, in 2021, a father in Shangqiu, Henan Province, when taking his child to "lift high", accidentally declined his child, and after the back of his head landed on the ground, causing a large area of ischemic changes in the cerebral hemispheres on both sides, he was admitted to the ICU.

There is a 10-year-old boy in Zhengzhou, who is also paralyzed because his uncle plays "plucking radish" with him.

No matter when, the safety of the child is the first, no matter how good the relationship between relatives, can not let the child's personal safety take such a big risk, in the face of some relatives who do not know the measure, encounter similar behavior, we must stop it in time.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

Force your child to perform a show

Whenever the party is halfway through, there will always be relatives and friends who propose to let the child perform a show, regardless of whether the child is willing or not, how well the performance is, as long as the "atmosphere" arrives, even if it is forced, it does not matter.

However, many children resist this situation from the heart, and because of their introverted personality, they are embarrassed to refuse, and in the end they are often either scared to cry or forced to perform "performances", leaving a psychological shadow.

In the face of this situation, we parents should consciously support the child, if the child is not willing, do not force, everything to respect the child's wishes, after all, let some relatives for a moment "disappointed", it is better than letting the child grievances and sadness.

These kinds of "funny babies" are "wounded babies", do not respect children, which one do you hate the most?

Old Miao Conclusion:

I remember seeing such a sentence on the Internet before:

"Growing up" and "growing up" are two different things. Relying on the old and selling the old is only a vain age; distinguishing between right and wrong, knowing humility and understanding, is the real "adult".

Indeed, children are also independent individuals with thoughts and consciousness, if some relatives take pleasure in making fun of children and teasing children, they are not so-called "adults" at all, we as parents must firmly stand by the children's side and provide protection for them, and some behaviors are not "teasing babies", but "hurting babies".

Today's topic: This year's festival, do you have relatives to tease your children?

I am Lao Miao, a super grandfather after the 80s, and the most eye-catching male head nurse in the hospital, welcome to discuss the issue of pregnancy together, and please pay attention to Lao Miao.

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