
The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

As a famous work of Chinese classics, the I Ching has had an important impact on Chinese philosophy, literature, politics, law, astronomy, calendar, etc., and it is worth our serious study and appreciation. Ten famous quotes are excerpted here to relive the rich, profound, and philosophically rational thoughts of the sages.

First, the dragon, there is remorse

The words of the Nine Yao on the Qiangua are "Kang Long, There is remorse." Kang, is the meaning of high, kang dragon is a dragon that flies too high. Having remorse means having remorse, indicating that the previous actions will bring bad things to oneself.

Literally, a dragon that rises on the clouds rises to the highest, most extreme place, looking around dazedly, with no position to go up, and cannot descend, so it is melancholy and regretful.

People do things without careful consideration, to consider the final outcome and consequences, as well as the possibilities and changes, resulting in failures and tragedies or tragedies.

"Dragon, regret" enlightens us that in everything we do, we must know what to advance and retreat, not only to move forward, but also to find a good way back for ourselves, otherwise there will be danger.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Liu Bang once asked Han Xin, "How many soldiers and horses do you think I can command?" ”

Han Xin said, "Your Majesty can only command 100,000." ”

Liu Bang said, "How are you?" Han Xin replied, "The more the merrier."

The fundamental reason for Han Xin's final tragic death was that he had done a high job and did not know how to advance or retreat.

Therefore, we must not do anything too much, and the proud are bound to cause trouble.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Second, straight, square, large, not accustomed to no disadvantage

This is the second word of Kun Gua. First of all, we must have the three virtues of straight, square, and large.

straight. In the Analects of Yongye, it is said, "The birth of man is also straight. "Human nature is out of nature, it is all similar and simple, and it is only deviated from it after being polluted by various habits of the day after tomorrow. Man's innate nature is true and natural, and there is no carving.

square. The I Ching Kun Gua Wen says that it is straight and righteous, and Fang Qiyi is also righteous. A gentleman respects the straight inside, and righteousness is outside. The straight is in terms of the inside, and the party is in terms of the outside.

big. Mencius says that what is full is beauty, and what is full and glorious is great.

To do what is good, and to be full and solid, is to be beautiful in it and not to be outside.

Full and glorious is said to be great, and in the accumulation of harmony, and the Anglo-Chinese hair is outside; beauty is in it, and the limbs are free, and the cause is in the cause, then the virtue is flourishing and cannot be added.

If a person can be upright and benevolent, principled in the world, and generous and tolerant, according to this world, a gentleman will go along with his natural nature and will not be disadvantaged.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Third, since God blessed it, there is no disadvantage

The Shangjiu Yao of the Great Gua Gua said: "Since God blesses it, there is no disadvantage to ji." Many books say that "from Heaven's blessing" comes from Heaven's blessing, but this is actually not true. Heaven will not bless anyone.

Confucius, in his reading of the I Ching, said, "Bless, help." Heaven helps, obey, and man helps, believe. Faithful and obedient, and shangxian also.

Confucius said that you mean helping.

Heaven "is willing to help those who obey the word of Heaven;

People are willing to help those who are honest and faithful.

If we can treat people (things) sincerely, pay attention to credit, and always remind ourselves to follow objective laws in our words and deeds, neither act blindly, nor take chances and opportunistically.

Usually, learn from people with high moral conduct, good conduct, and strong behavioral ability, and if you take the initiative to look up to them, everything will be fulfilled, and there will be no blame.

This is called "Since God bless, there is no disadvantage!" ”

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Fourth, the house of good will have a remnant, and the house of the unkind will have a remnant

The meaning of the whole sentence is very clear: the family that accumulates good deeds and virtues will not be cut off, and the descendants of the family will also receive the blessings.

A family that often does bad things, this family will often have disasters, even to the end of the generations.

XunZi said, "Accumulate goodness and virtue, and the gods are self-satisfied, and the sacred heart is prepared." ”

Ancient virtue taught people to change their hearts, and now people call it to adjust their mentality, start their hearts and minds, make up words, think with kindness, when they save themselves every night, they must not have the heart of harming people and hurting people, and the heart of helping people and understanding people must still be thought about.

"The house of good deeds will have a remnant of celebration, and the house of the unkind will have a remnant of disasters", which is also the inevitable result of the transmission of family style.

A good family training family style inheritance will become a navigation mark for everyone in the family for a lifetime.

If a person is influenced by a good family style from a young age, he will have a "law" to rely on in life and in the world, and insist on not being affected by external objects in his heart, the road of life will go better and farther, and the family will become more and more prosperous.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Fifth, there is no peace, no return, no hardship, no blame

The Jiusan Yao in the Tai Gua says: "There is no peace, no peace, no return." There is no blame for the hardship. ”

Pi means slope. This sentence means that there is no flat land that does not become a hillside, there is no one who goes and does not come back, and in the midst of hardships and hardships, we should adhere to purity, and there will inevitably be good results.

Hardship and chastity are two words, hardship means the hardship and poverty of the external environment, and chastity is the gentleman's inner adherence to chastity.

In a difficult and impoverished environment, a gentleman is not at fault in maintaining the integrity of his heart and character.

Confucius said, "Gentlemen are poor, and villains are poor and indiscriminate." ”

This is the biggest difference between a gentleman and a villain.

Although the hardships and hardships of life cannot be avoided, as long as we maintain a stoic and chaste heart, we can transform it into a smooth road.

6. The bend of the inchworm, in order to seek faith. The sting of the dragon and the snake to survive also

The inchworm is a moth's larvae that looks a bit like a silkworm, bending its body into a bow and straightening it, and so on, so that it can move forward.

For such a thing as a dragon and snake, the body is to lie dormant, so that it can continue to survive.

If people want to make a career in the world, they need this spirit of "bending and stretching".

Qu is not a decadent inferiority and cowardice after failure;

Stretching is not arrogant and conceited after success, and there is no one in sight.

This is the humble wisdom of avoiding the sharp edge and waiting for the opportunity, and it is the mentality of fearlessness, optimism and self-confidence.

This is true of human beings, and so should all things be done.

But in reality, there are many people who can stretch, and there are not many who can lie down and not complain when they are humiliated and frustrated.

In the Tao Te Ching, it is said that "the song is complete, the wrong is straight; the depression is profitable, the disadvantage is new; less is gained, more is confused", sometimes bowing down and bending down to better raise your head.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Seventh, heaven and earth do not give up, no. Heaven and earth intersect, and all things are connected

No and Tai are both gua xiang in the I Ching. No's guaxiang is the intersection of heaven and earth, and Tai's guaxiang is the intersection of heaven and earth.

In the I Ching, "intercourse" is a very important concept.

"Intercourse" has the meaning of "ventilation" and "combination".

The qi of heaven and earth does not communicate with each other, and all things do not give birth, which is the great evil of the trifecta.

Only when the qi of heaven and earth intersect, can all things grow and the world prosper.

That's the big luck.

This enlightens us that we must learn to communicate when doing things.

When communicating, pay attention to the object and situation of communication, and the content of communication should be equivalent to the knowledge level of the other party.

Confucius said: "Above the middle man, you can also speak, and below the middle man, you can not speak with the language", "You can talk with words without talking to people, you can't talk with words, you can't talk with words, you can't talk with words, you can't lose words; a gentleman does not lose people, you can't lose words."

In layman's terms, it is to face different people, what should be said, what should not be said, "advice and good way, can not be stopped, do not humiliate yourself."

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

Eighth, the heavenly way of heaven is profitable and humble, the authentic road becomes prosperous and humble, the ghosts and gods harm the blessings and the humble, and the humane evil is good and humble

The Way of Heaven, the Way of the Dao, the Way of the Ghosts and Gods, and the Way of Man can be said to be all in a "humble" word. Qian Gua is the only Gua Xiang in the I Ching.

On the top of the humble is the kun, and on the bottom is the gen. Gen is a mountain, Kun is the ground, the mountain is tall, but underground. Among the inferior, it contains its sublime, bending down to the next thing, putting others before oneself, so humility symbolizes modesty and humility.

Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching says, "The good is like water, and the water is good for all things without dispute, and it is evil to all, so it is more than the Tao." ”

In Taoist doctrine, water is the best and softest; the water is dense, the micro is silent, the giant is turbulent; it has no quarrel with people but it contains all things.

Water has the virtue of nourishing all things, it enables all things to obtain its benefits, without contradictions or conflicts with all things.

Maintaining a humble attitude is of great benefit to us in dealing with people, and we can save ourselves and influence others. If you cultivate modestly, you will not be bored or impatient, and you will be happy and comfortable all your life.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

IX. Stomp, a gentleman cultivates virtue with reflexiveness

It is the thirty-ninth gua of the I Ching, which originally means lameness, and by extension, difficulty, danger, and inability to move. Nine times out of ten, everyone will experience "bad luck and bad luck".

In the face of the prey, the I Ching tells us to learn to "reflexively cultivate morality."

Mencius said: "Whoever does not do anything, he seeks himself instead, and his body is right and the world returns to him." ”

This means that when a gentleman encounters difficulties, he must first examine himself to see if the difficulties are caused by himself, or think about how to solve the problems, which is the reflexive cultivation of virtue mentioned by The Gua Gua.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

10. A gentleman condenses his life in his right position

To be in the right position is to put yourself in the right position, sit steadily, and sit straight. Condensation, "condensation" is to unite the spirit and explore wisdom.

"Fate" is the fate of man.

Therefore, the right position of condensation means that a gentleman should put himself in the right position, be upright and steady, gather his spirit, and explore wisdom, so as to complete his life mission and realize the highest value of life.

How do you take charge of your own destiny?

The core is the need for "positive". "Positive" is the intrinsic connotation of morality, and it is precisely for partiality and evil that if the character of the person deviates, then the position must be unstable. That's why we need a decent, decent person to get in the right place.

But what is the positive criterion? In fact, for thousands of years in Chinese society, it has been condensed into a universal standard - that is, benevolence, righteousness, wisdom and faith.

Therefore, the right position of concentration must begin with self-cultivation.

"University" Yun: "From the Son of Heaven to the common man, one is based on self-cultivation." ”

If you know self-cultivation, you know that you are in the right position.

The "I Ching" selects philosophical famous sentences to appreciate: A gentleman condenses his life in the right position

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