
Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

For most people, the car is more than just a means of transportation, but more like a symbol of the human face. For example, taking a famous car to a party, chatting with friends, and a slightly more expensive car always looks shining in people's faces. Therefore, in the case of many people's economic conditions permitting, the first to buy a car is the first choice for brand cars, which can not only meet their own needs for faces, but also meet the comfort required when driving. Is the sales of car models that are also well known in China extremely hot?

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

A certain toyota model was once sold on a local website in Japan for 193,000-405,000. Although there are differences in the level of configuration, after flowing into the Chinese consumer market, the price of the top version of the model can reach about 884,000. Just through the border, the price of this Toyota Alpha has risen from 190,000 to more than 1 million? Is it really stupid people to have a lot of money? And many consumers must raise the price to pick up the car when buying this model. If calculated in this way, Toyota Alpha's model will cost 1.4 million yuan to land. This price is equivalent to first-class luxury cars such as Mercedes-Benz S400 Maybach. Why is such an ordinary MPV car so expensive in the Chinese market and some people buy it? Are they willing to pay more than 400,000 yuan?

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

In fact, this model has made a little change to the original elf, and a little change to the overall appearance. Most notably, the 6-amp transmission was upgraded to 8 amps, adding a new in-cylinder direct injection to the 3.5-liter V6 engine. But are these two changes worth raising prices for merchants? In fact, the most important reason is that this model is a full import type, with import and export taxes and costs in transportation, so it is also necessary to pay so many fees. Moreover, the monthly supply of this model is limited, the domestic automobile consumption market is huge, if such a hunger marketing strategy is adopted, of course, the price of this model will rise.

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

Rare value is high, no matter what industry the commodity, as long as the market supply increases, the popularity of consumers will decline, of course, will affect the sales volume of this product. Therefore, Alpha adopted this sales strategy in order to raise expectations and sales volume for him, but from another point of view, the car will sell for less than 200,000 yuan in Japan and will increase by 700,000 or 800,000 in China. This phenomenon must be deeply thought about. So, what is the main reason for the large gap between domestic and foreign automobile prices?

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

The natural price of imported domestic cars after importing for China is very different from that of foreign countries, but the prices of different models of cars are also different. The average consumer is certainly more popular with cars with small differences. The main reason for this difference is the high tax rate. If you want to import cars into the Chinese market, you have to spend a lot of taxes, but these taxes will undoubtedly be spread to consumers, and the price of cars will of course be very high. The second is the high cost. To be shipped domestically, foreign-made cars require a lot of labor and huge amounts of money. Where do these fees come from? Of course, consumers share it equally. In addition, the European and American consumer markets are more mature, China's industrial development speed is relatively slow, and the car manufacturing technology is not as mature as that of European and American countries, so many people are more interested in the manufacturing technology of imported cars.

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

Many members of the public are interested in foreign cars, and of course they can accept that the price of these car models is high, which is also the main reason why many foreign car brands choose to enter the country. After they entered the domestic market, they set the price of the car extremely high. This phenomenon will be seen by many consumers. If you don't want to buy the next car at a cheap foreign price and a high price in China, it is recommended that you do a good job of investigation before buying a car, and do not listen to the words of the car salesman. Now, some car salespeople blow up the cars in their stores in order to improve their performance. Consumers will accidentally fall into their "traps". Consumers should see clearly in time when consuming, be a little more careful, and look at things in the long run.

Shipped from Japan to China, 200,000 Toyota vans sold for 1.4 million, is it really worth the price?

In Japan, cars whose prices and sales look ordinary have become high-end consumer cars in Japan. Many netizens complained bitterly, with this money can choose real luxury cars in China, such as BMW, Mercedes-Benz, why do you have to be so obsessed with buying ordinary cars? For the difference in the price of the same model at home and abroad, most consumers show a very bad mood. Owners obsessed with Elfa should take a closer look at their car purchase needs. On the spur of the moment, I want to buy a completely impractical car so as not to regret it in the end.

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