
What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the calculation methods for the expected date of delivery?

After a woman becomes pregnant, the fetus grows and develops in the uterus, which can cause many changes in the subjective perception and objective examination of pregnant women, and these changes can often be used as the basis for diagnosing pregnancy, so these changes are called pregnancy symptoms. Signs of pregnancy include two major aspects: signs and symptoms:

Self-consciousness symptoms:

Menstruation stops. After conception, because the internal organs and blood are gathered to raise the fetus, menstruation stops, and the cessation is often stopped by normal menstruation.

What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the calculation methods for the expected date of delivery?

Nausea and vomiting. About half of the women, in the first trimester of pregnancy (6 to 12 weeks), because the blood is concentrated in the lower, the pulse qi is more abundant, if the plain stomach qi is weaker, the pulse qi is the liver and stomach qi upwards, so there is nausea, loss of appetite and different degrees of vomiting, especially in the early morning, when the stomach is empty, it is more uncomfortable. The appetite for food has also changed, generally preferring sour and light foods, and anorexia with greasy and thick taste. At the same time, the sense of smell is particularly sensitive, and it is easy to cause vomiting for foods with special odors.

The frequency of urination increases. In the first trimester of pregnancy, the uterus enlarges, pushing and squeezing affects the bladder, so that the number of urinations in pregnant women increases, but there is no pain in the drenching pain.

Pain in the lumbosacral region. The most obvious is 5-10 weeks of pregnancy, the lumbosacral part of the spine from the bottom to the shoulder back will suddenly appear channeling pain or full of pain from time to time, which is not a strained waist disease, but a temporary phenomenon caused by the blocking of the cell network of the pulse qi and blood.

Drowsiness and emotional instability. After pregnancy, due to the accumulation of qi and blood, most women often feel tired and drowsy. And because of the yin blood to raise the fetus and the gas is too strong, so pregnant women are prone to emotional instability.

What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the calculation methods for the expected date of delivery?


After conception, the cell (son) uterus gradually becomes rounded, soft and grows.

The cervix and vagina are distinctly bluish-purple after pregnancy, very soft, and vaginal discharge increases.

The breasts gradually enlarge after pregnancy, the nipples and areola become black, the nipples become hard, there are small round knots around the protrusions, and if the breasts are squeezed in the third trimester, a small amount of yellow liquid can be obtained.

Skin pigmentation. Generally, after two or three months of pregnancy, there is tan pigment on the forehead, cheeks and midline of the abdomen, and only a few are not obvious.

Abdominal distension. After three months of gestation, as the fetus grows, the enlarged uterus rises toward the abdomen, swelling the abdomen and touching the bottom of the uterus in the abdomen.

Pulses are more common at the beginning of conception, but only slightly weaker than two feet. After two or three months, the pulse will change significantly, generally two feet slippery, heavy pressing, and gradually develop into six veins slippery. There are also women who have a slippery number of pulses at the beginning of conception, which is different from the ulnar pulse. Pregnancy can be diagnosed if a woman with fertility conditions sees the above signs and symptoms.

What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the calculation methods for the expected date of delivery?

Estimated due date:

Women's menstrual cycle is generally 28 days, that is, about 4 weeks, after pregnancy is often called a menstrual cycle is called a pregnancy month, after ten gestation months after pregnancy, that is, commonly referred to as "October pregnancy" after the birth. This period is 40 weeks, or about 280 days. In order to prepare for antenatal, every pregnant woman should be clear about her due date, and understand whether the due date should be calculated day by day. No, the following two methods can generally be used:

1. Calculate the last menstrual period. Estimating the expected date of delivery based on the time of the last menstrual period is currently the most commonly used method in clinical practice.

Generally, from the first day of the last menstrual period, the month is subtracted by 3, and the number of days plus 7 is the expected date of delivery. For example, if the last menstrual period is April 3, 2021, the month minus 3 is 1, and the number of days plus 7 is 10, then the pregnant woman's expected date of delivery is around January 10, 2022. If the pregnancy is from January to March, for the convenience of calculation, you can add 9 months and 7 days to the result, and the result is the expected date of delivery. For example, if the last menstrual period is February 5, 2022, the month plus 9 is 11, and the number of days plus 7 is 12, then the expected date of delivery of the pregnant woman is around November 12. If a pregnant woman's usual menstrual cycle exceeds 30 days, the expected date of delivery should be postponed accordingly for those days of more than one month.

What are the signs of pregnancy? What are the calculation methods for the expected date of delivery?

2. Calculated by symptoms or signs. If a pregnant woman cannot remember the date of her last menstrual period, or is inaccurate during menstruation, or is pregnant while breastfeeding, the above calculation method cannot be used and can be calculated based on symptoms or signs.

According to the start date of pregnancy vomiting: many women have nausea and vomiting in the first trimester of pregnancy, loss of appetite and other early pregnancy reactions, this reaction is generally in the last menstrual period 42 days (that is, the 6th weekend of pregnancy) to disappear, to about 80 days (that is, 12 weeks) disappear, so the expected date of delivery can be calculated from 42 days of early pregnancy reaction to 280 days, that is, the expected period of delivery. However, some pregnant women have an early pregnancy reaction much earlier than 42 days, and some pregnant women have never had an early pregnancy reaction from pregnancy to delivery, so the use of this method to calculate the expected date of delivery has great limitations.

According to the fetal movement start date: the activity of the fetal limbs in the uterus is called fetal movement, and the pregnant woman's subjective feeling of fetal movement is mostly around 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy (that is, 5 months of pregnancy), from the first fetal movement, and then calculated backwards about 20 weeks is the expected date of delivery.

Estimated by height of the uterine floor: if the pregnant woman cannot remember the exact date of the last menstrual period, and if the early pregnancy response is not obvious or there is no fetal movement. The height of the uterine floor can be used to estimate the expected date of delivery. Because after pregnancy, the uterus gradually enlarges with the growth of the fetus, and rises from the pelvic cavity to the abdominal cavity, generally speaking, at the end of March the uterus is as large as the head of the newborn, the uterine floor reaches the pubic bone joint 2 to 3 transverse fingers; at the end of April, the uterine floor is about between the upper border of the pubic joint and the umbilicus; at the end of May, the uterine floor is about 2 horizontal fingers under the umbilicus; at the end of June, the uterine floor is about 3 horizontal fingers on the umbilicus; at the end of August, the uterine floor is about between the umbilicus and the sword process; the uterine floor is the highest at the end of September, and the middle is about 2 horizontal fingers under the sword process, and the sides are under the flank At the end of October, the bottom of the womb returns to the height of the end of August, but it is wider than at the end of August. This allows the length of pregnancy to be preliminarily estimated based on the height of the base of the uterus, as well as the expected date of delivery.

The above two methods are more accurate in calculating the time of the last menstrual period, and the error in the calculation method of symptoms and signs is larger. If symptom and sign calculation method is applied, the uterine floor height calculation method can be combined with the fetal movement calculation method, so that the judgment is more accurate.

[Medical science, for reference only, the material pictures in the text come from the Internet, if there is infringement, please contact to delete]

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