
How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

As children grow older, especially after puberty, boys not only have physical changes, but also begin to have subtle changes in their psychology. Consciousness arises, and storms of competition and sensitivity often come irregularly. Therefore, in this uncertain period, parents should subtly give their children an optimistic and cheerful sunshine education.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

First, adventure education coexists with sunshine education. When a child is in adolescence, there are restless hormones, endless energy and countless tricks in the body. A good adventure education lets children know what perseverance is and what courage is. On how to do adventure education, you can go hiking camping with your son on weekends. This process is when father and son are alone. Children can talk to their fathers about men's worlds, men's things. This friendship is in keeping with the spirit of adventure. Having warmth and support is a good choice.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Second, sunshine education dominates education. Adolescent boys are impulsive. We should guide our children to learn the importance of rules. Conflicts with others are due to disagreements or violations of interests, in fact, you must understand that conflicts arise at the special age stage of children's fourteen or fifteen years old, and there is no need to be too anxious. Because, in this society of the rule of law, there are laws and regulations to constrain. If laws and regulations are violated, they will have to pay a corresponding price. When taking risk education, parents should not forget, but also add some rules to educate children, and use rules to balance the risky position. We need to properly guide our children to know that no matter what we do, we must think of the worst outcome. If the worst is acceptable, we can try. If you can't stand it, don't do it.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Third, sunshine education and frustration education, in a person's life to crush us is definitely not the setback itself, but our own self-avoidance and negative psychological attitude in the face of setback challenges. In recent years, juvenile suicide has been particularly severe. According to the survey and analysis, many children fall into a passive helpless situation just because they encounter setbacks, and finally choose to end their lives to say goodbye to setbacks. Every child's mind is sensitive and rich.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

If you can provide a more relaxed and accepting environment for children in the process of growing up. With our acceptance, children will subtly internalize our behavior and attitude, accept themselves more, accept their imperfections, tolerate and understand their own shortcomings, and make their hearts stronger and stronger. In addition, in every moment of setback, do not panic, be sure to find ways to give your child appropriate help and support. For example, when a child encounters a problem, we can stand in the perspective of the bystander and provide rational and uncritical analysis. At the same time, tell the child that sometimes the direction is wrong, and giving up is also a kind of progress. I want all of our children to have a wonderful youth.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Parents themselves are sensitive to death and always remain silent, which brings greater fear to the child. Even children are not afraid of death per se, but that their parents do not give their children a reassuring response in time. Piaget, a psychologist who studies children's perceptions of death, believes that when children are 2 to 7 years old, anxiety about death can recur, although this is not a long-term thing. But because of fear, children will bring harm in their hearts, in fact, children do not understand the meaning and fear of death itself, that is, their understanding of death is still very strange and difficult to imagine. They are afraid of separation, of abandonment.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

First of all, to give the child a sense of security, a calm attitude is the first step to face this problem. Many children ask their parents questions when their family members die. Where did the dead go? Don't shy away from this opportunity to teach your child the meaning of death. They are more worried that their parents will leave forever when they are old. They would mentally equate Grandma with death. At this time, parents should give their children a sense of security, and warmly guide their children to understand that parents will love him for a long time and will accompany him for a long time.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Second, help your child accept grief. Birth, old age, illness and death are the natural norm, and everyone is inevitable. When a child is confronted with a dead plant or an animal companion who has died of illness, there is a great deal of grief. Parents should accept their children's emotions and allow their children to lose their grief, just as it is for children to learn to respect the laws of life. Grief is a complex process, and it can take a while for a child to return to a normal state of behavior and emotion. Don't urge your child to spend it quickly, let your child know that their parents are helping them.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Finally, home is a safe haven. Finally, create a sense of ritual, encourage children to express their sadness, and promote emotional communication by drawing, writing a diary, playing games, etc. Take advantage of opportunities such as the Qingming Festival to create a sense of ceremony and go to the tomb together. In the process, explain to the child that even if this person is not with us, we can remember him and he will always be our family.

How should parents bring corresponding sunshine education to their children?

Message: Life is like a star. Hopefully, the children will shine in a limited amount of time. Talking about death and grief can make children cherish life more, live in the moment, and help children face future setbacks. This is an important moment in the process of growing up.

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